Error executing template "Designs/Rapido/_parsed/BlogArticle.parsed.cshtml"
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
   at CompiledRazorTemplates.Dynamic.RazorEngine_bd313dc2fda5401dab54dbfccb31e03a.b__158_0(TextWriter __razor_helper_writer) in D:\\Solutions\Dynamicweb\\Files\Templates\Designs\Rapido\_parsed\BlogArticle.parsed.cshtml:line 6580
   at RazorEngine.Templating.TemplateWriter.ToString()
   at System.Lazy`1.CreateValue()
   at System.Lazy`1.LazyInitValue()
   at CompiledRazorTemplates.Dynamic.RazorEngine_bd313dc2fda5401dab54dbfccb31e03a.<>c__DisplayClass3_0.b__0(TextWriter __razor_helper_writer) in D:\\Solutions\Dynamicweb\\Files\Templates\Designs\Rapido\_parsed\BlogArticle.parsed.cshtml:line 223
   at CompiledRazorTemplates.Dynamic.RazorEngine_bd313dc2fda5401dab54dbfccb31e03a.<>c__DisplayClass2_0.b__0(TextWriter __razor_helper_writer) in D:\\Solutions\Dynamicweb\\Files\Templates\Designs\Rapido\_parsed\BlogArticle.parsed.cshtml:line 137
   at CompiledRazorTemplates.Dynamic.RazorEngine_bd313dc2fda5401dab54dbfccb31e03a.b__156_0(TextWriter __razor_helper_writer) in D:\\Solutions\Dynamicweb\\Files\Templates\Designs\Rapido\_parsed\BlogArticle.parsed.cshtml:line 6556
   at RazorEngine.Templating.TemplateWriter.ToString()
   at System.Lazy`1.CreateValue()
   at System.Lazy`1.LazyInitValue()
   at CompiledRazorTemplates.Dynamic.RazorEngine_bd313dc2fda5401dab54dbfccb31e03a.<>c__DisplayClass3_0.b__0(TextWriter __razor_helper_writer) in D:\\Solutions\Dynamicweb\\Files\Templates\Designs\Rapido\_parsed\BlogArticle.parsed.cshtml:line 223
   at CompiledRazorTemplates.Dynamic.RazorEngine_bd313dc2fda5401dab54dbfccb31e03a.<>c__DisplayClass2_0.b__0(TextWriter __razor_helper_writer) in D:\\Solutions\Dynamicweb\\Files\Templates\Designs\Rapido\_parsed\BlogArticle.parsed.cshtml:line 137
   at CompiledRazorTemplates.Dynamic.RazorEngine_bd313dc2fda5401dab54dbfccb31e03a.<>c__DisplayClass3_0.b__0(TextWriter __razor_helper_writer) in D:\\Solutions\Dynamicweb\\Files\Templates\Designs\Rapido\_parsed\BlogArticle.parsed.cshtml:line 245
   at CompiledRazorTemplates.Dynamic.RazorEngine_bd313dc2fda5401dab54dbfccb31e03a.<>c__DisplayClass2_0.b__0(TextWriter __razor_helper_writer) in D:\\Solutions\Dynamicweb\\Files\Templates\Designs\Rapido\_parsed\BlogArticle.parsed.cshtml:line 137
   at CompiledRazorTemplates.Dynamic.RazorEngine_bd313dc2fda5401dab54dbfccb31e03a.Execute() in D:\\Solutions\Dynamicweb\\Files\Templates\Designs\Rapido\_parsed\BlogArticle.parsed.cshtml:line 6537
   at RazorEngine.Templating.TemplateBase.RazorEngine.Templating.ITemplate.Run(ExecuteContext context, TextWriter reader)
   at RazorEngine.Templating.RazorEngineService.RunCompile(ITemplateKey key, TextWriter writer, Type modelType, Object model, DynamicViewBag viewBag)
   at RazorEngine.Templating.RazorEngineServiceExtensions.<>c__DisplayClass16_0.b__0(TextWriter writer)
   at RazorEngine.Templating.RazorEngineServiceExtensions.WithWriter(Action`1 withWriter)
   at Dynamicweb.Rendering.Template.RenderRazorTemplate()

1 @inherits Dynamicweb.Rendering.ViewModelTemplate<Dynamicweb.Frontend.PageViewModel> 2 3 @using System.Web; 4 @using Dynamicweb.Frontend 5 @using Dynamicweb.Frontend.Devices 6 @using Dynamicweb.Extensibility 7 @using Dynamicweb.Content 8 @using Dynamicweb.Security 9 @using Dynamicweb.Core 10 @using System 11 @using System.Web 12 @using System.IO 13 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks 14 @using System.Net 15 16 17 18 @functions { 19 BlocksPage masterPage = BlocksPage.GetBlockPage("Master"); 20 21 string getFontFamily(params string[] items) 22 { 23 var itemParent = Pageview.AreaSettings; 24 foreach (var item in items) 25 { 26 itemParent = itemParent.GetItem(item); 27 if (itemParent == null) 28 { 29 return null; 30 } 31 } 32 33 var googleFont = itemParent.GetGoogleFont("FontFamily"); 34 if (googleFont == null) 35 { 36 return null; 37 } 38 return googleFont.Family.Replace(" ", "+"); 39 } 40 } 41 42 @{ 43 //Font settings 44 var fonts = new string[] { 45 getFontFamily("Layout", "HeaderFont"), 46 getFontFamily("Layout", "SubheaderFont"), 47 getFontFamily("Layout", "TertiaryHeaderFont"), 48 getFontFamily("Layout", "Header", "ToolsFont"), 49 getFontFamily("Layout", "Header", "NavigationFont"), 50 getFontFamily("Layout", "MobileNavigation", "Font"), 51 getFontFamily("ProductList", "Facets", "HeaderFont"), 52 getFontFamily("ProductPage", "PriceFontDesign"), 53 getFontFamily("Ecommerce", "SaleSticker", "Font"), 54 getFontFamily("Ecommerce", "NewSticker", "Font"), 55 getFontFamily("Ecommerce", "CustomSticker", "Font") 56 }; 57 58 string autoCssLink = "/Files/Templates/Designs/Rapido/css/rapido/rapido_" + Model.Area.ID.ToString() + ".min.css?ticks=" + Model.Area.UpdatedDate.Ticks; 59 string favicon = Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Layout").GetFile("LogoFavicon") != null ? Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Layout").GetFile("LogoFavicon").Path : "/Files/Images/favicon.png"; 60 bool useFontAwesomePro = Pageview.AreaSettings.GetItem("Layout").GetItem("Icons").GetBoolean("UseFontAwesomePro"); 61 string fontAwesomeCssLink = "/Files/Templates/Designs/Rapido/css/fonts/FontAwesomeFree/css/fontawesome-all.min.css"; 62 if (useFontAwesomePro) 63 { 64 fontAwesomeCssLink = "/Files/Templates/Designs/Rapido/css/fonts/FontAwesomePro/css/fontawesome-all.min.css"; 65 } 66 } 67 68 @{ 69 Block master = new Block() 70 { 71 Id = "Master", 72 BlocksList = new List<Block> { 73 new Block { 74 Id = "MasterTopSnippets", 75 SortId = 10 76 }, 77 new Block { 78 Id = "MasterMain", 79 SortId = 20, 80 Template = RenderMain(), 81 SkipRenderBlocksList = true, 82 BlocksList = new List<Block> { 83 new Block { 84 Id = "MasterHeader", 85 SortId = 10, 86 Template = RenderMasterHeader(), 87 SkipRenderBlocksList = true 88 }, 89 new Block { 90 Id = "MasterPageContent", 91 SortId = 20, 92 Template = RenderPageContent() 93 } 94 } 95 }, 96 new Block { 97 Id = "MasterFooter", 98 SortId = 30 99 }, 100 new Block { 101 Id = "MasterReferences", 102 SortId = 40 103 }, 104 new Block { 105 Id = "MasterBottomSnippets", 106 SortId = 50 107 } 108 } 109 }; 110 111 masterPage.Add(master); 112 } 113 114 @* Include the required Grid builder (Contains the methods @RenderBlockList and @RenderBlock) *@ 115 @using System.Text.RegularExpressions 116 @using System.Collections.Generic 117 @using System.Reflection 118 @using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls 119 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks.Components 120 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks.Components.Articles 121 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks.Components.Documentation 122 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks 123 124 125 @*--- START: Base block renderers ---*@ 126 127 @helper RenderBlockList(List<Block> blocks) 128 { 129 blocks = blocks.OrderBy(item => item.SortId).ToList(); 130 131 foreach (Block item in blocks) 132 { 133 <!-- START: @item.Id --> 134 135 if (item.Design == null) 136 { 137 @RenderBlock(item) 138 } 139 else if (item.Design.RenderType == RenderType.None) { 140 string cssClass = item.Design.CssClass != null ? item.Design.CssClass : ""; 141 142 <div class="@cssClass dw-mod"> 143 @RenderBlock(item) 144 </div> 145 } 146 else if (item.Design.RenderType != RenderType.Hide) 147 { 148 string cssClass = item.Design.CssClass != null ? item.Design.CssClass : ""; 149 150 if (!item.SkipRenderBlocksList) { 151 if (item.Design.RenderType == RenderType.Row) 152 { 153 <div class="grid grid--align-content-start @cssClass dw-mod" id="Block__@item.Id"> 154 @RenderBlock(item) 155 </div> 156 } 157 158 if (item.Design.RenderType == RenderType.Column) 159 { 160 string hidePadding = item.Design.HidePadding ? "u-no-padding" : ""; 161 string size = item.Design.Size ?? "12"; 162 size = Regex.IsMatch(size, @"\d") ? "md-" + item.Design.Size : item.Design.Size; 163 164 <div class="grid__col-lg-@item.Design.Size grid__col-md-@item.Design.Size grid__col-sm-12 grid__col-xs-12 @hidePadding @cssClass dw-mod" id="Block__@item.Id"> 165 @RenderBlock(item) 166 </div> 167 } 168 169 if (item.Design.RenderType == RenderType.Table) 170 { 171 <table class="table @cssClass dw-mod" id="Block__@item.Id"> 172 @RenderBlock(item) 173 </table> 174 } 175 176 if (item.Design.RenderType == RenderType.TableRow) 177 { 178 <tr class="@cssClass dw-mod" id="Block__@item.Id"> 179 @RenderBlock(item) 180 </tr> 181 } 182 183 if (item.Design.RenderType == RenderType.TableColumn) 184 { 185 <td class="@cssClass dw-mod" id="Block__@item.Id"> 186 @RenderBlock(item) 187 </td> 188 } 189 190 if (item.Design.RenderType == RenderType.CardHeader) 191 { 192 <div class="card-header @cssClass dw-mod"> 193 @RenderBlock(item) 194 </div> 195 } 196 197 if (item.Design.RenderType == RenderType.CardBody) 198 { 199 <div class="card @cssClass dw-mod"> 200 @RenderBlock(item) 201 </div> 202 } 203 204 if (item.Design.RenderType == RenderType.CardFooter) 205 { 206 <div class="card-footer @cssClass dw-mod"> 207 @RenderBlock(item) 208 </div> 209 } 210 } 211 else 212 { 213 @RenderBlock(item) 214 } 215 } 216 217 <!-- END: @item.Id --> 218 } 219 } 220 221 @helper RenderBlock(Block item) 222 { 223 if (item.Template != null) 224 { 225 @BlocksPage.RenderTemplate(item.Template) 226 } 227 228 if (item.Component != null) 229 { 230 string methodName = item.Component.HelperName; 231 dynamic[] methodParameters = new dynamic[1]; 232 methodParameters[0] = item.Component; 233 Type methodType = this.GetType(); 234 MethodInfo generalMethod = methodType.GetMethod(methodName); 235 236 if (generalMethod != null) { 237 @generalMethod.Invoke(this, methodParameters).ToString(); 238 } else { 239 throw new Exception(item.Component.GetType().Name + " method '" + methodName +"' could not be invoked"); 240 } 241 } 242 243 if (item.BlocksList.Count > 0 && !item.SkipRenderBlocksList) 244 { 245 @RenderBlockList(item.BlocksList) 246 } 247 } 248 249 @*--- END: Base block renderers ---*@ 250 251 252 @* Include the components *@ 253 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks.Components 254 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks.Components.General 255 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks 256 257 258 @* Components *@ 259 @using System.Reflection 260 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks.Components.General 261 262 263 @* Component *@ 264 265 @helper RenderIcon(Icon settings) { 266 if (settings != null) 267 { 268 dynamic[] methodParameters = new dynamic[1]; 269 methodParameters[0] = settings; 270 MethodInfo customMethod = this.GetType().GetMethod("RenderIconCustom"); 271 272 if (customMethod != null) 273 { 274 @customMethod.Invoke(this, methodParameters).ToString(); 275 } else { 276 string color = settings.Color != null ? "style=\"color: " + settings.Color + "\"" : ""; 277 278 if (settings.Name != null) 279 { 280 if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.Label)) { 281 <i class="@settings.Prefix @settings.Name @settings.CssClass" @color></i> 282 } else { 283 if (settings.LabelPosition == IconLabelPosition.Before) { 284 <span>@settings.Label <i class="@settings.Prefix @settings.Name @settings.CssClass" @color></i></span> 285 } else { 286 <span><i class="@settings.Prefix @settings.Name @settings.CssClass" @color></i> @settings.Label</span> 287 } 288 } 289 } 290 } 291 } 292 } 293 @using System.Reflection 294 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks.Components.General 295 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks.Components 296 297 298 @* Component *@ 299 300 @helper RenderButton(Button settings) { 301 dynamic[] methodParameters = new dynamic[1]; 302 methodParameters[0] = settings; 303 MethodInfo customMethod = this.GetType().GetMethod("RenderButtonCustom"); 304 305 if (customMethod != null) 306 { 307 @customMethod.Invoke(this, methodParameters).ToString(); 308 } 309 else 310 { 311 string target; 312 string disabled = settings.Disabled ? "disabled" : ""; 313 string buttonType = settings.ButtonType == ButtonType.Submit ? "submit" : "button"; 314 buttonType = settings.ButtonType == ButtonType.Reset ? "reset" : buttonType; 315 string buttonLayout = settings.ButtonLayout.ToString().ToLower(); 316 317 switch (settings.Target) 318 { 319 case LinkTargetType.Blank: 320 target = "_blank"; 321 break; 322 case LinkTargetType.Parent: 323 target = "_parent"; 324 break; 325 case LinkTargetType.Self: 326 target = "_self"; 327 break; 328 case LinkTargetType.Top: 329 target = "_top"; 330 break; 331 default: 332 target = "_self"; 333 break; 334 } 335 336 string onClickAction = settings.OnClick != null ? settings.OnClick : ""; 337 string noOpener = target == "_blank" ? "rel=\"noopener\"" : ""; 338 339 if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.ConfirmText)) 340 { 341 string modalId = settings.Id; 342 @RenderConfirmDialog(settings); 343 onClickAction = "document.getElementById('" + modalId + "ModalTrigger').checked = true"; 344 } 345 346 if (settings.Icon != null) 347 { 348 if (settings.IconPosition == null) { 349 settings.Icon.LabelPosition = IconLabelPosition.After; 350 } else { 351 settings.Icon.LabelPosition = settings.IconPosition == IconPosition.Before ? IconLabelPosition.After : IconLabelPosition.Before; 352 } 353 if (settings.Icon.Label == null) { 354 settings.Icon.Label = settings.Title; 355 } 356 } 357 string content = settings.Icon == null ? settings.Title : Convert.ToString(RenderIcon(settings.Icon)); 358 359 if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.Link) && String.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.ConfirmText)) 360 { 361 <a href="@settings.Link" target="@target" @noOpener class="btn btn--@buttonLayout @settings.CssClass @disabled dw-mod" onclick="@onClickAction" @ComponentMethods.AddAttributes(settings.ExtraAttributes) @disabled>@content</a> 362 } 363 else 364 { 365 <button type="@buttonType" class="btn btn--@buttonLayout @settings.CssClass @disabled dw-mod" onclick="@onClickAction" @ComponentMethods.AddAttributes(settings.ExtraAttributes) @disabled>@content</button> 366 } 367 } 368 } 369 370 371 @helper RenderConfirmDialog(Button settings) { 372 dynamic[] methodParameters = new dynamic[1]; 373 methodParameters[0] = settings; 374 MethodInfo customMethod = this.GetType().GetMethod("RenderConfirmDialogCustom"); 375 376 if (customMethod != null) 377 { 378 @customMethod.Invoke(this, methodParameters).ToString(); 379 } else { 380 string modalTriggerId = settings.Id + "ModalTrigger"; 381 382 <!-- Trigger for the confirm modal --> 383 <input type="checkbox" id="@modalTriggerId" class="modal-trigger" /> 384 385 <!-- Login modal --> 386 <div class="modal-container"> 387 <label for="@modalTriggerId" class="modal-overlay"></label> 388 <div class="modal modal--xs"> 389 <div class="modal__header"> 390 <h2>@settings.ConfirmText</h2> 391 </div> 392 <div class="modal__body"> 393 @RenderButton(new Button { Title = Translate("OK"), ButtonLayout = ButtonLayout.Primary, OnClick = settings.OnClick, CssClass = "u-full-width", Link = settings.Link }) 394 </div> 395 </div> 396 </div> 397 } 398 } 399 @using System.Reflection 400 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks.Components 401 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks.Components.General 402 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks 403 404 405 @* Component *@ 406 407 @helper RenderRating(Rating settings) 408 { 409 dynamic[] methodParameters = new dynamic[1]; 410 methodParameters[0] = settings; 411 MethodInfo customMethod = this.GetType().GetMethod("RenderRatingCustom"); 412 413 if (customMethod != null) 414 { 415 @customMethod.Invoke(this, methodParameters).ToString(); 416 } else { 417 if (settings.Score > 0) 418 { 419 int rating = settings.Score; 420 string iconType = "fa-star"; 421 422 switch (settings.Type.ToString()) { 423 case "Stars": 424 iconType = "fa-star"; 425 break; 426 case "Hearts": 427 iconType = "fa-heart"; 428 break; 429 case "Lemons": 430 iconType = "fa-lemon"; 431 break; 432 case "Bombs": 433 iconType = "fa-bomb"; 434 break; 435 } 436 437 <div class="u-ta-right"> 438 @for (int i = 0; i < settings.OutOf; i++) 439 { 440 <i class="@(rating > i ? "fas" : "far") @iconType"></i> 441 } 442 </div> 443 } 444 } 445 } 446 @using System.Reflection 447 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks.Components.General 448 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks.Components 449 450 451 @* Component *@ 452 453 @helper RenderFieldListOption(FieldListOption settings) { 454 dynamic[] methodParameters = new dynamic[1]; 455 methodParameters[0] = settings; 456 MethodInfo customMethod = this.GetType().GetMethod("RenderFieldListOptionCustom"); 457 458 if (customMethod != null) 459 { 460 @customMethod.Invoke(this, methodParameters).ToString(); 461 } else { 462 string disabled = settings.Disabled ? "disabled" : ""; 463 string selected = settings.Checked ? "checked" : ""; 464 465 if (settings.Type.ToString() == "RadioButton") 466 { 467 <input class="form__control @disabled dw-mod" onchange="@settings.OnChange" onclick="@settings.OnClick" type="radio" name="@settings.Name" id="@settings.Id" value="@settings.Value" @selected @disabled @ComponentMethods.AddAttributes(settings.ExtraAttributes) /> 468 <label for="@settings.Id" class="u-inline @disabled dw-mod">@settings.Label</label> 469 @RenderNotificationMessage(new NotificationMessage { Message = settings.ErrorMessage }) 470 } 471 472 if (settings.Type.ToString() == "Checkbox") 473 { 474 @RenderCheckboxField(settings) 475 } 476 477 if (settings.Type.ToString() == "SelectOption") 478 { 479 <option value="@settings.Value" id="@settings.Id" onclick="@settings.OnClick" class="@disabled" @disabled @selected @ComponentMethods.AddAttributes(settings.ExtraAttributes) >@settings.Name</option> 480 @RenderNotificationMessage(new NotificationMessage { Message = settings.ErrorMessage }) 481 } 482 } 483 } 484 485 @using System.Reflection 486 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks.Components.General 487 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks.Components 488 489 490 @* Component *@ 491 492 @helper RenderNavigation(Navigation settings) { 493 dynamic[] methodParameters = new dynamic[1]; 494 methodParameters[0] = settings; 495 MethodInfo customMethod = this.GetType().GetMethod("RenderNavigationCustom"); 496 497 if (customMethod != null) 498 { 499 @customMethod.Invoke(this, methodParameters).ToString(); 500 } else { 501 @RenderNavigation(new 502 { 503 id = settings.Id, 504 cssclass = settings.CssClass, 505 startLevel = settings.StartLevel, 506 endlevel = settings.EndLevel, 507 expandmode = settings.Expandmode, 508 template = settings.Template 509 }) 510 } 511 } 512 @using System.Reflection 513 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks.Components.General 514 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks.Components 515 516 517 @* Component *@ 518 519 @helper RenderBreadcrumbNavigation(BreadcrumbNavigation settings) { 520 dynamic[] methodParameters = new dynamic[1]; 521 methodParameters[0] = settings; 522 MethodInfo customMethod = this.GetType().GetMethod("RenderBreadcrumbNavigationCustom"); 523 524 if (customMethod != null) 525 { 526 @customMethod.Invoke(this, methodParameters).ToString(); 527 } else { 528 settings.Id = String.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.Id) ? "breadcrumb" : settings.Id; 529 settings.Template = String.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.Template) ? "Breadcrumb.xslt" : settings.Template; 530 settings.StartLevel = settings.StartLevel == 0 ? 1 : settings.StartLevel; 531 settings.EndLevel = settings.EndLevel == 10 ? 1 : settings.EndLevel; 532 settings.Expandmode = String.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.Expandmode) ? "all" : settings.Expandmode; 533 534 @RenderNavigation(settings) 535 } 536 } 537 @using System.Reflection 538 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks.Components.General 539 540 541 @* Component *@ 542 543 @helper RenderHeading(Heading settings) { 544 dynamic[] methodParameters = new dynamic[1]; 545 methodParameters[0] = settings; 546 MethodInfo customMethod = this.GetType().GetMethod("RenderHeadingCustom"); 547 548 if (customMethod != null) 549 { 550 @customMethod.Invoke(this, methodParameters).ToString(); 551 } else { 552 string startTag = "<h" + settings.Level.ToString() + " class=\"" + settings.CssClass + "\">"; 553 string endTag = "</h" + settings.Level.ToString() + "\">"; 554 555 if (settings.Icon != null) 556 { 557 if (settings.IconPosition == null) { 558 settings.Icon.LabelPosition = IconLabelPosition.After; 559 } else { 560 settings.Icon.LabelPosition = settings.IconPosition == IconPosition.Before ? IconLabelPosition.After : IconLabelPosition.Before; 561 } 562 if (settings.Icon.Label == null) { 563 settings.Icon.Label = settings.Title; 564 } 565 566 @startTag@RenderIcon(settings.Icon)@endTag 567 } else { 568 @startTag@settings.Title@endTag 569 } 570 } 571 } 572 @using System.Reflection 573 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks.Components 574 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks.Components.General 575 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks 576 577 578 @* Component *@ 579 580 @helper RenderImage(Image settings) 581 { 582 if (settings.Path != null) 583 { 584 dynamic[] methodParameters = new dynamic[1]; 585 methodParameters[0] = settings; 586 MethodInfo customMethod = this.GetType().GetMethod("RenderImageCustom"); 587 588 if (customMethod != null) 589 { 590 @customMethod.Invoke(this, methodParameters).ToString(); 591 } else { 592 <div> 593 @if (settings.Link != null) 594 { 595 <a href="@settings.Link"> 596 @RenderTheImage(settings); 597 </a> 598 } 599 else 600 { 601 @RenderTheImage(settings); 602 } 603 </div> 604 } 605 } 606 } 607 608 @functions { 609 string getImagePathFromSettings(ImageSettings settings) 610 { 611 string result = ""; 612 613 if (settings != null) 614 { 615 result += settings.Width != 0 ? "Width=" + settings.Width + "&" : ""; 616 result += settings.Height != 0 ? "Height=" + settings.Height + "&" : ""; 617 result += "Crop=" + settings.Crop + "&"; 618 result += "Compression=" + settings.Compression + "&"; 619 result += "DoNotUpscale=" + settings.DoNotUpscale.ToString() + "&"; 620 result += "FillCanvas=" + settings.FillCanvas.ToString() + "&"; 621 } 622 623 return result; 624 } 625 } 626 627 @helper RenderTheImage(Image settings) 628 { 629 if (settings != null) 630 { 631 dynamic[] methodParameters = new dynamic[1]; 632 methodParameters[0] = settings; 633 MethodInfo customMethod = this.GetType().GetMethod("RenderTheImageCustom"); 634 635 if (customMethod != null) 636 { 637 @customMethod.Invoke(this, methodParameters).ToString(); 638 } else { 639 string placeholderImage = "/Files/Images/placeholder.gif"; 640 string imageEngine = "/Admin/Public/GetImage.ashx?"; 641 642 string imageStyle = ""; 643 644 switch (settings.Style) 645 { 646 case ImageStyle.Ball: 647 imageStyle = "grid__cell-img--ball"; 648 break; 649 } 650 651 if (settings.Style == ImageStyle.Ball || settings.Style == ImageStyle.Circle) 652 { 653 if (settings.ImageDefault != null) 654 { 655 settings.ImageDefault.Height = settings.ImageDefault.Width; 656 } 657 if (settings.ImageMedium != null) 658 { 659 settings.ImageMedium.Height = settings.ImageMedium.Width; 660 } 661 if (settings.ImageSmall != null) 662 { 663 settings.ImageSmall.Height = settings.ImageSmall.Width; 664 } 665 } 666 667 string defaultImage = imageEngine; 668 string imageSmall = ""; 669 string imageMedium = ""; 670 671 if (settings.DisableImageEngine) { 672 defaultImage = settings.Path; 673 } else { 674 if (settings.ImageDefault != null) 675 { 676 defaultImage += getImagePathFromSettings(settings.ImageDefault); 677 678 if (settings.Path.GetType() != typeof(string)) 679 { 680 defaultImage += settings.Path != null ? "Image=" + settings.Path.PathUrlEncoded : ""; 681 defaultImage += settings.Path != null ? "&" + settings.Path.GetFocalPointParameters() : ""; 682 } 683 else 684 { 685 defaultImage += settings.Path != null ? "Image=" + settings.Path : ""; 686 } 687 } 688 689 if (settings.ImageSmall != null) 690 { 691 imageSmall = "data-src-small=\"" + imageEngine; 692 imageSmall += getImagePathFromSettings(settings.ImageSmall); 693 694 if (settings.Path.GetType() != typeof(string)) 695 { 696 imageSmall += settings.Path != null ? "Image=" + settings.Path.PathUrlEncoded : ""; 697 imageSmall += settings.Path != null ? "&" + settings.Path.GetFocalPointParameters() : ""; 698 } 699 else 700 { 701 imageSmall += settings.Path != null ? "Image=" + settings.Path : ""; 702 } 703 704 imageSmall += "\""; 705 } 706 707 if (settings.ImageMedium != null) 708 { 709 imageMedium = "data-src-medium=\"" + imageEngine; 710 imageMedium += getImagePathFromSettings(settings.ImageMedium); 711 712 if (settings.Path.GetType() != typeof(string)) 713 { 714 imageMedium += settings.Path != null ? "Image=" + settings.Path.PathUrlEncoded : ""; 715 imageMedium += settings.Path != null ? "&" + settings.Path.GetFocalPointParameters() : ""; 716 } 717 else 718 { 719 imageMedium += settings.Path != null ? "Image=" + settings.Path : ""; 720 } 721 722 imageMedium += "\""; 723 } 724 } 725 726 Dictionary<String, String> optionalAttributes = new Dictionary<string, string>(); 727 if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.OnClick)) { optionalAttributes.Add("onclick", settings.OnClick); } 728 if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.Title)) { optionalAttributes.Add("alt", settings.Title); } 729 730 if (settings.DisableLazyLoad) { 731 <img class="grid__cell-img @imageStyle @settings.CssClass dw-mod" src="@defaultImage" @ComponentMethods.AddAttributes(optionalAttributes) @ComponentMethods.AddAttributes(settings.ExtraAttributes) /> 732 } else { 733 <img class="grid__cell-img b-lazy @imageStyle @settings.CssClass dw-mod" src="@placeholderImage" data-src="@defaultImage" @imageSmall @imageMedium @ComponentMethods.AddAttributes(optionalAttributes) @ComponentMethods.AddAttributes(settings.ExtraAttributes) /> 734 } 735 736 if (settings.Caption != null) 737 { 738 <span class="image-caption dw-mod">@settings.Caption</span> 739 } 740 } 741 } 742 } 743 @using System.Reflection 744 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks.Components.General 745 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks.Components 746 747 748 @* Component *@ 749 750 @helper RenderTextField(TextField settings) { 751 dynamic[] methodParameters = new dynamic[1]; 752 methodParameters[0] = settings; 753 MethodInfo customMethod = this.GetType().GetMethod("RenderTextFieldCustom"); 754 755 if (customMethod != null) 756 { 757 @customMethod.Invoke(this, methodParameters).ToString(); 758 } else { 759 int maxLength = settings.MaxLength != 0 ? settings.MaxLength : 524288; 760 Dictionary<String, String> optionalAttributes = new Dictionary<string, string>(); 761 if (settings.Type == TextFieldType.Password) { optionalAttributes.Add("autocomplete", "off"); }; 762 if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.OnClick)) { optionalAttributes.Add("onclick", settings.OnClick.ToString()); } 763 if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.Placeholder)) { optionalAttributes.Add("placeholder", settings.Placeholder); } 764 if (settings.Disabled) { optionalAttributes.Add("disabled", settings.Disabled.ToString()); } 765 if (settings.Required) { optionalAttributes.Add("required", settings.Required.ToString()); } 766 if (settings.MaxLength != 0) { optionalAttributes.Add("maxlength", settings.MaxLength.ToString()); } 767 768 <div class="form__field-group dw-mod"> 769 @if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.Label)) 770 { 771 <label for="@settings.Id">@settings.Label</label> 772 } 773 774 <input type="@settings.Type" class="u-full-width @settings.CssClass dw-mod" name="@settings.Id" id="@(settings.Id)" value="@settings.Value" @ComponentMethods.AddAttributes(optionalAttributes) @ComponentMethods.AddAttributes(settings.ExtraAttributes) /> 775 776 @RenderNotificationMessage(new NotificationMessage { Message = settings.ErrorMessage }) 777 </div> 778 } 779 } 780 @using System.Reflection 781 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks.Components.General 782 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks.Components 783 784 785 @* Component *@ 786 787 @helper RenderNumberField(NumberField settings) { 788 dynamic[] methodParameters = new dynamic[1]; 789 methodParameters[0] = settings; 790 MethodInfo customMethod = this.GetType().GetMethod("RenderNumberFieldCustom"); 791 792 if (customMethod != null) 793 { 794 @customMethod.Invoke(this, methodParameters).ToString(); 795 } else { 796 Dictionary<String, String> optionalAttributes = new Dictionary<string, string>(); 797 if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.OnClick)) { optionalAttributes.Add("onclick", settings.OnClick.ToString()); } 798 if (settings.Disabled) { optionalAttributes.Add("disabled", settings.Disabled.ToString()); } 799 if (settings.Required) { optionalAttributes.Add("required", settings.Required.ToString()); } 800 if (settings.Max != 0) { optionalAttributes.Add("max", settings.Max.ToString()); } 801 if (settings.Min != 0) { optionalAttributes.Add("min", settings.Min.ToString()); } 802 if (settings.Step != 0) { optionalAttributes.Add("step", settings.Step.ToString()); } 803 804 <div class="form__field-group dw-mod"> 805 @if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.Label)) 806 { 807 <div> 808 <label for="@settings.Id">@settings.Label</label> 809 </div> 810 } 811 812 <input type="Number" class="u-w70px @settings.CssClass dw-mod" name="@settings.Id" id="@(settings.Id)" value="@settings.Value" @ComponentMethods.AddAttributes(optionalAttributes) @ComponentMethods.AddAttributes(settings.ExtraAttributes) /> 813 814 @RenderNotificationMessage(new NotificationMessage { Message = settings.ErrorMessage }) 815 </div> 816 } 817 } 818 @using System.Reflection 819 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks.Components.General 820 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks.Components 821 822 823 @* Component *@ 824 825 @helper RenderTextareaField(TextareaField settings) { 826 dynamic[] methodParameters = new dynamic[1]; 827 methodParameters[0] = settings; 828 MethodInfo customMethod = this.GetType().GetMethod("RenderTextareaFieldCustom"); 829 830 if (customMethod != null) 831 { 832 @customMethod.Invoke(this, methodParameters).ToString(); 833 } else { 834 int maxLength = settings.MaxLength != 0 ? settings.MaxLength : 524288; 835 Dictionary<String, String> optionalAttributes = new Dictionary<string, string>(); 836 if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.OnClick)) { optionalAttributes.Add("onclick", settings.OnClick.ToString()); } 837 if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.Placeholder)) { optionalAttributes.Add("placeholder", settings.Placeholder); } 838 if (settings.Disabled) { optionalAttributes.Add("disabled", settings.Disabled.ToString()); } 839 if (settings.Required) { optionalAttributes.Add("required", settings.Required.ToString()); } 840 if (settings.MaxLength != 0) { optionalAttributes.Add("maxlength", settings.MaxLength.ToString()); } 841 if (settings.Rows != 0) { optionalAttributes.Add("rows", settings.Rows.ToString()); } 842 843 <div class="form__field-group dw-mod"> 844 @if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(@settings.Label)) 845 { 846 <label for="@settings.Id">@settings.Label</label> 847 } 848 849 <textarea class="u-full-width @settings.CssClass dw-mod" name="@settings.Id" id="@(settings.Id)" value="@settings.Value" @ComponentMethods.AddAttributes(optionalAttributes) @ComponentMethods.AddAttributes(settings.ExtraAttributes)></textarea> 850 851 @RenderNotificationMessage(new NotificationMessage { Message = settings.ErrorMessage }) 852 </div> 853 } 854 } 855 @using System.Reflection 856 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks.Components.General 857 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks.Components 858 859 860 @* Component *@ 861 862 @helper RenderHiddenField(HiddenField settings) { 863 dynamic[] methodParameters = new dynamic[1]; 864 methodParameters[0] = settings; 865 MethodInfo customMethod = this.GetType().GetMethod(settings.HelperName + "Custom"); 866 867 if (customMethod != null) 868 { 869 @customMethod.Invoke(this, methodParameters).ToString(); 870 } else { 871 <input type="hidden" name="@settings.Id" id="@(settings.Id)" value="@settings.Value" @ComponentMethods.AddAttributes(settings.ExtraAttributes)/> 872 } 873 } 874 @using System.Reflection 875 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks.Components.General 876 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks.Components 877 878 879 @* Component *@ 880 881 @helper RenderCheckboxField(dynamic settings) { 882 dynamic[] methodParameters = new dynamic[1]; 883 methodParameters[0] = settings; 884 MethodInfo customMethod = this.GetType().GetMethod("RenderCheckboxFieldCustom"); 885 886 if (customMethod != null) 887 { 888 @customMethod.Invoke(this, methodParameters).ToString(); 889 } else { 890 settings.Type = FieldListOptionType.Checkbox; 891 string disabled = settings.Disabled ? "disabled" : ""; 892 string required = settings.Required ? "required" : ""; 893 string checkedString = settings.Checked == true ? "checked" : ""; 894 string id = settings.Id != null ? settings.Id : settings.Label.Replace(" ", ""); 895 896 <div class="form__field-group dw-mod"> 897 <input type="checkbox" class="form__control @settings.CssClass @disabled dw-mod" name="@settings.Name" id="@id" value="@settings.Value" onclick="@settings.OnClick" @disabled @required @checkedString @ComponentMethods.AddAttributes(settings.ExtraAttributes) /> 898 899 @if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.Label)) 900 { 901 <label for="@id" class="@disabled dw-mod">@settings.Label</label> 902 } 903 904 @RenderNotificationMessage(new NotificationMessage { Message = settings.ErrorMessage }) 905 </div> 906 } 907 } 908 @using System.Reflection 909 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks.Components.General 910 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks.Components 911 912 913 @* Component *@ 914 915 @helper RenderCheckboxListField(CheckboxListField settings) { 916 dynamic[] methodParameters = new dynamic[1]; 917 methodParameters[0] = settings; 918 MethodInfo customMethod = this.GetType().GetMethod("RenderCheckboxListFieldCustom"); 919 920 if (customMethod != null) 921 { 922 @customMethod.Invoke(this, methodParameters).ToString(); 923 } else { 924 string disabled = settings.Disabled ? "disabled" : ""; 925 926 <div class="form__field-group @settings.CssClass u-margin-bottom @disabled dw-mod" @disabled @ComponentMethods.AddAttributes(settings.ExtraAttributes)> 927 @if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.Label)) 928 { 929 <div class="u-bold u-margin-bottom">@settings.Label</div> 930 } 931 932 @foreach (var item in settings.Options) 933 { 934 item.Type = FieldListOptionType.Checkbox; 935 @RenderFieldListOption(item) 936 } 937 938 @RenderNotificationMessage(new NotificationMessage { Message = settings.ErrorMessage }) 939 </div> 940 } 941 } 942 943 @using System.Reflection 944 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks.Components.General 945 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks.Components 946 947 948 @* Component *@ 949 950 @helper RenderSelectField(SelectField settings) { 951 dynamic[] methodParameters = new dynamic[1]; 952 methodParameters[0] = settings; 953 MethodInfo customMethod = this.GetType().GetMethod("RenderSelectFieldCustom"); 954 955 if (customMethod != null) 956 { 957 @customMethod.Invoke(this, methodParameters).ToString(); 958 } else { 959 string disabled = settings.Disabled ? "disabled" : ""; 960 string required = settings.Required ? "required" : ""; 961 962 if (settings.Default != null) 963 { 964 settings.Default.Type = FieldListOptionType.SelectOption; 965 } 966 967 <div class="form__field-group u-full-width dw-mod"> 968 @if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.Label)) 969 { 970 <label for="@settings.Id">@settings.Label</label> 971 } 972 973 <div class="form__field-combi u-no-margin dw-mod"> 974 <select id="@settings.Id" class="u-full-width @settings.CssClass dw-mod" onchange="@settings.OnChange" @ComponentMethods.AddAttributes(settings.ExtraAttributes) > 975 @if (settings.Default.Value != null) 976 { 977 @RenderFieldListOption(settings.Default) 978 } 979 980 @foreach (var item in settings.Options) 981 { 982 item.Type = FieldListOptionType.SelectOption; 983 @RenderFieldListOption(item) 984 } 985 </select> 986 @if (settings.ActionButton.Link != null || settings.ActionButton.OnClick != null) { 987 settings.ActionButton.CssClass += " btn--condensed u-no-margin"; 988 @RenderButton(settings.ActionButton); 989 } 990 </div> 991 992 @RenderNotificationMessage(new NotificationMessage { Message = settings.ErrorMessage }) 993 </div> 994 } 995 } 996 @using System.Reflection 997 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks.Components.General 998 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks.Components 999 1000 1001 @* Component *@ 1002 1003 @helper RenderRadioButtonField(RadioButtonField settings) { 1004 dynamic[] methodParameters = new dynamic[1]; 1005 methodParameters[0] = settings; 1006 MethodInfo customMethod = this.GetType().GetMethod("RenderRadioButtonFieldCustom"); 1007 1008 if (customMethod != null) 1009 { 1010 @customMethod.Invoke(this, methodParameters).ToString(); 1011 } else { 1012 string disabled = settings.Disabled ? "disabled" : ""; 1013 1014 <div class="form__field-group @settings.CssClass u-margin-bottom @disabled" @disabled @ComponentMethods.AddAttributes(settings.ExtraAttributes)> 1015 @if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.Label)) 1016 { 1017 <div class="u-bold u-margin-bottom">@settings.Label</div> 1018 } 1019 1020 @foreach (var item in settings.Options) 1021 { 1022 item.Type = FieldListOptionType.RadioButton; 1023 1024 if (settings.Name != null) 1025 { 1026 item.Name = settings.Name; 1027 } 1028 1029 if (settings.RenderOptionsInline) 1030 { 1031 @RenderFieldListOption(item) 1032 } 1033 else 1034 { 1035 <div> 1036 @RenderFieldListOption(item) 1037 </div> 1038 } 1039 } 1040 1041 @RenderNotificationMessage(new NotificationMessage { Message = settings.ErrorMessage }) 1042 </div> 1043 } 1044 } 1045 @using System.Reflection 1046 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks.Components.General 1047 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks.Components 1048 1049 1050 @* Component *@ 1051 1052 @helper RenderNotificationMessage(NotificationMessage settings) { 1053 dynamic[] methodParameters = new dynamic[1]; 1054 methodParameters[0] = settings; 1055 MethodInfo customMethod = this.GetType().GetMethod("RenderNotificationMessageCustom"); 1056 1057 if (customMethod != null) 1058 { 1059 @customMethod.Invoke(this, methodParameters).ToString(); 1060 } else { 1061 if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.Message)) 1062 { 1063 string messageTypeClass = settings.MessageType.ToString().ToLower(); 1064 <div class="field-@messageTypeClass @settings.CssClass u-full-width dw-mod">@settings.Message</div> 1065 } 1066 } 1067 } 1068 @using System.Reflection 1069 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks.Components.General 1070 1071 1072 @* Component *@ 1073 1074 @helper RenderHandlebarsRoot(HandlebarsRoot settings) { 1075 dynamic[] methodParameters = new dynamic[1]; 1076 methodParameters[0] = settings; 1077 MethodInfo customMethod = this.GetType().GetMethod("RenderHandlebarsRootCustom"); 1078 1079 if (customMethod != null) 1080 { 1081 @customMethod.Invoke(this, methodParameters).ToString(); 1082 } else { 1083 string preRender = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.PreRenderScriptTemplate) ? "data-pre-render-template=\"" + settings.PreRenderScriptTemplate + "\"" : ""; 1084 1085 <div class="@settings.CssClass dw-mod js-handlebars-root" id="@settings.Id" data-template="@settings.ScriptTemplate" data-json-feed="@settings.FeedUrl" data-init-onload="@settings.InitOnLoad.ToString()" data-preloader="@settings.Preloader" @preRender> 1086 @if (settings.SubBlocks != null) { 1087 @RenderBlockList(settings.SubBlocks) 1088 } 1089 </div> 1090 } 1091 } 1092 @using System.Reflection 1093 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks.Components.General 1094 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks.Components 1095 @using System.Text.RegularExpressions 1096 1097 1098 @* Component *@ 1099 1100 @helper RenderSticker(Sticker settings) { 1101 dynamic[] methodParameters = new dynamic[1]; 1102 methodParameters[0] = settings; 1103 MethodInfo customMethod = this.GetType().GetMethod("RenderStickerCustom"); 1104 1105 if (customMethod != null) 1106 { 1107 @customMethod.Invoke(this, methodParameters).ToString(); 1108 } 1109 else 1110 { 1111 if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.Title)) { 1112 string size = settings.Size.ToString() != "None" ? "" + "stickers-container__tag--" + settings.Size.ToString().ToLower() : ""; 1113 string style = settings.Style.ToString() != "None" ? "" + "stickers-container__tag--" + settings.Style.ToString().ToLower() : ""; 1114 1115 Dictionary<String, String> optionalAttributes = new Dictionary<string, string>(); 1116 if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.Color) || !String.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.BackgroundColor)) { 1117 string styleTag = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.Color) ? "color: " + settings.Color + "; " : ""; 1118 styleTag += !String.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.BackgroundColor) ? "background-color: " + settings.BackgroundColor + "; " : ""; 1119 optionalAttributes.Add("style", styleTag); 1120 } 1121 1122 <div class="stickers-container__tag @size @style @settings.CssClass dw-mod" @ComponentMethods.AddAttributes(optionalAttributes) @ComponentMethods.AddAttributes(settings.ExtraAttributes)>@settings.Title</div> 1123 } 1124 } 1125 } 1126 1127 @using System.Reflection 1128 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks.Components.General 1129 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks.Components 1130 1131 1132 @* Component *@ 1133 1134 @helper RenderStickersCollection(StickersCollection settings) { 1135 dynamic[] methodParameters = new dynamic[1]; 1136 methodParameters[0] = settings; 1137 MethodInfo customMethod = this.GetType().GetMethod("RenderStickersCollectionCustom"); 1138 1139 if (customMethod != null) 1140 { 1141 @customMethod.Invoke(this, methodParameters).ToString(); 1142 } 1143 else 1144 { 1145 if (settings.Stickers.Count > 0) { 1146 string position = settings.Position != null ? "" + "stickers-container--" + Regex.Replace(settings.Position.ToString(), "([a-z])([A-Z])", "$1-$2").ToLower() : ""; 1147 1148 <div class="stickers-container @position @settings.CssClass dw-mod" @ComponentMethods.AddAttributes(settings.ExtraAttributes)> 1149 @foreach (Sticker sticker in settings.Stickers) 1150 { 1151 @RenderSticker(sticker) 1152 } 1153 </div> 1154 } 1155 } 1156 } 1157 1158 @using System.Reflection 1159 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks.Components.General 1160 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks.Components 1161 1162 1163 1164 @* Component *@ 1165 1166 @helper RenderField(Field settings) { 1167 dynamic[] methodParameters = new dynamic[1]; 1168 methodParameters[0] = settings; 1169 MethodInfo customMethod = this.GetType().GetMethod("RenderFieldCustom"); 1170 1171 if (customMethod != null) 1172 { 1173 @customMethod.Invoke(this, methodParameters).ToString(); 1174 } else { 1175 switch (settings.FieldType) 1176 { 1177 case FieldType.Checkbox: 1178 CheckboxField checkbox = new CheckboxField 1179 { 1180 Label = settings.Label, 1181 Id = settings.Id, 1182 Name = settings.Label.Replace(" ", ""), 1183 Value = settings.Value, 1184 Checked = Convert.ToBoolean(settings.Placeholder), 1185 OnClick = settings.OnClick, 1186 Disabled = settings.Disabled, 1187 Required = settings.Required, 1188 CssClass = settings.CssClass, 1189 ExtraAttributes = settings.ExtraAttributes, 1190 ErrorMessage = settings.ErrorMessage 1191 }; 1192 1193 @RenderCheckboxField(checkbox) 1194 break; 1195 case FieldType.Email: 1196 TextField emailField = new TextField 1197 { 1198 Label = settings.Label != null ? settings.Label : Translate("Email"), 1199 Id = settings.Id, 1200 Value = settings.Value, 1201 OnClick = settings.OnClick, 1202 Disabled = settings.Disabled, 1203 Required = settings.Required, 1204 CssClass = settings.CssClass, 1205 ExtraAttributes = settings.ExtraAttributes, 1206 ErrorMessage = settings.ErrorMessage, 1207 Placeholder = settings.Placeholder, 1208 Type = TextFieldType.Email 1209 }; 1210 1211 @RenderTextField(emailField) 1212 break; 1213 case FieldType.Hidden: 1214 HiddenField hiddenField = new HiddenField 1215 { 1216 Label = settings.Label, 1217 Id = settings.Id, 1218 Value = settings.Value, 1219 Disabled = settings.Disabled, 1220 Required = settings.Required, 1221 CssClass = settings.CssClass, 1222 ExtraAttributes = settings.ExtraAttributes, 1223 ErrorMessage = settings.ErrorMessage 1224 }; 1225 1226 @RenderHiddenField(hiddenField) 1227 break; 1228 case FieldType.Integer: 1229 NumberField numberField = new NumberField 1230 { 1231 Label = settings.Label, 1232 Id = settings.Id, 1233 Value = settings.Value.GetType() == typeof(int) ? Convert.ToInt32(settings.Value) : 1, 1234 OnClick = settings.OnClick, 1235 Disabled = settings.Disabled, 1236 Required = settings.Required, 1237 CssClass = settings.CssClass, 1238 ExtraAttributes = settings.ExtraAttributes, 1239 ErrorMessage = settings.ErrorMessage, 1240 Step = 1 1241 }; 1242 1243 @RenderNumberField(numberField) 1244 break; 1245 case FieldType.Password: 1246 TextField passwordField = new TextField 1247 { 1248 Label = settings.Label != null ? settings.Label : Translate("Password"), 1249 Id = settings.Id, 1250 Value = settings.Value, 1251 OnClick = settings.OnClick, 1252 Disabled = settings.Disabled, 1253 Required = settings.Required, 1254 CssClass = settings.CssClass, 1255 ExtraAttributes = settings.ExtraAttributes, 1256 ErrorMessage = settings.ErrorMessage, 1257 Placeholder = settings.Placeholder, 1258 Type = TextFieldType.Password 1259 }; 1260 1261 @RenderTextField(passwordField) 1262 break; 1263 case FieldType.Reset: 1264 Button resetField = new Button 1265 { 1266 Title = settings.Label != null ? settings.Label : Translate("Reset"), 1267 Id = settings.Id, 1268 OnClick = settings.OnClick, 1269 Disabled = settings.Disabled, 1270 CssClass = settings.CssClass, 1271 ExtraAttributes = settings.ExtraAttributes, 1272 ButtonLayout = ButtonLayout.Secondary, 1273 ButtonType = ButtonType.Reset 1274 }; 1275 1276 @RenderButton(resetField) 1277 break; 1278 case FieldType.Submit: 1279 Button submitField = new Button 1280 { 1281 Title = settings.Label != null ? settings.Label : Translate("Submit"), 1282 Id = settings.Id, 1283 OnClick = settings.OnClick, 1284 Disabled = settings.Disabled, 1285 CssClass = settings.CssClass, 1286 ExtraAttributes = settings.ExtraAttributes, 1287 ButtonLayout = ButtonLayout.Primary, 1288 ButtonType = ButtonType.Submit 1289 }; 1290 1291 @RenderButton(submitField) 1292 break; 1293 case FieldType.Tel: 1294 TextField telField = new TextField 1295 { 1296 Label = settings.Label != null ? settings.Label : Translate("Phone"), 1297 Id = settings.Id, 1298 Value = settings.Value, 1299 OnClick = settings.OnClick, 1300 Disabled = settings.Disabled, 1301 Required = settings.Required, 1302 CssClass = settings.CssClass, 1303 ExtraAttributes = settings.ExtraAttributes, 1304 ErrorMessage = settings.ErrorMessage, 1305 Placeholder = settings.Placeholder, 1306 Type = TextFieldType.Tel 1307 }; 1308 1309 @RenderTextField(telField) 1310 break; 1311 case FieldType.Text: 1312 TextField textField = new TextField 1313 { 1314 Label = settings.Label, 1315 Id = settings.Id, 1316 Value = settings.Value, 1317 OnClick = settings.OnClick, 1318 Disabled = settings.Disabled, 1319 Required = settings.Required, 1320 CssClass = settings.CssClass, 1321 ExtraAttributes = settings.ExtraAttributes, 1322 ErrorMessage = settings.ErrorMessage, 1323 Placeholder = settings.Placeholder, 1324 Type = TextFieldType.Text 1325 }; 1326 1327 @RenderTextField(textField) 1328 break; 1329 case FieldType.Textarea: 1330 TextareaField textareaField = new TextareaField 1331 { 1332 Label = settings.Label, 1333 Id = settings.Id, 1334 Value = settings.Value, 1335 OnClick = settings.OnClick, 1336 Disabled = settings.Disabled, 1337 Required = settings.Required, 1338 CssClass = settings.CssClass, 1339 ExtraAttributes = settings.ExtraAttributes, 1340 ErrorMessage = settings.ErrorMessage, 1341 Placeholder = settings.Placeholder 1342 }; 1343 1344 @RenderTextareaField(textareaField) 1345 break; 1346 default: 1347 TextField defaultField = new TextField 1348 { 1349 Label = settings.Label, 1350 Id = settings.Id, 1351 Value = settings.Value, 1352 OnClick = settings.OnClick, 1353 Disabled = settings.Disabled, 1354 Required = settings.Required, 1355 CssClass = settings.CssClass, 1356 ExtraAttributes = settings.ExtraAttributes, 1357 ErrorMessage = settings.ErrorMessage, 1358 Placeholder = settings.Placeholder, 1359 Type = TextFieldType.Text 1360 }; 1361 1362 @RenderTextField(defaultField) 1363 break; 1364 } 1365 } 1366 } 1367 1368 1369 @using Dynamicweb.Frontend 1370 @using System.Reflection 1371 @using Dynamicweb.Content.Items 1372 @using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls 1373 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks.Components 1374 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks 1375 1376 1377 @* Components for the articles *@ 1378 @using System.Reflection 1379 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks.Components.Articles 1380 1381 1382 @* Component for the articles *@ 1383 1384 @helper RenderArticleBanner(dynamic settings) { 1385 dynamic[] methodParameters = new dynamic[1]; 1386 methodParameters[0] = settings; 1387 MethodInfo customMethod = this.GetType().GetMethod("RenderArticleBannerCustom"); 1388 1389 if (customMethod != null) 1390 { 1391 @customMethod.Invoke(this, methodParameters).ToString(); 1392 } else { 1393 string filterClasses = "image-filter image-filter--darken"; 1394 settings.Layout = ArticleHeaderLayout.Banner; 1395 1396 if (settings.Image != null) 1397 { 1398 if (settings.Image.Path != null) 1399 { 1400 <section class="multiple-paragraphs-container u-color-light paragraph-container--full-width"> 1401 <div class="background-image @filterClasses dw-mod"> 1402 <div class="background-image__wrapper @filterClasses dw-mod"> 1403 @{ 1404 settings.Image.CssClass += "background-image__cover dw-mod"; 1405 } 1406 @RenderImage(settings.Image) 1407 </div> 1408 </div> 1409 <div class="center-container dw-mod"> 1410 <div class="grid"> 1411 <div class="grid__col-md-8 grid__col-xs-12 paragraph-container paragraph-container--height-lg"> 1412 <div class="u-left-middle"> 1413 <div> 1414 @if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.Heading)) 1415 { 1416 <h1 class="article__header article__header--giant dw-mod" style="color: @settings.TextColor">@settings.Heading</h1> 1417 } 1418 @if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.Subheading)) 1419 { 1420 <div class="article__leadtext dw-mod" style="color: @settings.TextColor">@settings.Subheading</div> 1421 } 1422 @if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.Author) || !String.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.Date)) 1423 { 1424 <small class="article__post-info u-margin-bottom--lg dw-mod" style="color: @settings.TextColor">@settings.Author @settings.Date</small> 1425 } 1426 @if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.Link)) { 1427 <div class="grid__cell"> 1428 @RenderButton(new Button { Link= settings.Link, Title= settings.LinkText, ButtonLayout= settings.ButtonLayout }) 1429 </div> 1430 } 1431 </div> 1432 </div> 1433 </div> 1434 @if (settings.ExternalParagraphId != 0) 1435 { 1436 <div class="grid__col-md-4 grid__col-sm-12 grid__col-xs-12 paragraph-container paragraph-container--height-auto dw-mod"> 1437 <div class="u-color-light-gray--bg u-color-dark dw-mod"> 1438 @RenderParagraphContent(settings.ExternalParagraphId) 1439 </div> 1440 </div> 1441 } 1442 </div> 1443 </div> 1444 </section> 1445 } 1446 else 1447 { 1448 settings.Layout = ArticleHeaderLayout.Clean; 1449 @RenderArticleCleanHeader(settings); 1450 } 1451 } 1452 else 1453 { 1454 settings.Layout = ArticleHeaderLayout.Clean; 1455 @RenderArticleCleanHeader(settings); 1456 } 1457 } 1458 } 1459 @using System.Reflection 1460 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks.Components 1461 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks.Components.General 1462 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks.Components.Articles 1463 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks 1464 1465 1466 @* Component for the articles *@ 1467 1468 @helper RenderArticleHeader(ArticleHeader settings) { 1469 dynamic[] methodParameters = new dynamic[1]; 1470 methodParameters[0] = settings; 1471 MethodInfo customMethod = this.GetType().GetMethod("RenderArticleHeaderCustom"); 1472 1473 if (customMethod != null) 1474 { 1475 @customMethod.Invoke(this, methodParameters).ToString(); 1476 } else { 1477 switch (settings.Layout) 1478 { 1479 case ArticleHeaderLayout.Clean: 1480 @RenderArticleCleanHeader(settings); 1481 break; 1482 case ArticleHeaderLayout.Split: 1483 @RenderArticleSplitHeader(settings); 1484 break; 1485 case ArticleHeaderLayout.Banner: 1486 @RenderArticleBannerHeader(settings); 1487 break; 1488 case ArticleHeaderLayout.Overlay: 1489 @RenderArticleOverlayHeader(settings); 1490 break; 1491 default: 1492 @RenderArticleCleanHeader(settings); 1493 break; 1494 } 1495 } 1496 } 1497 1498 @helper RenderArticleCleanHeader(ArticleHeader settings) { 1499 dynamic[] methodParameters = new dynamic[1]; 1500 methodParameters[0] = settings; 1501 MethodInfo customMethod = this.GetType().GetMethod("RenderArticleCleanHeaderCustom"); 1502 1503 if (customMethod != null) 1504 { 1505 @customMethod.Invoke(this, methodParameters).ToString(); 1506 } 1507 else 1508 { 1509 string contentColumns = settings.TextLayout != ArticleHeaderTextLayout.Full ? "8" : "12"; 1510 1511 <div class="grid grid--align-content-start grid--justify-start"> 1512 <div class="grid__col-md-@contentColumns grid__col-sm-12 u-padding--lg dw-mod"> 1513 @if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.Category) || !String.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.Author) || !String.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.Date) || settings.RatingOutOf != 0) 1514 { 1515 <div class="u-border-bottom u-padding-bottom"> 1516 @if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.Category)) 1517 { 1518 <div class="u-pull--left"> 1519 <div class="article__category dw-mod" style="color: @settings.CategoryColor">@settings.Category</div> 1520 </div> 1521 } 1522 <div class="u-pull--right"> 1523 @if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.Author) || !String.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.Date)) 1524 { 1525 <small class="article__post-info dw-mod">@settings.Author @settings.Date</small> 1526 } 1527 @if (settings.RatingOutOf != 0) 1528 { 1529 @RenderRating(new Rating { Score = settings.RatingScore, OutOf = settings.RatingOutOf }) 1530 } 1531 </div> 1532 </div> 1533 } 1534 1535 <div class="grid__cell"> 1536 @if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.Heading)) 1537 { 1538 <h1 class="article__header article__header--giant dw-mod">@settings.Heading</h1> 1539 } 1540 @if (settings.Image != null) 1541 { 1542 if (settings.Image.Path != null) 1543 { 1544 <div class="u-padding-bottom--lg"> 1545 @RenderImage(settings.Image) 1546 </div> 1547 } 1548 } 1549 @if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.Subheading)) 1550 { 1551 <div class="article__leadtext dw-mod">@settings.Subheading</div> 1552 } 1553 @if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.Link)) 1554 { 1555 <div class="grid__cell"> 1556 @RenderButton(new Button { Link = settings.Link, Title = settings.LinkText, ButtonLayout = settings.ButtonLayout }) 1557 </div> 1558 } 1559 </div> 1560 </div> 1561 @if (settings.ExternalParagraphId != 0) 1562 { 1563 <div class="grid__col-md-4 grid__col-sm-12 u-padding--lg u-color-light-gray--bg dw-mod"> 1564 @RenderParagraphContent(settings.ExternalParagraphId) 1565 </div> 1566 } 1567 </div> 1568 } 1569 } 1570 1571 @helper RenderArticleSplitHeader(ArticleHeader settings) { 1572 dynamic[] methodParameters = new dynamic[1]; 1573 methodParameters[0] = settings; 1574 MethodInfo customMethod = this.GetType().GetMethod("RenderArticleSplitHeaderCustom"); 1575 1576 if (customMethod != null) 1577 { 1578 @customMethod.Invoke(this, methodParameters).ToString(); 1579 } 1580 else 1581 { 1582 string headerColumnWidth = settings.ExternalParagraphId != 0 ? "4" : "6"; 1583 1584 if (settings.Image != null) 1585 { 1586 if (settings.Image.Path != null) 1587 { 1588 <section class="multiple-paragraphs-container paragraph-container--full-width"> 1589 <div class="grid"> 1590 <div class="grid__col-md-@headerColumnWidth grid__col-sm-12 grid__col-xs-12 paragraph-container paragraph-container--height-xl dw-mod"> 1591 <div class="u-left-middle u-padding--lg"> 1592 <div> 1593 @if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.Category)) 1594 { 1595 <div class="article__category dw-mod" style="color: @settings.CategoryColor">@settings.Category</div> 1596 } 1597 @if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.Heading)) 1598 { 1599 <h1 class="article__header article__header--giant dw-mod">@settings.Heading</h1> 1600 } 1601 @if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.Subheading)) 1602 { 1603 <div class="article__leadtext dw-mod">@settings.Subheading</div> 1604 } 1605 @if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.Author) || !String.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.Date)) 1606 { 1607 <small class="article__post-info u-pull--left dw-mod">@settings.Author @settings.Date</small> 1608 } 1609 @if (settings.RatingOutOf != 0) 1610 { 1611 <div class="u-pull--right"> 1612 @RenderRating(new Rating { Score = settings.RatingScore, OutOf = settings.RatingOutOf }) 1613 </div> 1614 } 1615 @if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.Link)) { 1616 @RenderButton(new Button { Link = settings.Link, Title = settings.LinkText, ButtonLayout = settings.ButtonLayout }) 1617 } 1618 </div> 1619 </div> 1620 </div> 1621 <div class="grid__col-md-@headerColumnWidth grid__col-sm-12 grid__col-xs-12 paragraph-container paragraph-container--height-auto dw-mod" style="background-image:url(/Admin/Public/GetImage.ashx?width=1800&amp;height=1100&amp;crop=0&amp;Compression=85&amp;DoNotUpscale=true&amp;image=@settings.Image.Path); background-position: center center; background-size: cover;"></div> 1622 @if (settings.ExternalParagraphId != 0) 1623 { 1624 <div class="grid__col-md-4 grid__col-sm-12 grid__col-xs-12 paragraph-container paragraph-container--height-auto u-color-light-gray--bg dw-mod"> 1625 @RenderParagraphContent(settings.ExternalParagraphId) 1626 </div> 1627 } 1628 </div> 1629 </section> 1630 } 1631 } 1632 else 1633 { 1634 @RenderArticleCleanHeader(settings); 1635 } 1636 } 1637 } 1638 1639 @helper RenderArticleOverlayHeader(ArticleHeader settings) { 1640 dynamic[] methodParameters = new dynamic[1]; 1641 methodParameters[0] = settings; 1642 MethodInfo customMethod = this.GetType().GetMethod("RenderArticleOverlayHeaderCustom"); 1643 1644 if (customMethod != null) 1645 { 1646 @customMethod.Invoke(this, methodParameters).ToString(); 1647 } 1648 else 1649 { 1650 string contentColumns = settings.TextLayout != ArticleHeaderTextLayout.Full ? "8" : "12"; 1651 string contentAlignment = settings.TextLayout == ArticleHeaderTextLayout.Center ? "grid--justify-center" : ""; 1652 1653 if (settings.Image != null) 1654 { 1655 if (settings.Image.Path != null) 1656 { 1657 if (settings.ExternalParagraphId == 0) 1658 { 1659 <section class="multiple-paragraphs-container u-color-light paragraph-container--full-width"> 1660 <div class="background-image image-filter image-filter--darken dw-mod"> 1661 <div class="background-image__wrapper image-filter image-filter--darken dw-mod"> 1662 @{ 1663 settings.Image.CssClass += "background-image__cover dw-mod"; 1664 } 1665 @RenderImage(settings.Image) 1666 </div> 1667 </div> 1668 <div class="center-container dw-mod"> 1669 <div class="grid @contentAlignment"> 1670 <div class="grid__col-md-@contentColumns grid__col-xs-12 paragraph-container paragraph-container--height-xl u-no-padding dw-mod"> 1671 @if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.Heading)) 1672 { 1673 <h1 class="article__header article__header--giant u-padding-top--lg dw-mod" style="color: @settings.TextColor">@settings.Heading</h1> 1674 } 1675 @if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.Subheading)) 1676 { 1677 <div class="article__leadtext dw-mod" style="color: @settings.TextColor">@settings.Subheading</div> 1678 } 1679 <div class="u-margin-top"> 1680 @if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.Author) || !String.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.Date)) 1681 { 1682 <small class="article__post-info u-pull--left dw-mod" style="color: @settings.TextColor">@settings.Author @settings.Date</small> 1683 } 1684 @if (settings.RatingOutOf != 0) 1685 { 1686 <div class="u-pull--right"> 1687 @RenderRating(new Rating { Score = settings.RatingScore, OutOf = settings.RatingOutOf }) 1688 </div> 1689 } 1690 </div> 1691 @if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.Link)) 1692 { 1693 <div class="grid__cell"> 1694 @RenderButton(new Button { Link= settings.Link, Title= settings.LinkText, ButtonLayout= settings.ButtonLayout }) 1695 </div> 1696 } 1697 </div> 1698 </div> 1699 </div> 1700 </section> 1701 } 1702 else 1703 { 1704 @RenderArticleBanner(settings); 1705 } 1706 } 1707 } 1708 else 1709 { 1710 @RenderArticleCleanHeader(settings); 1711 } 1712 } 1713 } 1714 1715 @helper RenderArticleBannerHeader(dynamic settings) { 1716 dynamic[] methodParameters = new dynamic[1]; 1717 methodParameters[0] = settings; 1718 MethodInfo customMethod = this.GetType().GetMethod("RenderArticleBannerHeaderCustom"); 1719 1720 if (customMethod != null) 1721 { 1722 @customMethod.Invoke(this, methodParameters).ToString(); 1723 } 1724 else 1725 { 1726 @RenderArticleBanner(settings); 1727 } 1728 } 1729 @using System.Reflection 1730 @using System.Text.RegularExpressions; 1731 @using Dynamicweb.Frontend 1732 @using Dynamicweb.Content.Items 1733 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks.Components 1734 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks.Components.Articles 1735 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks 1736 1737 @* Component for the articles *@ 1738 1739 @helper RenderArticleBodyRow(ArticleBodyRow settings) 1740 { 1741 dynamic[] methodParameters = new dynamic[1]; 1742 methodParameters[0] = settings; 1743 MethodInfo customMethod = this.GetType().GetMethod("RenderArticleBodyRowCustom"); 1744 1745 if (customMethod != null) 1746 { 1747 @customMethod.Invoke(this, methodParameters).ToString(); 1748 } else { 1749 string position = settings.TopLayout == "overlay" ? "article__overlay-offset" : ""; 1750 string contentAlignment = settings.TextLayout == "center" ? "grid--justify-center" : ""; 1751 1752 <div class="grid grid--align-content-start @contentAlignment @position dw-mod"> 1753 @RenderBlockList(settings.SubBlocks) 1754 </div> 1755 } 1756 } 1757 @using System.Reflection 1758 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks.Components 1759 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks.Components.General 1760 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks.Components.Articles 1761 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks 1762 1763 @* Component for the articles *@ 1764 1765 @helper RenderArticleImage(ArticleImage settings) 1766 { 1767 dynamic[] methodParameters = new dynamic[1]; 1768 methodParameters[0] = settings; 1769 MethodInfo customMethod = this.GetType().GetMethod("RenderArticleImageCustom"); 1770 1771 if (customMethod != null) 1772 { 1773 @customMethod.Invoke(this, methodParameters).ToString(); 1774 } 1775 else 1776 { 1777 if (settings.Image != null) 1778 { 1779 if (settings.Image.Path != null) 1780 { 1781 <div class="u-margin-bottom--lg"> 1782 @RenderImage(settings.Image) 1783 </div> 1784 } 1785 } 1786 } 1787 } 1788 @using System.Reflection 1789 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks.Components 1790 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks.Components.Articles 1791 1792 1793 @* Component for the articles *@ 1794 1795 @helper RenderArticleSubHeader(ArticleSubHeader settings) 1796 { 1797 dynamic[] methodParameters = new dynamic[1]; 1798 methodParameters[0] = settings; 1799 MethodInfo customMethod = this.GetType().GetMethod("RenderArticleSubHeaderCustom"); 1800 1801 if (customMethod != null) 1802 { 1803 @customMethod.Invoke(this, methodParameters).ToString(); 1804 } else { 1805 if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.Title)) 1806 { 1807 <h2 class="article__header">@settings.Title</h2> 1808 } 1809 } 1810 } 1811 @using System.Reflection 1812 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks.Components 1813 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks.Components.Articles 1814 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks 1815 1816 1817 @* Component for the articles *@ 1818 1819 @helper RenderArticleText(ArticleText settings) 1820 { 1821 dynamic[] methodParameters = new dynamic[1]; 1822 methodParameters[0] = settings; 1823 MethodInfo customMethod = this.GetType().GetMethod("RenderArticleTextCustom"); 1824 1825 if (customMethod != null) 1826 { 1827 @customMethod.Invoke(this, methodParameters).ToString(); 1828 } else { 1829 if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.Text)) 1830 { 1831 string greatTextClass = settings.EnableLargeText == true ? "article__paragraph--great-text" : ""; 1832 1833 <div class="article__paragraph @greatTextClass"> 1834 @settings.Text 1835 </div> 1836 } 1837 } 1838 } 1839 @using System.Reflection 1840 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks.Components 1841 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks.Components.Articles 1842 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks 1843 1844 1845 @* Component for the articles *@ 1846 1847 @helper RenderArticleQuote(ArticleQuote settings) 1848 { 1849 dynamic[] methodParameters = new dynamic[1]; 1850 methodParameters[0] = settings; 1851 MethodInfo customMethod = this.GetType().GetMethod("RenderArticleQuoteCustom"); 1852 1853 if (customMethod != null) 1854 { 1855 @customMethod.Invoke(this, methodParameters).ToString(); 1856 } else { 1857 string text = Regex.Replace(settings.Text, "<.*?>", String.Empty); 1858 1859 <div class="grid u-padding-bottom--lg"> 1860 @if (settings.Image != null) 1861 { 1862 if (settings.Image.Path != null) { 1863 <div class="grid__col-3"> 1864 <div class="grid__cell-img"> 1865 @{ 1866 settings.Image.Title = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.Image.Title) ? settings.Image.Title : settings.Author; 1867 settings.Image.CssClass += " article__image article__image--ball"; 1868 settings.Image.ImageDefault.Width = 200; 1869 settings.Image.ImageDefault.Height = 200; 1870 } 1871 @RenderImage(settings.Image) 1872 </div> 1873 </div> 1874 } 1875 } 1876 <div class="grid__col-auto"> 1877 @if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.Text)) 1878 { 1879 <div class="article__quote dw-mod"> 1880 <i class="fas fa-quote-right u-margin-bottom--lg"></i> 1881 @settings.Text 1882 <i class="fas fa-quote-right"></i> 1883 </div> 1884 } 1885 @if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.Author)) 1886 { 1887 <div class="article__quote-author dw-mod"> 1888 - @settings.Author 1889 </div> 1890 } 1891 </div> 1892 </div> 1893 } 1894 } 1895 @using System.Reflection 1896 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks.Components 1897 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks.Components.Articles 1898 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks 1899 1900 @* Component for the articles *@ 1901 1902 @helper RenderArticleInfoTable(ArticleInfoTable settings) 1903 { 1904 dynamic[] methodParameters = new dynamic[1]; 1905 methodParameters[0] = settings; 1906 MethodInfo customMethod = this.GetType().GetMethod("RenderArticleInfoTableCustom"); 1907 1908 if (customMethod != null) 1909 { 1910 @customMethod.Invoke(this, methodParameters).ToString(); 1911 } else { 1912 <table class="table table--clean"> 1913 @foreach (var row in settings.Rows) 1914 { 1915 string iconColor = row.IconColor != null ? row.IconColor : "u-brand-color-two"; 1916 1917 <tr> 1918 @if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(row.Icon)) 1919 { 1920 <td class="u-w32px"><i class="@row.Icon fa-2x @row.IconColor"></i></td> 1921 } 1922 <td class="u-no-margin-on-p-elements"> 1923 <div class="u-bold">@row.Title</div> 1924 @if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(row.SubTitle)) 1925 { 1926 if (row.Link == null) 1927 { 1928 <div>@row.SubTitle</div> 1929 } 1930 else 1931 { 1932 <a href="@row.Link" class="u-color-inherit">@row.SubTitle</a> 1933 } 1934 } 1935 </td> 1936 </tr> 1937 } 1938 </table> 1939 } 1940 } 1941 @using System.Reflection 1942 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks.Components 1943 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks.Components.Articles 1944 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks 1945 1946 @* Component for the articles *@ 1947 1948 @helper RenderArticleGalleryModal(ArticleGalleryModal settings) 1949 { 1950 dynamic[] methodParameters = new dynamic[1]; 1951 methodParameters[0] = settings; 1952 MethodInfo customMethod = this.GetType().GetMethod(settings.HelperName + "Custom"); 1953 1954 if (customMethod != null) 1955 { 1956 @customMethod.Invoke(this, methodParameters).ToString(); 1957 } 1958 else 1959 { 1960 <input type="checkbox" id="ParagraphGalleryTrigger" class="modal-trigger" /> 1961 <div class="modal-container"> 1962 <label for="ParagraphGalleryTrigger" id="ParagraphGalleryOverlay" class="modal-overlay"></label> 1963 <div class="modal modal--full" id="ParagraphGallery"> 1964 <div class="modal__body modal__body--full"> 1965 <img src="/Files/Images/placeholder.gif" alt="" id="ParagraphGalleryModalImage" style="margin: 0 auto;" /> 1966 <div class="u-padding u-ta-center" id="ParagraphGalleryModalCaption"></div> 1967 <label class="modal__close-btn dw-mod" for="ParagraphGalleryTrigger"></label> 1968 </div> 1969 </div> 1970 </div> 1971 <script> 1972 function showImageInModal(image) { 1973 let imageNode = document.getElementById('ParagraphGalleryModalImage'); 1974 let captionNode = document.getElementById('ParagraphGalleryModalCaption'); 1975 let trigger = document.getElementById('ParagraphGalleryTrigger'); 1976 imageNode.src = image.src; 1977 if (image.alt != "") { 1978 captionNode.innerText = image.alt; 1979 imageNode.alt = image.alt; 1980 = "block"; 1981 } else { 1982 = "none"; 1983 } 1984 trigger.checked = true; 1985 } 1986 </script> 1987 } 1988 } 1989 @using System.Reflection 1990 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks.Components 1991 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks.Components.Articles 1992 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks 1993 1994 1995 @* Component for the articles *@ 1996 1997 @helper RenderArticleRelated(ArticleRelated settings) 1998 { 1999 string cardClass = Pageview.Device.ToString() != "Tablet" ? "card u-color-light--bg u-full-height" : ""; 2000 string cardFooterClass = Pageview.Device.ToString() != "Tablet" ? "card-footer u-color-light--bg" : ""; 2001 2002 <section class="multiple-paragraphs-container u-color-light-gray--bg paragraph-container--full-width"> 2003 <div class="center-container dw-mod"> 2004 <div class="grid u-padding"> 2005 <div class="grid__col-md-12 grid__col-xs-12"> 2006 <h2 class="article__header u-no-margin u-margin-top">@settings.Title</h2> 2007 </div> 2008 </div> 2009 2010 <div class="js-handlebars-root u-padding" id="@settings.Title.Replace(" ", String.Empty)" data-template="RelatedSimpleTemplate" data-json-feed="/Default.aspx?ID=@settings.FeedPageId&@settings.Query&ExcludeItemID=@settings.CurrentPageId&PageSize=@settings.PageSize"></div> 2011 2012 <script id="RelatedSimpleTemplate" type="text/x-template"> 2013 {{#.}} 2014 <div class="grid u-padding-bottom--lg"> 2015 {{#Cases}} 2016 <div class="grid__col-3 image-hover--zoom dw-mod"> 2017 <a href="{{link}}" class="u-full-height u-color-light--bg"> 2018 {{#if image}} 2019 <div class="u-color-light--bg u-no-padding dw-mod"> 2020 <div class="flex-img image-hover__wrapper"> 2021 <img class="b-lazy" src="/Files/Images/placeholder.gif" data-src="/Admin/Public/GetImage.ashx?width=680&height=314&amp;crop=1&amp;DoNotUpscale=True&amp;Compression=75&amp;image={{image}}" alt="{{title}}" /> 2022 </div> 2023 </div> 2024 {{/if}} 2025 2026 <div class="card u-color-light--bg dw-mod"> 2027 <h3 class="article-list__item-header u-truncate-text dw-mod">{{title}}</h3> 2028 <p class="article__short-summary dw-mod">{{summary}}</p> 2029 </div> 2030 </a> 2031 </div> 2032 {{/Cases}} 2033 </div> 2034 {{/.}} 2035 </script> 2036 </div> 2037 </section> 2038 } 2039 @using System.Reflection 2040 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks.Components 2041 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks.Components.Articles 2042 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks 2043 2044 2045 @* Component for the articles *@ 2046 2047 @helper RenderArticleMenu(ArticleMenu settings) 2048 { 2049 dynamic[] methodParameters = new dynamic[1]; 2050 methodParameters[0] = settings; 2051 MethodInfo customMethod = this.GetType().GetMethod("RenderArticleMenuCustom"); 2052 2053 if (customMethod != null) 2054 { 2055 @customMethod.Invoke(this, methodParameters).ToString(); 2056 } else { 2057 if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.Title)) { 2058 <div class="u-margin u-border-bottom"> 2059 <h3 class="u-no-margin">@settings.Title</h3> 2060 </div> 2061 } 2062 2063 <ul class="menu-left u-margin-bottom dw-mod"> 2064 @foreach (var item in settings.Items) 2065 { 2066 @RenderArticleMenuItem(item) 2067 } 2068 </ul> 2069 } 2070 } 2071 2072 @helper RenderArticleMenuItem(ArticleMenuItem settings) 2073 { 2074 dynamic[] methodParameters = new dynamic[1]; 2075 methodParameters[0] = settings; 2076 MethodInfo customMethod = this.GetType().GetMethod("RenderArticleMenuItemCustom"); 2077 2078 if (customMethod != null) 2079 { 2080 @customMethod.Invoke(this, methodParameters).ToString(); 2081 } else { 2082 string link = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.Link) ? settings.Link : "#"; 2083 2084 if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.Title)) { 2085 <li class="menu-left__item dw-mod"> 2086 <a href="@link" onclick="@settings.OnClick" class="menu-left__link dw-mod">@settings.Title</a> 2087 </li> 2088 } 2089 } 2090 } 2091 @using System.Reflection 2092 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks.Components 2093 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks.Components.Articles 2094 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks 2095 2096 @* Component for the articles *@ 2097 2098 @helper RenderArticleList(ArticleList settings) 2099 { 2100 dynamic[] methodParameters = new dynamic[1]; 2101 methodParameters[0] = settings; 2102 MethodInfo customMethod = this.GetType().GetMethod("RenderArticleListCustom"); 2103 2104 if (customMethod != null) 2105 { 2106 @customMethod.Invoke(this, methodParameters).ToString(); 2107 } else { 2108 if (Pageview != null) 2109 { 2110 bool isParagraph = Pageview.CurrentParagraph != null ? true : false; 2111 string[] sortArticlesListBy = new string[2]; 2112 2113 if (isParagraph) { 2114 sortArticlesListBy = Pageview.CurrentParagraph.Item["SortArticlesListBy"] != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Pageview.CurrentParagraph.Item["SortArticlesListBy"].ToString()) ? Pageview.CurrentParagraph.Item["SortArticlesListBy"].ToString().Split('+') : new string[] { "Date", "ASC" }; 2115 } 2116 else { 2117 sortArticlesListBy = Pageview.Item["SortArticlesListBy"] != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Pageview.Item["SortArticlesListBy"].ToString()) ? Pageview.Item["SortArticlesListBy"].ToString().Split('+') : new string[] { "Date", "ASC" }; 2118 } 2119 2120 string sourcePage = settings.SourcePage != null ? settings.SourcePage : Pageview.ID.ToString(); 2121 2122 @RenderItemList(new 2123 { 2124 ItemType = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.ItemType) ? settings.ItemType : "DynamicArticle", 2125 ListSourceType = settings.SourceType, 2126 ListSourcePage = sourcePage, 2127 ItemFieldsList = "*", 2128 Filter = settings.Filter, 2129 ListOrderBy = sortArticlesListBy[0], 2130 ListOrderByDirection = sortArticlesListBy[1], 2131 ListSecondOrderBy = sortArticlesListBy[0] == "Date" ? "InFocusSortId" : "Date", 2132 ListSecondOrderByDirection = "ASC", 2133 IncludeAllChildItems = true, 2134 ListTemplate = settings.Template, 2135 ListPageSize = settings.PageSize.ToString() 2136 }); 2137 } 2138 } 2139 } 2140 @using System.Reflection 2141 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks.Components.Articles 2142 2143 2144 @* Component for the articles *@ 2145 2146 @helper RenderArticleSummary(ArticleSummary settings) 2147 { 2148 dynamic[] methodParameters = new dynamic[1]; 2149 methodParameters[0] = settings; 2150 MethodInfo customMethod = this.GetType().GetMethod("RenderArticleSummaryCustom"); 2151 2152 if (customMethod != null) 2153 { 2154 @customMethod.Invoke(this, methodParameters).ToString(); 2155 } else { 2156 if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.Text)) 2157 { 2158 <div class="article__summary dw-mod">@settings.Text</div> 2159 } 2160 } 2161 } 2162 @using System.Reflection 2163 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks.Components 2164 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks.Components.Articles 2165 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks 2166 2167 @* Component for the articles *@ 2168 2169 @helper RenderArticleListCategoryFilter(ArticleListCategoryFilter settings) 2170 { 2171 dynamic[] methodParameters = new dynamic[1]; 2172 methodParameters[0] = settings; 2173 MethodInfo customMethod = this.GetType().GetMethod("RenderArticleListCategoryFilterCustom"); 2174 2175 if (customMethod != null) 2176 { 2177 @customMethod.Invoke(this, methodParameters).ToString(); 2178 } else { 2179 string pageId = Pageview.ID.ToString(); 2180 string selectedFilter = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString.Get("sourcePage")) ? HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString.Get("sourcePage") : Translate("All"); 2181 var query = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString.ToString()); 2182 2183 foreach (var option in settings.Categories) 2184 { 2185 selectedFilter = selectedFilter == option.Value ? option.Key : selectedFilter; 2186 } 2187 2188 if (selectedFilter == pageId) 2189 { 2190 selectedFilter = Translate("All"); 2191 } 2192 2193 if (Pageview.Device.ToString() != "Mobile" && Pageview.Device.ToString() != "Tablet") 2194 { 2195 <div class="u-pull--right u-margin-left"> 2196 <div class="collection u-no-margin"> 2197 <h5>@Translate("Category")</h5> 2198 <input type="checkbox" id="CategorySelector" class="dropdown-trigger" /> 2199 <div class="dropdown u-w180px dw-mod"> 2200 <label class="dropdown__header dropdown__btn dw-mod" for="CategorySelector">@Translate(selectedFilter)</label> 2201 <div class="dropdown__content dw-mod"> 2202 @foreach (var option in settings.Categories) 2203 { 2204 <div class="dropdown__item" onclick="QueryArray.setParametersInCurrentURL({ sourceType: 'Page', sourcePage: '@(option.Key.ToLower() == "all" ? pageId : option.Value)' })">@Translate(option.Key)</div> 2205 } 2206 </div> 2207 <label class="dropdown-trigger-off" for="CategorySelector"></label> 2208 </div> 2209 </div> 2210 </div> 2211 } 2212 else 2213 { 2214 <div class="u-full-width u-margin-bottom"> 2215 <h5 class="u-no-margin">@Translate("Category")</h5> 2216 <input type="checkbox" id="CategorySelector" class="dropdown-trigger" /> 2217 <div class="dropdown u-full-width dw-mod"> 2218 <label class="dropdown__header dropdown__btn dw-mod" for="CategorySelector">@Translate(selectedFilter)</label> 2219 <div class="dropdown__content dw-mod"> 2220 @foreach (var option in settings.Categories) 2221 { 2222 <div class="dropdown__item" onclick="QueryArray.setParametersInCurrentURL({ sourceType: 'Page', sourcePage: '@(option.Key.ToLower() == "all" ? pageId : option.Value)' })">@Translate(option.Key)</div> 2223 } 2224 </div> 2225 <label class="dropdown-trigger-off" for="CategorySelector"></label> 2226 </div> 2227 </div> 2228 } 2229 } 2230 } 2231 @using System.Reflection 2232 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks.Components 2233 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks.Components.Articles 2234 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks 2235 2236 @* Component for the articles *@ 2237 2238 @helper RenderArticleListFilter(ArticleListFilter settings) 2239 { 2240 string selectedFilter = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString.Get(settings.SystemName)) ? HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString.Get(settings.SystemName) : Translate("All"); 2241 var query = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString.ToString()); 2242 2243 if (settings.Options != null) 2244 { 2245 foreach (var option in settings.Options) 2246 { 2247 selectedFilter = selectedFilter == option.Value ? option.Name : selectedFilter; 2248 } 2249 2250 if (Pageview.Device.ToString() != "Mobile" && Pageview.Device.ToString() != "Tablet") 2251 { 2252 <div class="u-pull--right u-margin-left"> 2253 <div class="collection u-no-margin"> 2254 <h5>@settings.Label</h5> 2255 <input type="checkbox" id="@(settings.SystemName)Selector" class="dropdown-trigger" /> 2256 <div class="dropdown u-w180px dw-mod"> 2257 <label class="dropdown__header dropdown__btn dw-mod" for="@(settings.SystemName)Selector">@Translate(selectedFilter)</label> 2258 <div class="dropdown__content dw-mod"> 2259 <div class="dropdown__item" onclick="QueryArray.setParameterInCurrentURL('@settings.SystemName', '')">@Translate("All")</div> 2260 @foreach (var option in settings.Options) 2261 { 2262 <div class="dropdown__item" onclick="QueryArray.setParameterInCurrentURL('@settings.SystemName', '@option.Value')">@Translate(option.Name)</div> 2263 } 2264 </div> 2265 <label class="dropdown-trigger-off" for="@(settings.SystemName)Selector"></label> 2266 </div> 2267 </div> 2268 </div> 2269 } 2270 else 2271 { 2272 <div class="u-full-width u-margin-bottom"> 2273 <h5 class="u-no-margin">@settings.Label</h5> 2274 <input type="checkbox" id="@(settings.SystemName)Selector" class="dropdown-trigger" /> 2275 <div class="dropdown u-full-width w-mod"> 2276 <label class="dropdown__header dropdown__btn dw-mod" for="@(settings.SystemName)Selector">@Translate(selectedFilter)</label> 2277 <div class="dropdown__content dw-mod"> 2278 <div class="dropdown__item" onclick="QueryArray.setParameterInCurrentURL('@settings.SystemName', '')">@Translate("All")</div> 2279 @foreach (var option in settings.Options) 2280 { 2281 <div class="dropdown__item" onclick="QueryArray.setParameterInCurrentURL('@settings.SystemName', '@option.Value')">@Translate(option.Name)</div> 2282 } 2283 </div> 2284 <label class="dropdown-trigger-off" for="@(settings.SystemName)Selector"></label> 2285 </div> 2286 </div> 2287 } 2288 } 2289 } 2290 @using System.Reflection 2291 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks.Components 2292 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks.Components.Articles 2293 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks 2294 2295 @* Component for the articles *@ 2296 2297 @helper RenderArticleListSearch(ArticleListSearch settings) 2298 { 2299 dynamic[] methodParameters = new dynamic[1]; 2300 methodParameters[0] = settings; 2301 MethodInfo customMethod = this.GetType().GetMethod("RenderArticleListSearchCustom"); 2302 2303 if (customMethod != null) 2304 { 2305 @customMethod.Invoke(this, methodParameters).ToString(); 2306 } else { 2307 string searchString = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString.Get("Title")) ? HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString.Get("Title").Trim('*') : ""; 2308 string className = "u-w340px u-pull--right u-margin-left"; 2309 2310 if (Pageview.Device.ToString() == "Mobile" || Pageview.Device.ToString() == "Tablet") 2311 { 2312 className = "u-full-width"; 2313 } 2314 2315 <div class="typeahead u-color-inherit u-margin-bottom dw-mod @className"> 2316 <input type="text" class="typeahead-search-field u-no-margin dw-mod" placeholder="@Translate("Search in list")" value="@searchString" id="ArticleListSearchInput" onchange="QueryArray.setParameterInCurrentURL('Title', '*' + document.getElementById('ArticleListSearchInput').value + '*')"> 2317 <button type="button" class="btn btn--condensed btn--primary u-no-margin dw-mod"><i class="fas fa-search"></i></button> 2318 </div> 2319 } 2320 } 2321 @using System.Reflection 2322 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks.Components 2323 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks.Components.Articles 2324 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks 2325 2326 @* Component for the articles *@ 2327 2328 @helper RenderArticleListNoResultsInfo(ArticleListNoResultsInfo settings) 2329 { 2330 dynamic[] methodParameters = new dynamic[1]; 2331 methodParameters[0] = settings; 2332 MethodInfo customMethod = this.GetType().GetMethod("RenderArticleListNoResultsInfoCustom"); 2333 2334 if (customMethod != null) 2335 { 2336 @customMethod.Invoke(this, methodParameters).ToString(); 2337 } else { 2338 <div class="u-margin-top--lg u-bold u-ta-center u-bold">@Translate(settings.Message)</div> 2339 } 2340 } 2341 @using System.Reflection 2342 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks.Components 2343 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks.Components.General 2344 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks.Components.Articles 2345 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks 2346 @using System.Text.RegularExpressions 2347 2348 @* Component for the articles *@ 2349 2350 @helper RenderArticleListItem(ArticleListItem settings) 2351 { 2352 switch (settings.Type) { 2353 case ArticleListItemType.Card: 2354 @RenderArticleListItemCard(settings); 2355 break; 2356 case ArticleListItemType.List: 2357 @RenderArticleListItemList(settings); 2358 break; 2359 case ArticleListItemType.Simple: 2360 @RenderArticleListItemSimple(settings); 2361 break; 2362 default: 2363 @RenderArticleListItemCard(settings); 2364 break; 2365 } 2366 } 2367 2368 @helper RenderArticleListItemCard(ArticleListItem settings) { 2369 <a href="@settings.Link" class="u-full-height u-color-light--bg"> 2370 <div class="u-color-light--bg u-no-padding dw-mod"> 2371 @if (settings.Logo != null) 2372 { 2373 string backgroundImage = settings.Image != null ? "background-image:url(/Admin/Public/GetImage.ashx?width=992&amp;height=760&amp;crop=0&amp;Compression=75&amp;DoNotUpscale=True&amp;image=" + settings.Image.Path + "); background-size: cover;" : ""; 2374 settings.Logo.ImageDefault.Crop = 5; 2375 settings.Logo.ImageDefault.Width = settings.Logo.ImageDefault.Width == 1920 ? 240 : settings.Logo.ImageDefault.Width; 2376 settings.Logo.ImageDefault.Height = settings.Logo.ImageDefault.Height == 1080 ? 200 : settings.Logo.ImageDefault.Height; 2377 <div class="image-hover__wrapper layered-image layered-image--tinted dw-mod" style="@backgroundImage"> 2378 @if (settings.Stickers != null) 2379 { 2380 if (settings.Stickers.Position != StickersListPosition.Custom) 2381 { 2382 @RenderStickersCollection(settings.Stickers); 2383 } 2384 } 2385 @RenderImage(settings.Logo) 2386 </div> 2387 } else if (settings.Image != null) 2388 { 2389 <div class="flex-img image-hover__wrapper u-position-relative dw-mod"> 2390 @if (settings.Stickers != null) 2391 { 2392 if (settings.Stickers.Position != StickersListPosition.Custom) 2393 { 2394 @RenderStickersCollection(settings.Stickers); 2395 } 2396 } 2397 @RenderImage(settings.Image) 2398 </div> 2399 } 2400 </div> 2401 2402 @if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.Title) || !String.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.Summary)) 2403 { 2404 <div class="card u-color-light--bg dw-mod"> 2405 @if (settings.Stickers != null) 2406 { 2407 if (settings.Stickers.Position == StickersListPosition.Custom) 2408 { 2409 @RenderStickersCollection(settings.Stickers); 2410 } 2411 } 2412 @if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.Title)) 2413 { 2414 <h3 class="article-list__item-header u-truncate-text dw-mod">@settings.Title</h3> 2415 } 2416 @if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.SubTitle)) 2417 { 2418 <div class="article-list__item-micro-info u-truncate-text dw-mod">@settings.SubTitle</div> 2419 } 2420 @if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.Summary)) 2421 { 2422 <p class="article__short-summary dw-mod">@settings.Summary</p> 2423 } 2424 </div> 2425 } 2426 </a> 2427 } 2428 2429 @helper RenderArticleListItemList(ArticleListItem settings) { 2430 <a href="@settings.Link"> 2431 <div class="grid u-color-light--bg u-no-padding dw-mod"> 2432 <div class="grid__col-md-3"> 2433 <div class="u-color-light--bg u-no-padding dw-mod"> 2434 @if (settings.Logo != null) 2435 { 2436 string backgroundImage = settings.Image != null ? "background-image:url(/Admin/Public/GetImage.ashx?width=992&amp;height=760&amp;crop=0&amp;Compression=75&amp;DoNotUpscale=True&amp;image=" + settings.Image.Path + "); background-size: cover;" : ""; 2437 settings.Logo.ImageDefault.Crop = 5; 2438 settings.Logo.ImageDefault.Width = settings.Logo.ImageDefault.Width == 1920 ? 240 : settings.Logo.ImageDefault.Width; 2439 settings.Logo.ImageDefault.Height = settings.Logo.ImageDefault.Height == 1080 ? 200 : settings.Logo.ImageDefault.Height; 2440 <div class="image-hover__wrapper layered-image layered-image--tinted dw-mod" style="@backgroundImage"> 2441 @if (settings.Stickers != null) 2442 { 2443 if (settings.Stickers.Position != StickersListPosition.Custom) 2444 { 2445 @RenderStickersCollection(settings.Stickers); 2446 } 2447 } 2448 @RenderImage(settings.Logo) 2449 </div> 2450 } else if (settings.Image != null) 2451 { 2452 <div class="flex-img image-hover__wrapper dw-mod"> 2453 @if (settings.Stickers != null) 2454 { 2455 if (settings.Stickers.Position != StickersListPosition.Custom) 2456 { 2457 @RenderStickersCollection(settings.Stickers); 2458 } 2459 } 2460 @RenderImage(settings.Image) 2461 </div> 2462 } 2463 </div> 2464 </div> 2465 2466 @if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.Title) || !String.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.Summary)) 2467 { 2468 <div class="grid__col-md-9"> 2469 @if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.Title)) 2470 { 2471 <h3 class="article-list__item-header u-truncate-text dw-mod">@settings.Title</h3> 2472 } 2473 @if (settings.Stickers != null) 2474 { 2475 if (settings.Stickers.Position == StickersListPosition.Custom) 2476 { 2477 @RenderStickersCollection(settings.Stickers); 2478 } 2479 } 2480 @if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.SubTitle)) 2481 { 2482 <div class="article-list__item-micro-info u-truncate-text dw-mod">@settings.SubTitle</div> 2483 } 2484 @if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.Summary)) 2485 { 2486 <p class="article__short-summary dw-mod">@settings.Summary</p> 2487 } 2488 </div> 2489 } 2490 </div> 2491 </a> 2492 } 2493 2494 @helper RenderArticleListItemSimple(ArticleListItem settings) { 2495 <a href="@settings.Link" class="u-color-inherit"> 2496 <div class="grid u-color-light--bg u-no-padding dw-mod"> 2497 <div class="grid__col-md-12"> 2498 @if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.Title)) 2499 { 2500 <div class="article-list-item__header u-truncate-text u-no-margin dw-mod">@settings.Title</div> 2501 } 2502 @if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.SubTitle)) 2503 { 2504 <div class="article-list__item-micro-info u-truncate-text dw-mod">@settings.SubTitle</div> 2505 } 2506 </div> 2507 </div> 2508 </a> 2509 } 2510 @using System.Reflection 2511 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks.Components.Articles 2512 2513 2514 @* Component for the articles *@ 2515 2516 @helper RenderArticleAuthorAndDate(ArticleAuthorAndDate settings) 2517 { 2518 dynamic[] methodParameters = new dynamic[1]; 2519 methodParameters[0] = settings; 2520 MethodInfo customMethod = this.GetType().GetMethod("RenderArticleAuthorAndDateCustom"); 2521 2522 if (customMethod != null) 2523 { 2524 @customMethod.Invoke(this, methodParameters).ToString(); 2525 } else { 2526 <small class="article__subscription"> 2527 @if (!(string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(settings.Author) && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(settings.Date))) 2528 { 2529 <text>@Translate("Written")</text> 2530 } 2531 @if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(settings.Author)) 2532 { 2533 <text>@Translate("by") @settings.Author</text> 2534 } 2535 @if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(settings.Date)) 2536 { 2537 <text>@Translate("on") @settings.Date</text> 2538 } 2539 </small> 2540 } 2541 } 2542 @using System.Reflection 2543 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks.Components.Articles 2544 2545 2546 @* Component for the articles *@ 2547 2548 @helper RenderArticleLink(ArticleLink settings) 2549 { 2550 dynamic[] methodParameters = new dynamic[1]; 2551 methodParameters[0] = settings; 2552 MethodInfo customMethod = this.GetType().GetMethod("RenderArticleLinkCustom"); 2553 2554 if (customMethod != null) 2555 { 2556 @customMethod.Invoke(this, methodParameters).ToString(); 2557 } else { 2558 if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.Title)) 2559 { 2560 <div class="grid__cell"> 2561 @RenderButton(settings) 2562 </div> 2563 } 2564 } 2565 } 2566 @using System.Reflection 2567 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks 2568 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks.Components.Articles 2569 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks.Components.General 2570 2571 2572 @* Component for the articles *@ 2573 2574 @helper RenderArticleCarousel(ArticleCarousel settings) 2575 { 2576 dynamic[] methodParameters = new dynamic[1]; 2577 methodParameters[0] = settings; 2578 MethodInfo customMethod = this.GetType().GetMethod(settings.HelperName + "Custom"); 2579 2580 if (customMethod != null) 2581 { 2582 @customMethod.Invoke(this, methodParameters).ToString(); 2583 } else { 2584 <div class="grid"> 2585 <div class="grid__col-12"> 2586 <div class="carousel" id="carousel_@settings.Id"> 2587 <div class="carousel__container js-carousel-slides dw-mod"> 2588 @RenderBlockList(settings.SubBlocks) 2589 </div> 2590 </div> 2591 </div> 2592 </div> 2593 2594 <script> 2595 document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () { 2596 new CarouselModule("#carousel_@settings.Id", { 2597 slideTime: 0, 2598 dots: true 2599 }); 2600 }); 2601 </script> 2602 } 2603 } 2604 2605 @helper RenderArticleCarouselSlide(ArticleCarouselSlide settings) 2606 { 2607 dynamic[] methodParameters = new dynamic[1]; 2608 methodParameters[0] = settings; 2609 MethodInfo customMethod = this.GetType().GetMethod(settings.HelperName + "Custom"); 2610 2611 if (customMethod != null) 2612 { 2613 @customMethod.Invoke(this, methodParameters).ToString(); 2614 } 2615 else 2616 { 2617 string imageEngine = "/Admin/Public/GetImage.ashx?"; 2618 2619 string defaultImage = settings.ImageSettings != null ? imageEngine : settings.Image; 2620 if (settings.ImageSettings != null) 2621 { 2622 defaultImage += settings.ImageSettings.Width != 0 ? "Width=" + settings.ImageSettings.Width + "&" : ""; 2623 defaultImage += settings.ImageSettings.Height != 0 ? "Height=" + settings.ImageSettings.Height + "&" : ""; 2624 defaultImage += "Crop=" + settings.ImageSettings.Crop + "&"; 2625 defaultImage += "Compression=" + settings.ImageSettings.Compression + "&"; 2626 defaultImage += "DoNotUpscale=" + settings.ImageSettings.DoNotUpscale.ToString() + "&"; 2627 defaultImage += "FillCanvas=" + settings.ImageSettings.FillCanvas.ToString() + "&"; 2628 } 2629 defaultImage += "&Image=" + settings.Image; 2630 2631 <div class="carousel__slide u-min-h300px u-flex dw-mod" style="background-size:cover; background-image:url('@defaultImage')"> 2632 <a class="article-carousel-item__wrap" href="@settings.Link" title="@settings.Title"> 2633 <h2 class="article-list__item-header u-truncate-text u-color-light dw-mod">@settings.Title</h2> 2634 <div class="article-list__item-info"> 2635 @if (settings.Stickers != null) 2636 { 2637 settings.Stickers.Position = StickersListPosition.Custom; 2638 @RenderStickersCollection(settings.Stickers); 2639 } 2640 2641 <small class="u-margin-top--lg u-color-light"> 2642 @if (!(string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(settings.Author) && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(settings.Date))) 2643 { 2644 <text>@Translate("Written")</text> 2645 } 2646 @if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(settings.Author)) 2647 { 2648 <text>@Translate("by") @settings.Author</text> 2649 } 2650 @if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(settings.Date)) 2651 { 2652 <text>@Translate("on") @settings.Date</text> 2653 } 2654 </small> 2655 </div> 2656 2657 <h3 class="article__short-summary u-color-light">@settings.Summary</h3> 2658 </a> 2659 @if (settings.UseFilters == true) 2660 { 2661 <div class="background-image image-filter image-filter--darken dw-mod"></div> 2662 } 2663 </div> 2664 } 2665 } 2666 @using System.Text.RegularExpressions 2667 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks.Components 2668 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks.Components.General 2669 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks.Components.Articles 2670 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks 2671 2672 @* Component for the articles *@ 2673 2674 @helper RenderArticleVideo(ArticleVideo settings) 2675 { 2676 dynamic[] methodParameters = new dynamic[1]; 2677 methodParameters[0] = settings; 2678 MethodInfo customMethod = this.GetType().GetMethod("RenderArticleTextCustom"); 2679 2680 if (customMethod != null) 2681 { 2682 @customMethod.Invoke(this, methodParameters).ToString(); 2683 } else { 2684 if (settings.Url != null) 2685 { 2686 //getting video ID from youtube URL 2687 string videoCode = settings.Url; 2688 Regex regex = new Regex(@".be\/(.[^?]*)"); 2689 Match match = regex.Match(videoCode); 2690 string videoId = ""; 2691 if (match.Success) 2692 { 2693 videoId = match.Groups[1].Value; 2694 } 2695 else 2696 { 2697 regex = new Regex(@"v=([^&]+)"); 2698 match = regex.Match(videoCode); 2699 if (match.Success) 2700 { 2701 videoId = match.Groups[1].Value; 2702 } 2703 } 2704 2705 int autoPlay = settings.AutoPlay == "true" ? 1 : 0; 2706 2707 <div class="video-wrapper"> 2708 <div class="js-youtube-video" data-video="@videoId" id="ytPlayer@(Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"))" data-auto-play="@autoPlay" data-enable-controls="1"></div> 2709 </div> 2710 } 2711 } 2712 } 2713 2714 2715 2716 @* Simple helpers *@ 2717 2718 @*Requires the Gallery ItemType that comes with Rapido*@ 2719 @helper RenderArticleItemGallery(IList<ItemViewModel> gallery) { 2720 if (gallery != null && gallery.Count > 0) 2721 { 2722 int count = 1; 2723 2724 foreach (var item in gallery) 2725 { 2726 if (item.GetFile("ImagePath") != null) 2727 { 2728 string image = item.GetFile("ImagePath").PathUrlEncoded; 2729 string imagePrefix = "/Admin/Public/GetImage.ashx?width=1200&amp;height=820&amp;crop=5&amp;Compression=75&amp;DoNotUpscale=1&amp;image="; 2730 int imagesCount = gallery.Count; 2731 2732 if (count == 1) 2733 { 2734 <label class="gallery" for="GalleryModalTrigger" onclick="Gallery.openImage(this.querySelector('.js-gallery'))"> 2735 <span class="gallery__main-image"> 2736 <img src="/Files/Images/placeholder.gif" data-src="/Admin/Public/GetImage.ashx?width=992&amp;height=760&amp;crop=0&amp;Compression=75&amp;DoNotUpscale=1&amp;image=@image" class="b-lazy flex-img js-gallery" alt="" data-for="FullImage" data-image="@imagePrefix@image" /> 2737 </span> 2738 <span class="gallery__image-counter"> 2739 <i class="fas fa-camera fa-2x"></i> <span class="gallery__image-counter__number">@imagesCount</span> 2740 <span class="gallery__image-counter__text">@Translate("See all") <i class="fas fa-angle-right"></i></span> 2741 </span> 2742 </label> 2743 } 2744 else 2745 { 2746 <div class="u-hidden js-gallery" data-for="FullImage" data-image="@imagePrefix@image"></div> 2747 } 2748 2749 count++; 2750 } 2751 } 2752 } 2753 } 2754 2755 @helper RenderArticleItemGalleryModal() { 2756 <!-- Trigger for the gallery modal --> 2757 <input type="checkbox" id="GalleryModalTrigger" class="modal-trigger" /> 2758 2759 <!-- Gallery modal --> 2760 <div class="modal-container"> 2761 <label for="GalleryModalTrigger" id="GalleryModalOverlay" class="modal-overlay"></label> 2762 <div class="modal modal--full" id="GalleryModal"> 2763 <div class="modal__body modal__body--full"> 2764 <div class="gallery-slider"> 2765 <div class="gallery-slider__image"> 2766 <img src="#" alt="" class="modal--full__img" id="FullImage" /> 2767 </div> 2768 <div class="gallery-slider__image-counter" id="FullImage_counter"></div> 2769 <label class="gallery-slider__close-btn" for="GalleryModalTrigger"></label> 2770 <button class="gallery-slider__previous-btn" id="FullImage_prev" onclick="Gallery.prevImage('FullImage')"></button> 2771 <button class="gallery-slider__next-btn" id="FullImage_next" onclick="Gallery.nextImage('FullImage')"></button> 2772 </div> 2773 </div> 2774 </div> 2775 </div> 2776 } 2777 2778 2779 @helper RenderMobileFilters(List<Block> subBlocks) 2780 { 2781 if (subBlocks.Count > 0) 2782 { 2783 <div class="grid__col-12"> 2784 <input type="checkbox" id="CheckFilters" class="js-remember-state u-hidden" data-expand="CheckFilters" /> 2785 <div class="grid u-margin-bottom dw-mod" data-trigger="CheckFilters"> 2786 @RenderBlockList(subBlocks) 2787 </div> 2788 <label for="CheckFilters" class="btn btn--secondary btn--full dw-mod js-expand-hide" data-trigger="CheckFilters">@Translate("Select filters")</label> 2789 <label for="CheckFilters" class="btn btn--secondary btn--full dw-mod expandable--collapsed" data-trigger="CheckFilters">@Translate("Close filters")</label> 2790 </div> 2791 } 2792 } 2793 2794 @if (File.Exists(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("/Files/Templates/Designs/Rapido/MasterBlocks/Custom__Blocks.cshtml"))) 2795 { 2796 <text>@using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks.Components.General 2797 </text> 2798 } 2799 2800 2801 @* Include the Blocks for the page *@ 2802 @inherits Dynamicweb.Rendering.RazorTemplateBase<Dynamicweb.Rendering.RazorTemplateModel<Dynamicweb.Rendering.Template>> 2803 2804 @using System 2805 @using System.Web 2806 @using System.Collections.Generic 2807 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks.Extensibility 2808 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks 2809 2810 @{ 2811 BlocksPage topSnippetsBlocksPage = BlocksPage.GetBlockPage("Master"); 2812 2813 Block tagManager = new Block() 2814 { 2815 Id = "TagManager", 2816 SortId = 1, 2817 Template = RenderGoogleTagManager() 2818 }; 2819 2820 Block facebookPixel = new Block() 2821 { 2822 Id = "FacebookPixel", 2823 SortId = 2, 2824 Template = RenderFacebookPixel() 2825 }; 2826 2827 topSnippetsBlocksPage.Add(MasterBlockId.MasterTopSnippets, tagManager); 2828 topSnippetsBlocksPage.Add(MasterBlockId.MasterTopSnippets, facebookPixel); 2829 } 2830 2831 @helper RenderGoogleTagManager() { 2832 string GoogleTagManagerID = Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Settings").GetString("GoogleTagManagerID"); 2833 2834 if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(GoogleTagManagerID)) 2835 { 2836 <script> 2837 (function(w,d,s,l,i){w[l]=w[l]||[];w[l].push({'gtm.start': 2838 new Date().getTime(),event:'gtm.js'});var f=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0], 2839 j=d.createElement(s),dl=l!='dataLayer'?'&l='+l:'';j.async=true;j.src= 2840 ''+i+dl;f.parentNode.insertBefore(j,f); 2841 })(window,document,'script','dataLayer','@GoogleTagManagerID'); 2842 </script> 2843 <!-- Google Tag Manager (noscript) --> 2844 <noscript> 2845 <iframe src="" 2846 height="0" width="0" style="display:none;visibility:hidden"></iframe> 2847 </noscript> 2848 <!-- End Google Tag Manager (noscript) --> 2849 } 2850 } 2851 2852 @helper RenderFacebookPixel() { 2853 string FacebookPixelID = Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Settings").GetString("FacebookPixelID"); 2854 2855 if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(FacebookPixelID)) 2856 { 2857 <!-- Facebook Pixel Code --> 2858 <script> 2859 !function(f,b,e,v,n,t,s) 2860 {if(f.fbq)return;n=f.fbq=function(){n.callMethod? 2861 n.callMethod.apply(n,arguments):n.queue.push(arguments)}; 2862 if(!f._fbq)f._fbq=n;n.push=n;n.loaded=!0;n.version='2.0'; 2863 n.queue=[];t=b.createElement(e);t.async=!0; 2864 t.src=v;s=b.getElementsByTagName(e)[0]; 2865 s.parentNode.insertBefore(t,s)}(window, document,'script', 2866 ''); 2867 fbq('init', '@FacebookPixelID'); 2868 fbq('track', 'PageView'); 2869 </script> 2870 <noscript><img height="1" width="1" style="display:none" src="" alt="" /></noscript> 2871 } 2872 } 2873 @inherits Dynamicweb.Rendering.RazorTemplateBase<Dynamicweb.Rendering.RazorTemplateModel<Dynamicweb.Rendering.Template>> 2874 2875 @using System 2876 @using System.Web 2877 @using System.Collections.Generic 2878 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks 2879 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks.Extensibility 2880 @using Dynamicweb.Security.UserManagement 2881 @using Dynamicweb.Security.UserManagement.ExternalAuthentication 2882 @{ 2883 BlocksPage loginBlocksPage = BlocksPage.GetBlockPage("Master"); 2884 2885 Block loginModal = new Block() 2886 { 2887 Id = "LoginModal", 2888 SortId = 10, 2889 Template = LoginModal() 2890 }; 2891 2892 loginBlocksPage.Add(MasterBlockId.MasterTopSnippets, loginModal); 2893 } 2894 2895 @helper LoginModal() { 2896 int pageId = Model.TopPage.ID; 2897 string userSignedInError = !Model.LogOnFailed ? "" : "checked"; 2898 string userSignedInErrorText = ""; 2899 int signInProfilePageId = GetPageIdByNavigationTag("SignInPage"); 2900 string forgotPasswordPageLink = "/Default.aspx?ID=" + signInProfilePageId + "&LoginAction=Recovery"; 2901 int createAccountPageId = GetPageIdByNavigationTag("CreateAccount"); 2902 2903 if (Model.LogOnFailed) { 2904 switch (Model.LogOnFailedReason) 2905 { 2906 case LogOnFailedReason.PasswordLengthInvalid: 2907 userSignedInErrorText = Translate("Password length is invalid"); 2908 break; 2909 case LogOnFailedReason.IncorrectLogin: 2910 userSignedInErrorText = Translate("Invalid email or password"); 2911 break; 2912 case LogOnFailedReason.ExceededFailedLogOnLimit: 2913 userSignedInErrorText = Translate("You have exceeded the limit of allowed login attempts. The user account is temporarily locked"); 2914 break; 2915 case LogOnFailedReason.LoginLocked: 2916 userSignedInErrorText = Translate("The user account is temporarily locked"); 2917 break; 2918 case LogOnFailedReason.PasswordExpired: 2919 userSignedInErrorText = Translate("The password has expired and needs to be renewed"); 2920 break; 2921 default: 2922 userSignedInErrorText = Translate("An unknown error occured"); 2923 break; 2924 } 2925 } 2926 2927 <!-- Trigger for the login modal --> 2928 <input type="checkbox" id="SignInModalTrigger" class="modal-trigger" @userSignedInError /> 2929 2930 <!-- Login modal --> 2931 <div class="modal-container"> 2932 <label for="SignInModalTrigger" id="SignInModalOverlay" class="modal-overlay"></label> 2933 <div class="modal modal--xs" id="SignInModal"> 2934 <div class="modal__header"> 2935 <h2>@Translate("Sign in")</h2> 2936 </div> 2937 <div class="modal__body"> 2938 <form method="post" id="LoginForm" class="u-no-margin"> 2939 <input type="hidden" name="ID" value="@pageId" /> 2940 <input type="hidden" name="DWExtranetUsernameRemember" value="True" /> 2941 <input type="hidden" name="DWExtranetPasswordRemember" value="True" /> 2942 <input type="text" class="u-full-width" id="LoginUsername" name="username" placeholder="@Translate("Email")" /> 2943 <input type="password" class="u-full-width" id="LoginPassword" name="password" placeholder="@Translate("Password")" /> 2944 <div class="field-error dw-mod">@userSignedInErrorText</div> 2945 2946 <div class="form__field-group dw-mod"> 2947 <input type="checkbox" id="LoginRememberMe" name="Autologin" checked="checked" value="True" class="form__control"> 2948 <label for="LoginRememberMe"> 2949 @Translate("Remember me", "Remember me") 2950 </label> 2951 </div> 2952 2953 <button type="submit" class="btn btn--primary btn--full dw-mod" name="LoginAction" value="Login" @*onclick="Buttons.LockButton(event)"*@>@Translate("Sign in")</button> 2954 @{ 2955 ProviderCollection providers = Provider.GetActiveProviders(); 2956 } 2957 2958 @foreach(Provider LoginProvider in providers) 2959 { 2960 var ProviderName = LoginProvider.Name.ToLower(); 2961 <a href="/Admin/Public/Social/ExternalLogin.aspx?action=login&providerID=@LoginProvider.ID" title="@LoginProvider.Name" class="btn btn--clean btn--condensed u-color-@ProviderName dw-mod"><i class="fab fa-@ProviderName fa-1_5x"></i></a> 2962 } 2963 2964 <a class="btn btn--link-clean dw-mod" href="@forgotPasswordPageLink">@Translate("Forgot your password?", "Forgot your password?")</a> 2965 2966 <a class="btn btn--link-clean dw-mod" href="/default.aspx?ID=@createAccountPageId">@Translate("Create account")?</a> 2967 </form> 2968 </div> 2969 </div> 2970 </div> 2971 } 2972 2973 @if (Pageview.Device.ToString() == "Mobile" || Pageview.Device.ToString() == "Tablet") 2974 { 2975 <text>@inherits Dynamicweb.Rendering.ViewModelTemplate<Dynamicweb.Frontend.PageViewModel> 2976 2977 @using System 2978 @using System.Web 2979 @using System.Collections.Generic 2980 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks.Extensibility 2981 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks 2982 2983 2984 @functions { 2985 BlocksPage mobileHeaderBlocksPage = BlocksPage.GetBlockPage("Master"); 2986 } 2987 2988 @{ 2989 var mobileTopLayout = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Layout").GetItem("MobileTop").GetString("Design")) ? Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Layout").GetItem("MobileTop").GetList("Design").SelectedValue : "nav-left"; 2990 bool hideSearch = Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Layout").GetItem("Header").GetBoolean("HideSearch"); 2991 bool hideCart = Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Layout").GetItem("Header").GetBoolean("HideCart"); 2992 bool hideSignIn = Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Layout").GetItem("Header").GetBoolean("HideSignIn"); 2993 2994 2995 Block mobileHeader = new Block() 2996 { 2997 Id = "MobileTop", 2998 SortId = 10, 2999 Template = RenderMobileTop(), 3000 SkipRenderBlocksList = true 3001 }; 3002 mobileHeaderBlocksPage.Add(MasterBlockId.MasterHeader, mobileHeader); 3003 3004 Block mobileHeaderNavigation = new Block() 3005 { 3006 Id = "MobileHeaderNavigation", 3007 SortId = 10, 3008 Template = RenderMobileHeaderNavigation(), 3009 SkipRenderBlocksList = true, 3010 BlocksList = new List<Block> { 3011 new Block { 3012 Id = "MobileHeaderNavigationTrigger", 3013 SortId = 10, 3014 Template = RenderMobileHeaderNavigationTrigger() 3015 } 3016 } 3017 }; 3018 mobileHeaderBlocksPage.Add("MobileTop", mobileHeaderNavigation); 3019 3020 3021 Block mobileHeaderLogo = new Block() 3022 { 3023 Id = "MobileHeaderLogo", 3024 SortId = 20, 3025 Template = RenderMobileHeaderLogo(), 3026 SkipRenderBlocksList = true 3027 }; 3028 mobileHeaderBlocksPage.Add("MobileTop", mobileHeaderLogo); 3029 3030 Block mobileHeaderActions = new Block() 3031 { 3032 Id = "MobileHeaderActions", 3033 SortId = 30, 3034 Template = RenderMobileTopActions(), 3035 SkipRenderBlocksList = true 3036 }; 3037 mobileHeaderBlocksPage.Add("MobileTop", mobileHeaderActions); 3038 3039 if (hideSearch == false) 3040 { 3041 Block mobileHeaderSearch = new Block 3042 { 3043 Id = "MobileHeaderSearch", 3044 SortId = 10, 3045 Template = RenderMobileTopSearch() 3046 }; 3047 mobileHeaderBlocksPage.Add("MobileHeaderActions", mobileHeaderSearch); 3048 } 3049 3050 Block mobileHeaderMiniCart; 3051 3052 if (!hideCart) 3053 { 3054 mobileHeaderMiniCart = new Block 3055 { 3056 Id = "MobileHeaderMiniCart", 3057 SortId = 20, 3058 Template = RenderMobileTopMiniCart() 3059 }; 3060 3061 Block miniCartCounterScriptTemplate = new Block 3062 { 3063 Id = "MiniCartCounterScriptTemplate", 3064 Template = RenderMobileMiniCartCounterContent() 3065 }; 3066 BlocksPage.GetBlockPage("Master").Add("MasterBottomSnippets", miniCartCounterScriptTemplate); 3067 } else { 3068 mobileHeaderMiniCart = new Block 3069 { 3070 Id = "MobileHeaderMiniCart", 3071 SortId = 20 3072 }; 3073 } 3074 3075 if (!hideSearch) { 3076 Block mobileHeaderSearchBar = new Block() 3077 { 3078 Id = "MobileHeaderSearchBar", 3079 SortId = 30, 3080 Template = RenderMobileTopSearchBar() 3081 }; 3082 mobileHeaderBlocksPage.Add(MasterBlockId.MasterHeader, mobileHeaderSearchBar); 3083 } 3084 3085 switch (mobileTopLayout) 3086 { 3087 case "nav-left": 3088 mobileHeaderNavigation.SortId = 10; 3089 mobileHeaderLogo.SortId = 20; 3090 mobileHeaderActions.SortId = 30; 3091 mobileHeaderBlocksPage.Add("MobileHeaderActions", mobileHeaderMiniCart); 3092 break; 3093 case "nav-right": 3094 mobileHeaderLogo.SortId = 10; 3095 mobileHeaderActions.SortId = 20; 3096 mobileHeaderNavigation.SortId = 30; 3097 mobileHeaderBlocksPage.Add("MobileHeaderActions", mobileHeaderMiniCart); 3098 break; 3099 case "nav-search-left": 3100 mobileHeaderNavigation.SortId = 10; 3101 mobileHeaderLogo.SortId = 20; 3102 mobileHeaderActions.SortId = 30; 3103 mobileHeaderBlocksPage.Add("MobileHeaderNavigation", mobileHeaderMiniCart); 3104 break; 3105 case "search-left": 3106 mobileHeaderActions.SortId = 10; 3107 mobileHeaderLogo.SortId = 20; 3108 mobileHeaderNavigation.SortId = 30; 3109 mobileHeaderMiniCart.SortId = 0; 3110 mobileHeaderBlocksPage.Add("MobileHeaderNavigation", mobileHeaderMiniCart); 3111 break; 3112 } 3113 } 3114 3115 3116 @helper RenderMobileTop() { 3117 List<Block> subBlocks = this.mobileHeaderBlocksPage.GetBlockListById("MobileTop").OrderBy(item => item.SortId).ToList(); 3118 3119 <nav class="main-navigation-mobile dw-mod"> 3120 <div class="center-container top-container__center-container dw-mod"> 3121 <div class="grid grid--align-center"> 3122 @RenderBlockList(subBlocks) 3123 </div> 3124 </div> 3125 </nav> 3126 } 3127 3128 @helper RenderMobileHeaderNavigation() { 3129 List<Block> subBlocks = this.mobileHeaderBlocksPage.GetBlockListById("MobileHeaderNavigation").OrderBy(item => item.SortId).ToList(); 3130 3131 <div class="grid__col-auto-width"> 3132 <ul class="menu dw-mod"> 3133 @RenderBlockList(subBlocks) 3134 </ul> 3135 </div> 3136 } 3137 3138 @helper RenderMobileHeaderNavigationTrigger() { 3139 <li class="menu__item menu__item--horizontal menu__item--top-level dw-mod"> 3140 <label for="MobileNavTrigger" class="mobile-nav-trigger-button menu__link menu__link--icon menu__link--mobile dw-mod"></label> 3141 </li> 3142 } 3143 3144 @helper RenderMobileHeaderLogo() { 3145 List<Block> subBlocks = this.mobileHeaderBlocksPage.GetBlockListById("MobileHeaderLogo").OrderBy(item => item.SortId).ToList(); 3146 3147 var mobileTopLayout = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Layout").GetItem("MobileTop").GetString("Design")) ? Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Layout").GetItem("MobileTop").GetList("Design").SelectedValue : "nav-left"; 3148 string centeredLogo = mobileTopLayout != "nav-right" ? "u-ta-center" : ""; 3149 string firstPageId = Model.Area.FirstActivePage.ID.ToString(); 3150 string businessName = Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Settings").GetString("BusinessName"); 3151 3152 string mobileLogo = "/Files/Images/logo-dynamicweb.png"; 3153 if (Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Layout").GetItem("MobileTop") != null && Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Layout").GetItem("MobileTop").GetFile("Logo") != null) 3154 { 3155 mobileLogo = Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Layout").GetItem("MobileTop").GetFile("Logo").PathUrlEncoded; 3156 } 3157 3158 if (Path.GetExtension(mobileLogo).ToLower() != ".svg") 3159 { 3160 mobileLogo = "/Admin/Public/GetImage.ashx?height=40&amp;crop=5&amp;Compression=75&amp;image=" + mobileLogo; 3161 } 3162 else 3163 { 3164 mobileLogo = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(mobileLogo); 3165 } 3166 3167 <div class="grid__col-auto grid__col--bleed"> 3168 <div class="grid__cell @centeredLogo"> 3169 <a href="/Default.aspx?ID=@firstPageId" class="logo logo--mobile u-inline-block dw-mod"> 3170 <img class="grid__cell-img logo__img logo__img--mobile dw-mod" src="@mobileLogo" alt="@businessName" /> 3171 </a> 3172 </div> 3173 3174 @RenderBlockList(subBlocks) 3175 </div> 3176 } 3177 3178 @helper RenderMobileTopActions() { 3179 List<Block> subBlocks = this.mobileHeaderBlocksPage.GetBlockListById("MobileHeaderActions").OrderBy(item => item.SortId).ToList(); 3180 3181 <div class="grid__col-auto-width"> 3182 <ul class="menu dw-mod"> 3183 @RenderBlockList(subBlocks) 3184 </ul> 3185 </div> 3186 } 3187 3188 @helper RenderMobileTopSearch() { 3189 <li class="menu__item menu__item--horizontal menu__item--top-level dw-mod"> 3190 <label for="MobileSearchTrigger" class="menu__link menu__link--icon menu__link--mobile dw-mod"> 3191 <i class="@Pageview.AreaSettings.GetItem("Layout").GetItem("Icons").GetList("SearchIcon").SelectedValue fa-1_5x"></i> 3192 </label> 3193 </li> 3194 } 3195 3196 @helper RenderMobileTopMiniCart() { 3197 int miniCartFeedPageId = GetPageIdByNavigationTag("MiniCartFeed"); 3198 int cartPageId = GetPageIdByNavigationTag("CartPage"); 3199 double cartProductsCount = Model.Cart.TotalProductsCount; 3200 3201 <li class="menu__item menu__item--horizontal menu__item--top-level dw-mod" id="miniCartWrapper" onmouseenter="Cart.UpdateMiniCart('miniCartWrapper', 'miniCart', 'cartCounter', '/Default.aspx?ID=@miniCartFeedPageId&feedType=MiniCart')"> 3202 <div class="mini-cart dw-mod"> 3203 <a href="/Default.aspx?ID=@cartPageId&Purge=True" id="miniCartCounterWrap" class="menu__link menu__link--icon menu__link--mobile dw-mod js-mini-cart-button"> 3204 <div class="u-inline u-position-relative"> 3205 <i class="@Pageview.AreaSettings.GetItem("Layout").GetItem("Icons").GetList("CartIcon").SelectedValue fa-1_5x"></i> 3206 <div class="mini-cart__counter dw-mod"> 3207 <div class="js-handlebars-root js-mini-cart-counter" id="cartCounter" data-template="MiniCartCounterContent" data-json-feed="/Default.aspx?ID=@miniCartFeedPageId&feedType=Counter" data-init-onload="false" data-preloader="false"> 3208 <div class="js-mini-cart-counter-content"> 3209 @cartProductsCount 3210 </div> 3211 </div> 3212 </div> 3213 </div> 3214 </a> 3215 @if (Pageview.Device.ToString() != "Mobile" && Pageview.Device.ToString() != "Tablet") 3216 { 3217 <div class="mini-cart-dropdown js-handlebars-root js-mini-cart dw-mod" id="miniCart" data-template="MiniCartContent" data-cart-id="@miniCartFeedPageId" data-json-feed="/Default.aspx?ID=@miniCartFeedPageId&feedType=MiniCart" data-init-onload="false"></div> 3218 } 3219 </div> 3220 </li> 3221 } 3222 3223 @helper RenderMobileTopSearchBar() 3224 { 3225 string searchFeedId = ""; 3226 string searchSecondFeedId = ""; 3227 int groupsFeedId; 3228 int productsPageId = GetPageIdByNavigationTag("ProductsPage"); 3229 string contentSearchPageLink = GetPageIdByNavigationTag("ContentSearchResults") + "&Areaid=" + Model.Area.ID; 3230 string resultPageLink; 3231 string searchPlaceholder; 3232 string searchType = "product-search"; 3233 string searchTemplate; 3234 string searchContentTemplate = ""; 3235 string searchValue = HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString.Get("Search") ?? ""; 3236 bool showGroups = true; 3237 3238 if (Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Layout").GetList("TopSearch").SelectedValue == "contentSearch") 3239 { 3240 searchFeedId = GetPageIdByNavigationTag("ContentSearchFeed") + "&Areaid=" + Model.Area.ID + "&pagesOnly=true"; 3241 resultPageLink = contentSearchPageLink; 3242 searchPlaceholder = Translate("Search page"); 3243 groupsFeedId = 0; 3244 searchType = "content-search"; 3245 searchTemplate = "SearchPagesTemplate"; 3246 showGroups = false; 3247 } 3248 else if (Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Layout").GetList("TopSearch").SelectedValue == "combinedSearch") 3249 { 3250 searchFeedId = productsPageId + "&feed=true"; 3251 searchSecondFeedId = GetPageIdByNavigationTag("ContentSearchFeed") + "&Areaid=" + Model.Area.ID + "&pagesOnly=true"; 3252 resultPageLink = Converter.ToString(productsPageId); 3253 searchPlaceholder = Translate("Search products or pages"); 3254 groupsFeedId = GetPageIdByNavigationTag("ProductGroupsFeed"); 3255 searchType = "combined-search"; 3256 searchTemplate = "SearchProductsTemplateWrap"; 3257 searchContentTemplate = "SearchPagesTemplateWrap"; 3258 showGroups = Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Layout").GetBoolean("ShowGroupsSelector"); 3259 } 3260 else 3261 { 3262 resultPageLink = Converter.ToString(productsPageId); 3263 searchFeedId = productsPageId + "&feed=true"; 3264 groupsFeedId = GetPageIdByNavigationTag("ProductGroupsFeed"); 3265 searchPlaceholder = Translate("Search products"); 3266 searchTemplate = "SearchProductsTemplate"; 3267 searchType = "product-search"; 3268 showGroups = Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Layout").GetBoolean("ShowGroupsSelector"); 3269 } 3270 3271 3272 <input type="checkbox" id="MobileSearchTrigger" class="mobile-search-trigger" /> 3273 3274 <div class="main-navigation-mobile typeahead-mobile dw-mod"> 3275 <div class="center-container top-container__center-container dw-mod"> 3276 <div class="grid"> 3277 <div class="grid__col-auto"> 3278 <div class="typeahead-mobile__search-field dw-mod js-typeahead" data-page-size="@(searchType == "combined-search" ? 4 : 8)" id="MobileProductSearch" data-search-feed-id="@searchFeedId" data-search-second-feed-id="@searchSecondFeedId" data-result-page-id="@resultPageLink" data-search-type="@searchType"> 3279 <input type="text" class="js-typeahead-search-field u-w160px u-no-margin" placeholder="@searchPlaceholder" value="@searchValue"> 3280 @if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(searchSecondFeedId)) 3281 { 3282 <ul class="dropdown dropdown--absolute-position u-min-w220px u-full-width js-handlebars-root js-typeahead-search-content dw-mod" id="MobileProductSearchBarContent" data-template="@searchTemplate" data-json-feed="/Default.aspx?ID=@searchFeedId&feedType=productsOnly" data-init-onload="false"></ul> 3283 } 3284 else 3285 { 3286 <div class="dropdown dropdown--absolute-position dropdown--combined grid dropdown--combined-mobile grid"> 3287 <div class="js-handlebars-root js-typeahead-search-content grid__col-sm-7 grid__col--bleed-y" id="MobileProductSearchBarContent" data-template="@searchTemplate" data-json-feed="/Default.aspx?ID=@searchFeedId&feedType=productsOnly" data-init-onload="false"></div> 3288 <div class="js-handlebars-root js-typeahead-additional-search-content grid__col-sm-5 grid__col--bleed-y" id="MobileContentSearchBarContent" data-template="@searchContentTemplate" data-json-feed="/Default.aspx?ID=@searchSecondFeedId" data-init-onload="false"></div> 3289 </div> 3290 } 3291 <button type="button" class="btn btn--condensed btn--primary u-no-margin dw-mod js-typeahead-enter-btn"><i class="@Pageview.AreaSettings.GetItem("Layout").GetItem("Icons").GetList("SearchIcon").SelectedValue"></i></button> 3292 </div> 3293 </div> 3294 <div class="grid__col-auto-width"> 3295 <ul class="menu dw-mod"> 3296 <li class="menu__item menu__item--horizontal menu__item--top-level dw-mod"> 3297 <label for="MobileSearchTrigger" class="menu__link menu__link--icon menu__link--mobile dw-mod"> 3298 <i class="fas fa-times fa-1_5x"></i> 3299 </label> 3300 </li> 3301 </ul> 3302 </div> 3303 </div> 3304 </div> 3305 </div> 3306 } 3307 3308 @helper RenderMobileMiniCartCounterContent() 3309 { 3310 bool showPrice = Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Ecommerce").GetItem("MiniCart").GetBoolean("ShowPrice"); 3311 string counterPosition = Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Ecommerce").GetItem("MiniCart").GetList("CounterPosition") != null ? Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Ecommerce").GetItem("MiniCart").GetList("CounterPosition").SelectedValue : "right"; 3312 bool showPriceInMiniCartCounter = Pageview.Device.ToString() != "Mobile" && counterPosition == "right" && showPrice; 3313 3314 <script id="MiniCartCounterContent" type="text/x-template"> 3315 {{#.}} 3316 <div class="js-mini-cart-counter-content dw-mod"> 3317 @if (showPriceInMiniCartCounter) 3318 { 3319 @Translate("Cart")<text>({{numberofproducts}}) {{totalprice}}</text> 3320 } 3321 else 3322 { 3323 <text>{{numberofproducts}}</text> 3324 } 3325 </div> 3326 {{/.}} 3327 </script> 3328 } 3329 </text> 3330 <text>@inherits Dynamicweb.Rendering.ViewModelTemplate<Dynamicweb.Frontend.PageViewModel> 3331 3332 @using System 3333 @using System.Web 3334 @using System.Collections.Generic 3335 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks.Extensibility 3336 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks 3337 3338 @functions { 3339 BlocksPage mobileNavigationBlocksPage = BlocksPage.GetBlockPage("Master"); 3340 } 3341 3342 @{ 3343 bool navigationItemsHideSignIn = Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Layout").GetItem("Header").GetBoolean("HideSignIn"); 3344 bool hideCreateAccountLink = Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Layout").GetItem("Header").GetBoolean("SignInHideCreateAccount"); 3345 bool hideMyProfileLink = Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Layout").GetItem("Header").GetBoolean("SignInHideProfile"); 3346 bool hideMyOrdersLink = Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Layout").GetItem("Header").GetBoolean("SignInHideOrders"); 3347 bool hideMySavedCardsLink = Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Layout").GetItem("Header").GetBoolean("SignInHideSavedCards"); 3348 bool hideMyFavoritesLink = Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Layout").GetItem("Header").GetBoolean("SignInHideFavorites"); 3349 3350 Block mobileNavigation = new Block() 3351 { 3352 Id = "MobileNavigation", 3353 SortId = 10, 3354 Template = MobileNavigation(), 3355 SkipRenderBlocksList = true 3356 }; 3357 mobileNavigationBlocksPage.Add(MasterBlockId.MasterTopSnippets, mobileNavigation); 3358 3359 if (Model.CurrentUser.ID > 0 && !hideMyProfileLink) 3360 { 3361 Block mobileNavigationSignIn = new Block 3362 { 3363 Id = "MobileNavigationSignIn", 3364 SortId = 10, 3365 Template = RenderMobileNavigationSignIn() 3366 }; 3367 mobileNavigationBlocksPage.Add("MobileNavigation", mobileNavigationSignIn); 3368 } 3369 3370 Block mobileNavigationMenu = new Block 3371 { 3372 Id = "MobileNavigationMenu", 3373 SortId = 20, 3374 Template = RenderMobileNavigationMenu() 3375 }; 3376 mobileNavigationBlocksPage.Add("MobileNavigation", mobileNavigationMenu); 3377 3378 Block mobileNavigationActions = new Block 3379 { 3380 Id = "MobileNavigationActions", 3381 SortId = 30, 3382 Template = RenderMobileNavigationActions(), 3383 SkipRenderBlocksList = true 3384 }; 3385 mobileNavigationBlocksPage.Add("MobileNavigation", mobileNavigationActions); 3386 3387 if (!navigationItemsHideSignIn) 3388 { 3389 if (Model.CurrentUser.ID <= 0) 3390 { 3391 Block mobileNavigationSignInAction = new Block 3392 { 3393 Id = "MobileNavigationSignInAction", 3394 SortId = 10, 3395 Template = RenderMobileNavigationSignInAction() 3396 }; 3397 mobileNavigationBlocksPage.Add("MobileNavigationActions", mobileNavigationSignInAction); 3398 3399 if (!hideCreateAccountLink) 3400 { 3401 Block mobileNavigationCreateAccountAction = new Block 3402 { 3403 Id = "MobileNavigationCreateAccountAction", 3404 SortId = 20, 3405 Template = RenderMobileNavigationCreateAccountAction() 3406 }; 3407 mobileNavigationBlocksPage.Add("MobileNavigationActions", mobileNavigationCreateAccountAction); 3408 } 3409 } 3410 else 3411 { 3412 if (!hideMyOrdersLink) 3413 { 3414 Block mobileNavigationOrdersAction = new Block 3415 { 3416 Id = "MobileNavigationOrdersAction", 3417 SortId = 20, 3418 Template = RenderMobileNavigationOrdersAction() 3419 }; 3420 mobileNavigationBlocksPage.Add("MobileNavigationActions", mobileNavigationOrdersAction); 3421 } 3422 if (!hideMyFavoritesLink) 3423 { 3424 Block mobileNavigationFavoritesAction = new Block 3425 { 3426 Id = "MobileNavigationFavoritesAction", 3427 SortId = 30, 3428 Template = RenderMobileNavigationFavoritesAction() 3429 }; 3430 mobileNavigationBlocksPage.Add("MobileNavigationActions", mobileNavigationFavoritesAction); 3431 } 3432 if (!hideMySavedCardsLink) 3433 { 3434 Block mobileNavigationSavedCardsAction = new Block 3435 { 3436 Id = "MobileNavigationFavoritesAction", 3437 SortId = 30, 3438 Template = RenderMobileNavigationSavedCardsAction() 3439 }; 3440 mobileNavigationBlocksPage.Add("MobileNavigationActions", mobileNavigationSavedCardsAction); 3441 } 3442 3443 Block mobileNavigationSignOutAction = new Block 3444 { 3445 Id = "MobileNavigationSignOutAction", 3446 SortId = 40, 3447 Template = RenderMobileNavigationSignOutAction() 3448 }; 3449 mobileNavigationBlocksPage.Add("MobileNavigationActions", mobileNavigationSignOutAction); 3450 } 3451 } 3452 3453 if (Model.Languages.Count > 1) 3454 { 3455 Block mobileNavigationLanguagesAction = new Block 3456 { 3457 Id = "MobileNavigationLanguagesAction", 3458 SortId = 50, 3459 Template = RenderMobileNavigationLanguagesAction() 3460 }; 3461 mobileNavigationBlocksPage.Add("MobileNavigationActions", mobileNavigationLanguagesAction); 3462 } 3463 } 3464 3465 3466 @helper MobileNavigation() 3467 { 3468 List<Block> subBlocks = this.mobileNavigationBlocksPage.GetBlockListById("MobileNavigation").OrderBy(item => item.SortId).ToList(); 3469 3470 bool onlyPreview = Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Ecommerce").GetBoolean("OnlyPreviewForAnonymous") && Model.CurrentUser.ID == 0; 3471 int miniCartFeedPageId = GetPageIdByNavigationTag("MiniCartFeed"); 3472 int cartFeedPageId = GetPageIdByNavigationTag("CartOrderlinesFeed"); 3473 string mobileTopDesign = Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Layout").GetItem("MobileTop").GetList("Design") != null ? Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Layout").GetItem("MobileTop").GetList("Design").SelectedValue : "nav-left"; 3474 string position = mobileTopDesign == "nav-left" || mobileTopDesign == "nav-search-left" ? "left" : "right"; 3475 3476 <!-- Trigger for mobile navigation --> 3477 <input type="checkbox" id="MobileNavTrigger" class="mobile-nav-trigger mobile-nav-trigger--@position" autocomplete="off" /> 3478 3479 <!-- Mobile navigation --> 3480 <nav class="mobile-navigation mobile-navigation--@position dw-mod"> 3481 <div class="mobile-navigation__wrapper" id="mobileNavigationWrapper"> 3482 @RenderBlockList(subBlocks) 3483 </div> 3484 </nav> 3485 3486 <label class="mobile-nav-trigger-off" for="MobileNavTrigger"></label> 3487 3488 if (!onlyPreview) 3489 { 3490 <div class="u-visually-hidden js-handlebars-root js-mini-cart" id="miniCart" data-template="MiniCartContent" data-cart-id="@cartFeedPageId" data-json-feed="/Default.aspx?ID=@miniCartFeedPageId&feedType=MiniCart" data-init-onload="false"></div> 3491 } 3492 } 3493 3494 @helper RenderMobileNavigationSignIn() 3495 { 3496 int signInProfilePageId = GetPageIdByNavigationTag("SignInPage"); 3497 int myProfilePageId = GetPageIdByNavigationTag("CustomerProfile"); 3498 string linkStart = Model.CurrentUser.ID <= 0 ? "/Default.aspx?ID=" + signInProfilePageId + "&RedirectPageId=" : "/Default.aspx?ID="; 3499 string myProfilePageLink = linkStart + myProfilePageId; 3500 string userName = Model.CurrentUser.FirstName ?? ""; 3501 userName += " " + (Model.CurrentUser.LastName ?? ""); 3502 userName += userName == "" && Model.CurrentUser.UserName != null ? Model.CurrentUser.UserName : ""; 3503 3504 <ul class="menu menu-mobile"> 3505 <li class="menu-mobile__item"> 3506 <a href="@myProfilePageLink" class="menu-mobile__link dw-mod"><i class="@Pageview.AreaSettings.GetItem("Layout").GetItem("Icons").GetList("SignInProfileIcon").SelectedValue menu-mobile__link-icon"></i> @userName</a> 3507 </li> 3508 </ul> 3509 } 3510 3511 @helper RenderMobileNavigationMenu() 3512 { 3513 bool isSlidesDesign = Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Layout").GetItem("MobileNavigation").GetList("Design").SelectedValue == "Slides"; 3514 string menuTemplate = isSlidesDesign ? "BaseMenuForMobileSlides.xslt" : "BaseMenuForMobileExpandable.xslt"; 3515 string levels = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Layout").GetItem("MobileNavigation").GetString("Levels")) ? Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Layout").GetItem("MobileNavigation").GetString("Levels") : "3"; 3516 bool renderPagesInToolBar = Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Layout").GetItem("Header").GetBoolean("RenderPagesInToolBar"); 3517 int startLevel = renderPagesInToolBar ? 1 : 0; 3518 3519 @RenderNavigation(new 3520 { 3521 id = "mobilenavigation", 3522 cssclass = "menu menu-mobile dwnavigation", 3523 startLevel = @startLevel, 3524 ecomStartLevel = @startLevel + 1, 3525 endlevel = @levels, 3526 expandmode = "all", 3527 template = @menuTemplate 3528 }) 3529 3530 if (isSlidesDesign) 3531 { 3532 <script> 3533 function goToLevel(level) { document.getElementById('mobileNavigationWrapper').style.left = -(level * 100) + "%"; } 3534 3535 document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () { 3536 goToLevel(document.getElementById('mobileNavigationWrapper').querySelectorAll('input[type=radio]:checked').length); 3537 }); 3538 </script> 3539 } 3540 3541 if (renderPagesInToolBar) 3542 { 3543 @RenderNavigation(new 3544 { 3545 id = "topToolsMobileNavigation", 3546 cssclass = "menu menu-mobile dwnavigation", 3547 template = "ToolsMenuForMobile.xslt" 3548 }) 3549 } 3550 } 3551 3552 @helper RenderMobileNavigationActions() 3553 { 3554 List<Block> subBlocks = this.mobileNavigationBlocksPage.GetBlockListById("MobileNavigationActions").OrderBy(item => item.SortId).ToList(); ; 3555 3556 <ul class="menu menu-mobile"> 3557 @RenderBlockList(subBlocks) 3558 </ul> 3559 } 3560 3561 @helper RenderMobileNavigationSignInAction() 3562 { 3563 <li class="menu-mobile__item"> 3564 <label for="SignInModalTrigger" onclick="document.getElementById('MobileNavTrigger').checked = false;" class="menu-mobile__link dw-mod menu-mobile__link--highlighted"><i class="@Pageview.AreaSettings.GetItem("Layout").GetItem("Icons").GetList("SignInProfileIcon").SelectedValue menu-mobile__link-icon"></i> @Translate("Sign in")</label> 3565 </li> 3566 } 3567 3568 @helper RenderMobileNavigationCreateAccountAction() 3569 { 3570 int createAccountPageId = GetPageIdByNavigationTag("CreateAccount"); 3571 3572 <li class="menu-mobile__item"> 3573 <a class="menu-mobile__link menu-mobile__link--highlighted dw-mod" href="/Default.aspx?ID=@createAccountPageId"><i class="@Pageview.AreaSettings.GetItem("Layout").GetItem("Icons").GetList("SignInProfileIcon").SelectedValue menu-mobile__link-icon"></i> @Translate("Create account")</a> 3574 </li> 3575 } 3576 3577 @helper RenderMobileNavigationProfileAction() 3578 { 3579 int signInProfilePageId = GetPageIdByNavigationTag("SignInPage"); 3580 string linkStart = Model.CurrentUser.ID <= 0 ? "/Default.aspx?ID=" + signInProfilePageId + "&RedirectPageId=" : "/Default.aspx?ID="; 3581 int myProfilePageId = GetPageIdByNavigationTag("CustomerProfile"); 3582 string myProfilePageLink = linkStart + myProfilePageId; 3583 3584 <li class="menu-mobile__item"> 3585 <a href="@myProfilePageLink" class="menu-mobile__link menu-mobile__link--highlighted dw-mod"><i class="@Pageview.AreaSettings.GetItem("Layout").GetItem("Icons").GetList("SignInProfileIcon").SelectedValue menu-mobile__link-icon"></i> @Translate("My Profile")</a> 3586 </li> 3587 } 3588 3589 @helper RenderMobileNavigationOrdersAction() 3590 { 3591 int signInProfilePageId = GetPageIdByNavigationTag("SignInPage"); 3592 string linkStart = Model.CurrentUser.ID <= 0 ? "/Default.aspx?ID=" + signInProfilePageId + "&RedirectPageId=" : "/Default.aspx?ID="; 3593 int myOrdersPageId = GetPageIdByNavigationTag("CustomerOrders"); 3594 string myOrdersPageLink = linkStart + myOrdersPageId; 3595 string ordersIcon = "fas fa-list"; 3596 3597 <li class="menu-mobile__item"> 3598 <a href="@myOrdersPageLink" class="menu-mobile__link menu-mobile__link--highlighted dw-mod"><i class="@ordersIcon menu-mobile__link-icon"></i> @Translate("My Orders")</a> 3599 </li> 3600 } 3601 3602 @helper RenderMobileNavigationFavoritesAction() 3603 { 3604 int signInProfilePageId = GetPageIdByNavigationTag("SignInPage"); 3605 string linkStart = Model.CurrentUser.ID <= 0 ? "/Default.aspx?ID=" + signInProfilePageId + "&RedirectPageId=" : "/Default.aspx?ID="; 3606 int myFavoritesPageId = GetPageIdByNavigationTag("CustomerFavorites"); 3607 string myFavoritesPageLink = linkStart + myFavoritesPageId; 3608 string favoritesIcon = Pageview.AreaSettings.GetItem("Layout").GetItem("Icons").GetList("FavoriteIcon") != null ? "fas fa-" + Pageview.AreaSettings.GetItem("Layout").GetItem("Icons").GetList("FavoriteIcon").SelectedValue : "fa fa-star"; 3609 3610 3611 <li class="menu-mobile__item"> 3612 <a href="@myFavoritesPageLink" class="menu-mobile__link menu-mobile__link--highlighted dw-mod"><i class="@favoritesIcon menu-mobile__link-icon"></i> @Translate("My Favorites")</a> 3613 </li> 3614 } 3615 3616 @helper RenderMobileNavigationSavedCardsAction() 3617 { 3618 int signInProfilePageId = GetPageIdByNavigationTag("SignInPage"); 3619 string linkStart = Model.CurrentUser.ID <= 0 ? "/Default.aspx?ID=" + signInProfilePageId + "&RedirectPageId=" : "/Default.aspx?ID="; 3620 int mySavedCardsPageId = GetPageIdByNavigationTag("SavedCards"); 3621 string mySavedCardsPageLink = linkStart + mySavedCardsPageId; 3622 string savedCardsIcon = Pageview.AreaSettings.GetItem("Layout").GetItem("Icons").GetList("SavedCards") != null ? "fas fa-" + Pageview.AreaSettings.GetItem("Layout").GetItem("Icons").GetList("SavedCards").SelectedValue : "fas fa-credit-card"; 3623 3624 <li class="menu-mobile__item"> 3625 <a href="@mySavedCardsPageLink" class="menu-mobile__link menu-mobile__link--highlighted dw-mod"><i class="@savedCardsIcon menu-mobile__link-icon"></i> @Translate("My Saved Cards")</a> 3626 </li> 3627 } 3628 3629 @helper RenderMobileNavigationSignOutAction() 3630 { 3631 int pageId = Model.TopPage.ID; 3632 string signOutIcon = Pageview.AreaSettings.GetItem("Layout").GetItem("Icons").GetList("SignOutIcon") != null ? "fas fa-" + Pageview.AreaSettings.GetItem("Layout").GetItem("Icons").GetList("SignOutIcon").SelectedValue : "far fa-sign-out-alt"; 3633 3634 <li class="menu-mobile__item"> 3635 <a class="menu-mobile__link menu-mobile__link--highlighted dw-mod" href="/Admin/Public/ExtranetLogoff.aspx?ID=@pageId"><i class="@signOutIcon menu-mobile__link-icon"></i> @Translate("Sign out")</a> 3636 </li> 3637 } 3638 3639 @helper RenderMobileNavigationLanguagesAction() 3640 { 3641 bool isSlidesDesign = Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Layout").GetItem("MobileNavigation").GetList("Design").SelectedValue == "Slides"; 3642 3643 string selectedLanguage = ""; 3644 foreach (var lang in Model.Languages) 3645 { 3646 if (lang.IsCurrent) 3647 { 3648 selectedLanguage = lang.Name; 3649 } 3650 } 3651 3652 <li class="menu-mobile__item dw-mod"> 3653 @if (isSlidesDesign) 3654 { 3655 <input id="MobileMenuCheck_Language" type="radio" class="expand-trigger" name="mobile-menu-level-1" onclick="goToLevel(1);"> 3656 } 3657 else 3658 { 3659 <input id="MobileMenuCheck_Language" type="checkbox" class="expand-trigger"> 3660 } 3661 <div class="menu-mobile__link__wrap"> 3662 <label for="MobileMenuCheck_Language" class="menu-mobile__link menu-mobile__link--highlighted dw-mod"><i class="@Pageview.AreaSettings.GetItem("Layout").GetItem("Icons").GetList("LanguageIcon").SelectedValue menu-mobile__link-icon"></i> @selectedLanguage</label> 3663 <label for="MobileMenuCheck_Language" class="menu-mobile__trigger"></label> 3664 </div> 3665 <ul class="menu-mobile menu-mobile__submenu expand-menu"> 3666 @if (isSlidesDesign) 3667 { 3668 <li class="menu-mobile__item dw-mod"> 3669 <div class="menu-mobile__link__wrap"> 3670 <input id="MobileMenuCheck_Language_back" type="radio" class="expand-trigger" name="mobile-menu-level-1" onclick="goToLevel(0);" /> 3671 <label for="MobileMenuCheck_Language_back" class="menu-mobile__trigger menu-mobile__trigger--back"></label> 3672 <label for="MobileMenuCheck_Language_back" class="menu-mobile__link dw-mod ">@Translate("Back")</label> 3673 </div> 3674 </li> 3675 } 3676 @foreach (var lang in Model.Languages) 3677 { 3678 <li class="menu-mobile__item dw-mod"> 3679 <a class="menu-mobile__link menu-mobile__link--highlighted dw-mod menu-mobile__link--level-1" href="/Default.aspx?ID=@lang.Page.ID">@lang.Name</a> 3680 </li> 3681 } 3682 </ul> 3683 </li> 3684 }</text> 3685 } 3686 else 3687 { 3688 <text>@inherits Dynamicweb.Rendering.ViewModelTemplate<Dynamicweb.Frontend.PageViewModel> 3689 3690 @using System 3691 @using System.Web 3692 @using System.Collections.Generic 3693 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks.Extensibility 3694 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks 3695 3696 @functions { 3697 BlocksPage headerBlocksPage = BlocksPage.GetBlockPage("Master"); 3698 } 3699 3700 @{ 3701 if (Pageview.Device.ToString() != "Mobile" && Pageview.Device.ToString() != "Tablet") 3702 { 3703 Block masterTools = new Block() 3704 { 3705 Id = "MasterDesktopTools", 3706 SortId = 10, 3707 Template = RenderDesktopTools(), 3708 SkipRenderBlocksList = true, 3709 BlocksList = new List<Block> 3710 { 3711 new Block { 3712 Id = "MasterDesktopToolsText", 3713 SortId = 10, 3714 Template = RenderDesktopToolsText(), 3715 Design = new Design 3716 { 3717 Size = "auto", 3718 HidePadding = true, 3719 RenderType = RenderType.Column 3720 } 3721 }, 3722 new Block { 3723 Id = "MasterDesktopToolsNavigation", 3724 SortId = 20, 3725 Template = RenderDesktopToolsNavigation(), 3726 Design = new Design 3727 { 3728 Size = "auto-width", 3729 HidePadding = true, 3730 RenderType = RenderType.Column 3731 } 3732 } 3733 } 3734 }; 3735 headerBlocksPage.Add("MasterHeader", masterTools); 3736 } 3737 3738 Block masterDesktopExtra = new Block() 3739 { 3740 Id = "MasterDesktopExtra", 3741 SortId = 10, 3742 Template = RenderDesktopExtra(), 3743 SkipRenderBlocksList = true 3744 }; 3745 headerBlocksPage.Add("MasterHeader", masterDesktopExtra); 3746 3747 Block masterDesktopNavigation = new Block() 3748 { 3749 Id = "MasterDesktopNavigation", 3750 SortId = 20, 3751 Template = RenderDesktopNavigation(), 3752 SkipRenderBlocksList = true 3753 }; 3754 headerBlocksPage.Add("MasterHeader", masterDesktopNavigation); 3755 } 3756 3757 @* Include the Blocks for the page *@ 3758 @inherits Dynamicweb.Rendering.ViewModelTemplate<Dynamicweb.Frontend.PageViewModel> 3759 3760 @using System 3761 @using System.Web 3762 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks.Extensibility 3763 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks 3764 3765 @{ 3766 Block masterDesktopLogo = new Block 3767 { 3768 Id = "MasterDesktopLogo", 3769 SortId = 10, 3770 Template = RenderDesktopLogo(), 3771 Design = new Design 3772 { 3773 Size = "auto-width", 3774 HidePadding = true, 3775 RenderType = RenderType.Column, 3776 CssClass = "grid--align-self-center" 3777 } 3778 }; 3779 3780 BlocksPage.GetBlockPage("Master").Add("MasterHeader", masterDesktopLogo); 3781 } 3782 3783 3784 @helper RenderDesktopLogo() 3785 { 3786 string firstPageId = Model.Area.FirstActivePage.ID.ToString(); 3787 string topLayout = Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Layout").GetItem("Header").GetList("TopLayout") != null ? Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Layout").GetItem("Header").GetList("TopLayout").SelectedValue : "normal"; 3788 string alignClass = topLayout == "two-lines-centered" || topLayout == "two-lines" ? "grid--align-self-center" : ""; 3789 string logo = Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Layout").GetFile("LogoImage") != null ? Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Layout").GetFile("LogoImage").PathUrlEncoded : "/Files/Images/logo-dynamicweb.png"; 3790 if (Path.GetExtension(logo).ToLower() != ".svg") 3791 { 3792 int logoHeight = Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Layout").GetInt32("LogoHeight"); 3793 logoHeight = logoHeight > 0 && Pageview.Device.ToString() != "Mobile" ? logoHeight : 40; 3794 logo = "/Admin/Public/GetImage.ashx?height=" + Converter.ToString(logoHeight) + "&amp;crop=5&amp;Compression=75&amp;image=" + logo; 3795 } 3796 else 3797 { 3798 logo = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(logo); 3799 } 3800 3801 <div class="logo @alignClass dw-mod"> 3802 <a href="/Default.aspx?ID=@firstPageId" class="logo__img dw-mod u-block"> 3803 <img class="grid__cell-img logo__img dw-mod" src="@logo" alt="@Translate("Logo")" /> 3804 </a> 3805 </div> 3806 } 3807 @inherits Dynamicweb.Rendering.ViewModelTemplate<Dynamicweb.Frontend.PageViewModel> 3808 3809 @using System 3810 @using System.Web 3811 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks.Extensibility 3812 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks 3813 3814 @functions { 3815 bool isMegaMenu; 3816 } 3817 3818 @{ 3819 isMegaMenu = Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Layout").GetItem("Header").GetList("NavigationMegaMenu") != null ? Converter.ToBoolean(Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Layout").GetItem("Header").GetList("NavigationMegaMenu").SelectedValue) : false; 3820 Block masterDesktopMenu = new Block 3821 { 3822 Id = "MasterDesktopMenu", 3823 SortId = 10, 3824 Template = RenderDesktopMenu(), 3825 Design = new Design 3826 { 3827 Size = "auto", 3828 HidePadding = true, 3829 RenderType = RenderType.Column 3830 } 3831 }; 3832 3833 if (isMegaMenu) 3834 { 3835 masterDesktopMenu.Design.CssClass = "u-reset-position"; 3836 } 3837 3838 BlocksPage.GetBlockPage("Master").Add("MasterHeader", masterDesktopMenu); 3839 } 3840 3841 @helper RenderDesktopMenu() 3842 { 3843 string topLayout = Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Layout").GetItem("Header").GetList("TopLayout") != null ? Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Layout").GetItem("Header").GetList("TopLayout").SelectedValue : "normal"; 3844 string menuAlignment = topLayout == "minimal-right" ? "grid--align-self-end" : ""; 3845 string megamenuPromotionImage = Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Layout").GetItem("Header").GetFile("MegamenuPromotionImage") != null ? Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Layout").GetItem("Header").GetFile("MegamenuPromotionImage").PathUrlEncoded : ""; 3846 bool renderPagesInToolBar = Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Layout").GetItem("Header").GetBoolean("RenderPagesInToolBar"); 3847 bool showOnlyHeaders = Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Layout").GetItem("Header").GetBoolean("ShowOnlyHeaders"); 3848 int startLevel = renderPagesInToolBar ? 1 : 0; 3849 3850 string promotionLink = Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Layout").GetItem("Header").GetString("MegamenuPromotionLink"); 3851 3852 <div class="grid__cell u-flex @(isMegaMenu ? "u-reset-position" : "") @menuAlignment"> 3853 @if (!isMegaMenu) 3854 { 3855 @RenderNavigation(new 3856 { 3857 id = "topnavigation", 3858 cssclass = "menu dw-mod dwnavigation u-full-max-width u-flex grid--wrap", 3859 startLevel = startLevel, 3860 ecomStartLevel = startLevel + 1, 3861 endlevel = 5, 3862 expandmode = "all", 3863 template = "BaseMenuWithDropdown.xslt" 3864 }); 3865 } 3866 else 3867 { 3868 @RenderNavigation(new 3869 { 3870 id = "topnavigation", 3871 cssclass = "menu dw-mod dwnavigation u-full-max-width u-flex grid--wrap", 3872 startLevel = startLevel, 3873 ecomStartLevel = startLevel + 1, 3874 endlevel = 5, 3875 promotionImage = megamenuPromotionImage, 3876 promotionLink = promotionLink, 3877 expandmode = "all", 3878 showOnlyHeaders = showOnlyHeaders.ToString().ToLower(), 3879 template = "BaseMegaMenu.xslt" 3880 }); 3881 } 3882 </div> 3883 } 3884 @inherits Dynamicweb.Rendering.ViewModelTemplate<Dynamicweb.Frontend.PageViewModel> 3885 3886 @using System 3887 @using System.Web 3888 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks.Extensibility 3889 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks 3890 3891 @{ 3892 Block masterDesktopActionsMenu = new Block 3893 { 3894 Id = "MasterDesktopActionsMenu", 3895 SortId = 10, 3896 Template = RenderDesktopActionsMenu(), 3897 Design = new Design 3898 { 3899 CssClass = "u-flex" 3900 }, 3901 SkipRenderBlocksList = true 3902 3903 }; 3904 BlocksPage.GetBlockPage("Master").Add("MasterHeader", masterDesktopActionsMenu); 3905 3906 if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Layout").GetItem("Header").GetString("HeaderButtonLink"))) 3907 { 3908 Block masterDesktopActionsHeaderButton = new Block 3909 { 3910 Id = "MasterDesktopActionsHeaderButton", 3911 SortId = 60, 3912 Template = RenderHeaderButton() 3913 }; 3914 masterDesktopActionsMenu.Add(masterDesktopActionsHeaderButton); 3915 } 3916 } 3917 3918 @helper RenderDesktopActionsMenu() 3919 { 3920 List<Block> subBlocks = this.headerBlocksPage.GetBlockListById("MasterDesktopActionsMenu").OrderBy(item => item.SortId).ToList(); 3921 3922 <ul class="menu u-flex dw-mod"> 3923 @RenderBlockList(subBlocks) 3924 </ul> 3925 } 3926 3927 @helper RenderHeaderButton() 3928 { 3929 string headerButtonText = Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Layout").GetItem("Header").GetString("HeaderButtonText"); 3930 string headerButtonLink = Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Layout").GetItem("Header").GetString("HeaderButtonLink"); 3931 string headerButtonType = Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Layout").GetItem("Header").GetList("HeaderButtonType") != null ? "btn--" + Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Layout").GetItem("Header").GetList("HeaderButtonType").SelectedName.ToLower() : ""; 3932 3933 <li class="menu__item menu__item--horizontal menu--clean dw-mod"> 3934 <a class="btn @headerButtonType dw-mod u-no-margin u-margin-top u-margin-left" href="@headerButtonLink">@headerButtonText</a> 3935 </li> 3936 } 3937 @inherits Dynamicweb.Rendering.ViewModelTemplate<Dynamicweb.Frontend.PageViewModel> 3938 3939 @using System 3940 @using System.Web 3941 @using Dynamicweb.Core; 3942 @using System.Text.RegularExpressions 3943 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks.Extensibility 3944 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks 3945 3946 @{ 3947 Block masterDesktopActionsMenuLanguageSelector = new Block 3948 { 3949 Id = "MasterDesktopActionsMenuLanguageSelector", 3950 SortId = 40, 3951 Template = RenderLanguageSelector() 3952 }; 3953 3954 BlocksPage.GetBlockPage("Master").Add("MasterDesktopActionsMenu", masterDesktopActionsMenuLanguageSelector); 3955 } 3956 3957 @helper RenderLanguageSelector() 3958 { 3959 string topLayout = Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Layout").GetItem("Header").GetList("TopLayout") != null ? Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Layout").GetItem("Header").GetList("TopLayout").SelectedValue : "normal"; 3960 string liClasses = topLayout != "normal" ? "menu__item--top-level u-hidden-xxs" : "menu--clean"; 3961 string menuLinkClass = topLayout != "normal" ? "menu__link menu__link--icon" : "header-menu__link header-menu__link--icon"; 3962 string languageViewType = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Layout").GetItem("Header").GetList("LanguageSelector").SelectedValue) ? Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Layout").GetItem("Header").GetList("LanguageSelector").SelectedValue.ToLower() : ""; 3963 3964 if (Model.Languages.Count > 1) 3965 { 3966 <li class="menu__item menu__item--horizontal @liClasses menu__item--icon is-dropdown is-dropdown--no-icon dw-mod"> 3967 <div class="@menuLinkClass dw-mod"> 3968 <i class="@Pageview.AreaSettings.GetItem("Layout").GetItem("Icons").GetList("LanguageIcon").SelectedValue fa-1_5x"></i> 3969 </div> 3970 <div class="menu menu--dropdown menu--dropdown-right languages-dropdown dw-mod grid__cell"> 3971 @foreach (var lang in Model.Languages) 3972 { 3973 string langInfo = "<span class=\"flag-icon flag-icon-" + Dynamicweb.Services.Areas.GetArea(lang.ID).EcomCountryCode.ToLower() + " u-margin-right\"></span>" + lang.Name; 3974 string cultureName = Regex.Replace(Dynamicweb.Services.Areas.GetArea(lang.ID).CultureInfo.NativeName, @" ?\(.*?\)", string.Empty); 3975 cultureName = char.ToUpper(cultureName[0]) + cultureName.Substring(1); 3976 3977 if (languageViewType == "flag-culture") 3978 { 3979 langInfo = "<span class=\"flag-icon flag-icon-" + Dynamicweb.Services.Areas.GetArea(lang.ID).EcomCountryCode.ToLower() + " \"></span> " + cultureName; 3980 } 3981 3982 if (languageViewType == "flag") 3983 { 3984 langInfo = "<span class=\"flag-icon flag-icon-" + Dynamicweb.Services.Areas.GetArea(lang.ID).EcomCountryCode.ToLower() + " \"></span>"; 3985 } 3986 3987 if (languageViewType == "name") 3988 { 3989 langInfo = lang.Name; 3990 } 3991 3992 if (languageViewType == "culture") 3993 { 3994 langInfo = cultureName; 3995 } 3996 3997 <a href="/Default.aspx?AreaID=@Dynamicweb.Services.Pages.GetPage(lang.Page.ID).Area.ID" class="menu-dropdown__item menu-dropdown__item--link dw-mod">@langInfo</a> 3998 } 3999 </div> 4000 </li> 4001 } 4002 } 4003 @inherits Dynamicweb.Rendering.ViewModelTemplate<Dynamicweb.Frontend.PageViewModel> 4004 4005 @using System 4006 @using System.Web 4007 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks.Extensibility 4008 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks 4009 4010 @{ 4011 Block masterDesktopActionsMenuSignIn = new Block 4012 { 4013 Id = "MasterDesktopActionsMenuSignIn", 4014 SortId = 20, 4015 Template = RenderSignIn() 4016 }; 4017 4018 BlocksPage.GetBlockPage("Master").Add("MasterDesktopActionsMenu", masterDesktopActionsMenuSignIn); 4019 } 4020 4021 @helper RenderSignIn() 4022 { 4023 bool navigationItemsHideSignIn = Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Layout").GetItem("Header").GetBoolean("HideSignIn"); 4024 string userInitials = ""; 4025 int pageId = Model.TopPage.ID; 4026 int createAccountPageId = GetPageIdByNavigationTag("CreateAccount"); 4027 int myDashboardPageId = GetPageIdByNavigationTag("CustomerDashboard"); 4028 int myProfilePageId = GetPageIdByNavigationTag("CustomerProfile"); 4029 int myOrdersPageId = GetPageIdByNavigationTag("CustomerOrders"); 4030 int myFavoritesPageId = GetPageIdByNavigationTag("CustomerFavorites"); 4031 int mySavedCardsPageId = GetPageIdByNavigationTag("SavedCards"); 4032 int signInProfilePageId = GetPageIdByNavigationTag("SignInPage"); 4033 bool hideCreateAccountLink = Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Layout").GetItem("Header").GetBoolean("SignInHideCreateAccount"); 4034 bool hideMyProfileLink = Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Layout").GetItem("Header").GetBoolean("SignInHideProfile"); 4035 bool hideMyOrdersLink = Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Layout").GetItem("Header").GetBoolean("SignInHideOrders"); 4036 bool hideMySavedCardsLink = Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Layout").GetItem("Header").GetBoolean("SignInHideSavedCards"); 4037 bool hideMyFavoritesLink = Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Layout").GetItem("Header").GetBoolean("SignInHideFavorites"); 4038 bool hideForgotPasswordLink = Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Layout").GetItem("Header").GetBoolean("SignInHideForgotPasswordLink"); 4039 4040 string linkStart = "/Default.aspx?ID="; 4041 if (Model.CurrentUser.ID <= 0) 4042 { 4043 linkStart += signInProfilePageId + "&RedirectPageId="; 4044 } 4045 4046 string forgotPasswordPageLink = "/Default.aspx?ID=" + signInProfilePageId + "&LoginAction=Recovery"; 4047 string myProfilePageLink = linkStart + myProfilePageId; 4048 string myOrdersPageLink = linkStart + myOrdersPageId; 4049 string myFavoritesPageLink = linkStart + myFavoritesPageId; 4050 string mySavedCardsPageLink = linkStart + mySavedCardsPageId; 4051 4052 string profileIcon = Pageview.AreaSettings.GetItem("Layout").GetItem("Icons").GetList("SignInProfileIcon") != null ? Pageview.AreaSettings.GetItem("Layout").GetItem("Icons").GetList("SignInProfileIcon").SelectedValue : "fa fa-user"; 4053 string favoritesIcon = Pageview.AreaSettings.GetItem("Layout").GetItem("Icons").GetList("FavoriteIcon") != null ? "fas fa-" + Pageview.AreaSettings.GetItem("Layout").GetItem("Icons").GetList("FavoriteIcon").SelectedValue : "fa fa-star"; 4054 4055 if (Model.CurrentUser.ID != 0) 4056 { 4057 if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Model.CurrentUser.Name)) 4058 { 4059 string[] names = Model.CurrentUser.Name.Split(' '); 4060 userInitials += Model.CurrentUser.Name.Substring(0, 1); 4061 4062 if (names.Length > 1) 4063 { 4064 if(names[names.Length - 1].Length > 0){ 4065 userInitials += names[names.Length - 1].Substring(0, 1); 4066 } 4067 } 4068 } 4069 else 4070 { 4071 userInitials += Model.CurrentUser.FirstName != null && Model.CurrentUser.FirstName != "" ? Model.CurrentUser.FirstName.Substring(0, 1) : ""; 4072 userInitials += Model.CurrentUser.LastName != null && Model.CurrentUser.LastName != "" ? Model.CurrentUser.LastName.Substring(0, 1) : ""; 4073 userInitials += userInitials.Length == 1 && Model.CurrentUser.FirstName != null && Model.CurrentUser.FirstName.Length > 1 ? Model.CurrentUser.FirstName.Substring(1, 2) : ""; 4074 userInitials += userInitials == "" && Model.CurrentUser.Email != null && Model.CurrentUser.Email.Length > 1 ? Model.CurrentUser.Email.Substring(0, 2) : ""; 4075 userInitials += userInitials == "" ? Model.CurrentUser.UserName.Substring(0, 2) : ""; 4076 } 4077 } 4078 4079 if (!navigationItemsHideSignIn) 4080 { 4081 string topLayout = Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Layout").GetItem("Header").GetList("TopLayout") != null ? Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Layout").GetItem("Header").GetList("TopLayout").SelectedValue : "normal"; 4082 string liClasses = topLayout != "normal" ? "menu__item--top-level u-hidden-xxs" : "menu__item--clean"; 4083 string menuLinkClass = topLayout != "normal" ? "menu__link menu__link--icon" : "header-menu__link header-menu__link--icon"; 4084 4085 <li class="menu__item menu__item--horizontal menu__item menu__item--icon @liClasses is-dropdown is-dropdown--no-icon dw-mod"> 4086 <div class="@menuLinkClass dw-mod"> 4087 @if (Model.CurrentUser.ID <= 0) 4088 { 4089 <i class="@Pageview.AreaSettings.GetItem("Layout").GetItem("Icons").GetList("SignInProfileIcon").SelectedValue fa-1_5x"></i> 4090 } 4091 else 4092 { 4093 <a href="/default.aspx?ID=@myDashboardPageId" class="u-color-inherit"><div class="circle-icon-btn">@userInitials.ToUpper()</div></a> 4094 } 4095 </div> 4096 <div class="menu menu--dropdown menu--dropdown-right menu--sign-in grid__cell dw-mod"> 4097 <ul class="list list--clean dw-mod"> 4098 @if (Model.CurrentUser.ID <= 0) 4099 { 4100 <li> 4101 <label for="SignInModalTrigger" class="btn btn--primary btn--full u-no-margin sign-in-modal-trigger-button dw-mod" onclick="setTimeout(function () { document.getElementById('LoginUsername').focus() }, 10)">@Translate("Sign in")</label> 4102 </li> 4103 4104 if (!hideCreateAccountLink) 4105 { 4106 @RenderListItem("/default.aspx?ID=" + createAccountPageId, Translate("Create account")); 4107 } 4108 if (!hideForgotPasswordLink) 4109 { 4110 @RenderListItem(forgotPasswordPageLink, Translate("Forgot your password?")) 4111 } 4112 if (!hideMyProfileLink || !hideMyOrdersLink || !hideMyFavoritesLink || !hideMySavedCardsLink) 4113 { 4114 @RenderSeparator() 4115 } 4116 } 4117 @if (!hideMyProfileLink) 4118 { 4119 @RenderListItem(myProfilePageLink, Translate("My Profile"), profileIcon) 4120 } 4121 @if (!hideMyOrdersLink) 4122 { 4123 @RenderListItem(myOrdersPageLink, Translate("My Orders"), "fas fa-list") 4124 } 4125 @if (!hideMyFavoritesLink) 4126 { 4127 @RenderListItem(myFavoritesPageLink, Translate("My Favorites"), favoritesIcon) 4128 } 4129 @if (!hideMySavedCardsLink) 4130 { 4131 @RenderListItem(mySavedCardsPageLink, Translate("My Saved cards"), "fas fa-credit-card") 4132 } 4133 @if (Model.CurrentUser.ID > 0) 4134 { 4135 if (!hideMyProfileLink || !hideMyOrdersLink || !hideMyFavoritesLink || !hideMySavedCardsLink) 4136 { 4137 @RenderSeparator() 4138 } 4139 4140 @RenderListItem("/Admin/Public/ExtranetLogoff.aspx?ID=" + pageId, Translate("Sign out")) 4141 } 4142 </ul> 4143 </div> 4144 </li> 4145 } 4146 } 4147 4148 @helper RenderListItem(string link, string text, string icon = null) { 4149 <li> 4150 <a href="@link" class="list__link dw-mod"> 4151 @if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(icon)) 4152 { 4153 <i class="@icon u-margin-right"></i> 4154 } 4155 @text 4156 </a> 4157 </li> 4158 } 4159 4160 @helper RenderSeparator() 4161 { 4162 <li class="list__seperator dw-mod"></li> 4163 } 4164 @inherits Dynamicweb.Rendering.ViewModelTemplate<Dynamicweb.Frontend.PageViewModel> 4165 4166 @using System 4167 @using System.Web 4168 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks.Extensibility 4169 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks 4170 4171 @{ 4172 bool hideMyFavoritesLink = Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Layout").GetItem("Header").GetBoolean("HideFavorites"); 4173 4174 Block masterDesktopActionsMenuFavorites = new Block 4175 { 4176 Id = "MasterDesktopActionsMenuFavorites", 4177 SortId = 30, 4178 Template = RenderFavorites() 4179 }; 4180 4181 if (!hideMyFavoritesLink && Model.CurrentUser.ID > 0) 4182 { 4183 BlocksPage.GetBlockPage("Master").Add("MasterDesktopActionsMenu", masterDesktopActionsMenuFavorites); 4184 } 4185 } 4186 4187 @helper RenderFavorites() 4188 { 4189 int myFavoritesPageId = GetPageIdByNavigationTag("CustomerFavorites"); 4190 string myFavoritesPageLink = "/Default.aspx?ID=" + myFavoritesPageId; 4191 4192 string topLayout = Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Layout").GetItem("Header").GetList("TopLayout") != null ? Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Layout").GetItem("Header").GetList("TopLayout").SelectedValue : "normal"; 4193 string liClasses = topLayout != "normal" ? "menu__item--top-level u-hidden-xxs" : "menu--clean"; 4194 string menuLinkClass = topLayout != "normal" ? "menu__link menu__link--icon" : "header-menu__link header-menu__link--icon"; 4195 4196 <li class="menu__item menu__item--horizontal @liClasses menu__item--icon dw-mod"> 4197 <a href="@myFavoritesPageLink" class="@menuLinkClass dw-mod"> 4198 <i class="fas fa-@Pageview.AreaSettings.GetItem("Layout").GetItem("Icons").GetList("FavoriteIcon").SelectedValue fa-1_5x"></i> 4199 </a> 4200 </li> 4201 } 4202 @inherits Dynamicweb.Rendering.ViewModelTemplate<Dynamicweb.Frontend.PageViewModel> 4203 4204 @using System 4205 @using System.Web 4206 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks.Extensibility 4207 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks 4208 4209 @{ 4210 bool onlyPreview = Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Ecommerce").GetBoolean("OnlyPreviewForAnonymous") && Model.CurrentUser.ID == 0; 4211 bool hideCart = Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Layout").GetItem("Header").GetBoolean("HideCart"); 4212 string miniCartLayout = Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Ecommerce").GetItem("MiniCart").GetList("Layout") != null ? Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Ecommerce").GetItem("MiniCart").GetList("Layout").SelectedValue : "dropdown"; 4213 4214 if (!onlyPreview && !hideCart) 4215 { 4216 Block masterDesktopActionsMenuMiniCart = new Block 4217 { 4218 Id = "MasterDesktopActionsMenuMiniCart", 4219 SortId = 50, 4220 Template = RenderMiniCart(miniCartLayout == "dropdown"), 4221 SkipRenderBlocksList = true, 4222 BlocksList = new List<Block>() 4223 }; 4224 4225 Block miniCartCounterScriptTemplate = new Block 4226 { 4227 Id = "MiniCartCounterScriptTemplate", 4228 Template = RenderMiniCartCounterContent() 4229 }; 4230 4231 //dropdown layout is default 4232 RazorEngine.Templating.TemplateWriter layoutTemplate = RenderMiniCartDropdownLayout(); 4233 RazorEngine.Templating.TemplateWriter miniCartTriggerTemplate = RenderMiniCartTriggerLink(); 4234 4235 switch (miniCartLayout) 4236 { 4237 case "panel": 4238 layoutTemplate = RenderMiniCartPanelLayout(); 4239 miniCartTriggerTemplate = RenderMiniCartTriggerLabel(); 4240 break; 4241 case "modal": 4242 layoutTemplate = RenderMiniCartModalLayout(); 4243 miniCartTriggerTemplate = RenderMiniCartTriggerLabel(); 4244 break; 4245 } 4246 4247 masterDesktopActionsMenuMiniCart.BlocksList.Add(new Block 4248 { 4249 Id = "MiniCartTrigger", 4250 Template = miniCartTriggerTemplate 4251 }); 4252 4253 if (Pageview.Device.ToString() != "Mobile" && Pageview.Device.ToString() != "Tablet") 4254 { 4255 masterDesktopActionsMenuMiniCart.BlocksList.Add(new Block 4256 { 4257 Id = "MiniCartLayout", 4258 Template = layoutTemplate 4259 }); 4260 } 4261 4262 BlocksPage.GetBlockPage("Master").Add("MasterDesktopActionsMenu", masterDesktopActionsMenuMiniCart); 4263 BlocksPage.GetBlockPage("Master").Add("MasterBottomSnippets", miniCartCounterScriptTemplate); 4264 } 4265 } 4266 4267 @helper RenderMiniCart(bool hasMouseEnterEvent) 4268 { 4269 List<Block> subBlocks = this.masterPage.GetBlockListById("MasterDesktopActionsMenuMiniCart").OrderBy(item => item.SortId).ToList(); 4270 string topLayout = Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Layout").GetItem("Header").GetList("TopLayout") != null ? Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Layout").GetItem("Header").GetList("TopLayout").SelectedValue : "normal"; 4271 string liClasses = topLayout != "normal" ? "menu__item--top-level" : "menu--clean"; 4272 int miniCartFeedPageId = GetPageIdByNavigationTag("MiniCartFeed"); 4273 string mouseEvent = ""; 4274 string id = "MiniCart"; 4275 if (hasMouseEnterEvent) { 4276 mouseEvent = "onmouseenter=\"Cart.UpdateMiniCart('miniCartTrigger', 'miniCart', 'cartCounter', '/Default.aspx?ID=" + miniCartFeedPageId + "&feedType=MiniCart')\""; 4277 id = "miniCartTrigger"; 4278 } 4279 <li class="menu__item menu__item--horizontal menu__item--icon @liClasses dw-mod" id="@id" @mouseEvent> 4280 @RenderBlockList(subBlocks) 4281 </li> 4282 } 4283 4284 @helper RenderMiniCartTriggerLabel() 4285 { 4286 int cartPageId = GetPageIdByNavigationTag("CartPage"); 4287 string cartIcon = Pageview.AreaSettings.GetItem("Layout").GetItem("Icons").GetList("CartIcon") != null ? Pageview.AreaSettings.GetItem("Layout").GetItem("Icons").GetList("CartIcon").SelectedValue : "fa fa-cart"; 4288 string topLayout = Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Layout").GetItem("Header").GetList("TopLayout") != null ? Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Layout").GetItem("Header").GetList("TopLayout").SelectedValue : "normal"; 4289 string menuLinkClass = topLayout != "normal" ? "menu__link menu__link--icon" : "header-menu__link header-menu__link--icon"; 4290 int miniCartFeedPageId = GetPageIdByNavigationTag("MiniCartFeed"); 4291 4292 <div class="@menuLinkClass dw-mod js-mini-cart-button" onclick="Cart.UpdateMiniCart('miniCartTrigger', 'miniCart', 'cartCounter', '/Default.aspx?ID=@miniCartFeedPageId&feedType=MiniCart')"> 4293 <div class="u-inline u-position-relative"> 4294 <i class="@cartIcon fa-1_5x"></i> 4295 @RenderMiniCartCounter() 4296 </div> 4297 </div> 4298 } 4299 4300 @helper RenderMiniCartTriggerLink() 4301 { 4302 int cartPageId = GetPageIdByNavigationTag("CartPage"); 4303 string cartIcon = Pageview.AreaSettings.GetItem("Layout").GetItem("Icons").GetList("CartIcon") != null ? Pageview.AreaSettings.GetItem("Layout").GetItem("Icons").GetList("CartIcon").SelectedValue : "fa fa-cart"; 4304 string topLayout = Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Layout").GetItem("Header").GetList("TopLayout") != null ? Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Layout").GetItem("Header").GetList("TopLayout").SelectedValue : "normal"; 4305 string menuLinkClass = topLayout != "normal" ? "menu__link menu__link--icon" : "header-menu__link header-menu__link--icon"; 4306 4307 <a href="/Default.aspx?ID=@cartPageId&Purge=True" class="@menuLinkClass menu__item--icon dw-mod js-mini-cart-button"> 4308 <div class="u-inline u-position-relative"> 4309 <i class="@cartIcon fa-1_5x"></i> 4310 @RenderMiniCartCounter() 4311 </div> 4312 </a> 4313 } 4314 4315 @helper RenderMiniCartCounter() 4316 { 4317 int miniCartFeedPageId = GetPageIdByNavigationTag("MiniCartFeed"); 4318 string cartProductsCount = Model.Cart.TotalProductsCount.ToString(); 4319 string counterPosition = Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Ecommerce").GetItem("MiniCart").GetList("CounterPosition") != null ? Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Ecommerce").GetItem("MiniCart").GetList("CounterPosition").SelectedValue : "right"; 4320 bool showPrice = Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Ecommerce").GetItem("MiniCart").GetBoolean("ShowPrice"); 4321 string cartProductsTotalPrice = showPrice && Model.Cart.TotalPrice != null ? Model.Cart.TotalPrice.Price.Formatted : ""; 4322 cartProductsTotalPrice = counterPosition == "right" ? cartProductsTotalPrice : ""; 4323 4324 if (showPrice && counterPosition == "right") 4325 { 4326 cartProductsCount = Translate("Cart") + "(" + cartProductsCount + ")"; 4327 } 4328 4329 <div class="mini-cart__counter dw-mod"> 4330 <div class="js-handlebars-root js-mini-cart-counter" id="cartCounter" data-template="MiniCartCounterContent" data-json-feed="/Default.aspx?ID=@miniCartFeedPageId&feedType=Counter" data-init-onload="false" data-preloader="false"> 4331 <div class="js-mini-cart-counter-content" data-count="@Model.Cart.TotalProductsCount.ToString()"> 4332 @cartProductsCount 4333 @cartProductsTotalPrice 4334 </div> 4335 </div> 4336 </div> 4337 } 4338 4339 @helper RenderMiniCartCounterContent() 4340 { 4341 bool showPrice = Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Ecommerce").GetItem("MiniCart").GetBoolean("ShowPrice"); 4342 string counterPosition = Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Ecommerce").GetItem("MiniCart").GetList("CounterPosition") != null ? Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Ecommerce").GetItem("MiniCart").GetList("CounterPosition").SelectedValue : "right"; 4343 bool showPriceInMiniCartCounter = Pageview.Device.ToString() != "Mobile" && counterPosition == "right" && showPrice; 4344 4345 <script id="MiniCartCounterContent" type="text/x-template"> 4346 {{#.}} 4347 <div class="js-mini-cart-counter-content dw-mod" data-count="{{numberofproducts}}"> 4348 @if (showPriceInMiniCartCounter) 4349 { 4350 @Translate("Cart")<text>({{numberofproducts}}) {{totalprice}}</text> 4351 } 4352 else 4353 { 4354 <text>{{numberofproducts}}</text> 4355 } 4356 </div> 4357 {{/.}} 4358 </script> 4359 } 4360 4361 @helper RenderMiniCartDropdownLayout() 4362 { 4363 int miniCartFeedPageId = GetPageIdByNavigationTag("MiniCartFeed"); 4364 4365 <div class="mini-cart mini-cart-dropdown js-mini-cart grid__cell dw-mod" id="miniCart" data-cart-id="@miniCartFeedPageId" data-show-type="dropdown"> 4366 <div class="mini-cart-dropdown__inner dw-mod"> 4367 <h3 class="u-ta-center dw-mod">@Translate("Shopping cart")</h3> 4368 <div class="mini-cart-dropdown__body u-flex dw-mod"> 4369 <div class="js-handlebars-root u-flex grid--direction-column u-full-width dw-mod" id="miniCartContent" data-template="MiniCartContent" data-json-feed="/Default.aspx?ID=@miniCartFeedPageId&feedType=MiniCart" data-init-onload="false"></div> 4370 </div> 4371 </div> 4372 </div> 4373 } 4374 4375 @helper RenderMiniCartPanelLayout() 4376 { 4377 int miniCartFeedPageId = GetPageIdByNavigationTag("MiniCartFeed"); 4378 4379 <div class="mini-cart grid__cell dw-mod"> 4380 <input type="checkbox" id="miniCartTrigger" class="panel-trigger" /> 4381 <div class="panel panel--right panel--with-close-btn dw-mod js-mini-cart" id="miniCart" data-cart-id="@miniCartFeedPageId" data-show-type="block"> 4382 <label for="miniCartTrigger" class="panel__close-btn" title="@Translate("Close panel")"><i class="fas fa-times"></i></label> 4383 <div class="panel__content u-full-width dw-mod"> 4384 <h3 class="panel__header dw-mod u-margin-bottom u-ta-center">@Translate("Shopping cart")</h3> 4385 <div class="panel__content-body panel__content-body--cart dw-mod"> 4386 <div class="js-handlebars-root u-flex grid--direction-column u-full-height dw-mod" id="miniCartContent" data-template="MiniCartContent" data-json-feed="/Default.aspx?ID=@miniCartFeedPageId&feedType=MiniCart" data-init-onload="false"></div> 4387 </div> 4388 </div> 4389 </div> 4390 </div> 4391 } 4392 4393 @helper RenderMiniCartModalLayout() 4394 { 4395 int miniCartFeedPageId = GetPageIdByNavigationTag("MiniCartFeed"); 4396 <div class="mini-cart grid__cell dw-mod"> 4397 <input type="checkbox" id="miniCartTrigger" class="modal-trigger" autocomplete="off" /> 4398 <div class="modal-container dw-mod js-mini-cart" id="miniCart" data-cart-id="@miniCartFeedPageId" data-show-type="block"> 4399 <label for="miniCartTrigger" class="modal-overlay"></label> 4400 <div class="modal modal--top-right dw-mod"> 4401 <div class="modal__body u-flex grid--direction-column dw-mod"> 4402 <h3 class="dw-mod u-ta-center">@Translate("Shopping cart")</h3> 4403 <div class="js-handlebars-root u-flex grid--direction-column dw-mod" id="miniCartContent" data-template="MiniCartContent" data-json-feed="/Default.aspx?ID=@miniCartFeedPageId&feedType=MiniCart" data-init-onload="false"></div> 4404 </div> 4405 <label class="modal__close-btn modal__close-btn--clean dw-mod" for="miniCartTrigger" title="@Translate("Close modal")"></label> 4406 </div> 4407 </div> 4408 </div> 4409 } 4410 @inherits Dynamicweb.Rendering.ViewModelTemplate<Dynamicweb.Frontend.PageViewModel> 4411 4412 @using System 4413 @using System.Web 4414 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks.Extensibility 4415 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks 4416 4417 @{ 4418 bool showDownloadCartLink = Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Layout").GetItem("Header").GetBoolean("ShowDownloadCart"); 4419 4420 Block masterDesktopActionsMenuDownloadCart = new Block 4421 { 4422 Id = "MasterDesktopActionsMenuDownloadCart", 4423 SortId = 35, 4424 Template = RenderDownloadCart() 4425 }; 4426 4427 if (showDownloadCartLink && Model.CurrentUser.ID > 0) 4428 { 4429 BlocksPage.GetBlockPage("Master").Add("MasterDesktopActionsMenu", masterDesktopActionsMenuDownloadCart); 4430 } 4431 } 4432 4433 @helper RenderDownloadCart() 4434 { 4435 int downloadCartPageId = GetPageIdByNavigationTag("DownloadCart"); 4436 string downloadCartPageLink = "/Default.aspx?ID=" + downloadCartPageId; 4437 4438 string topLayout = Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Layout").GetItem("Header").GetList("TopLayout") != null ? Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Layout").GetItem("Header").GetList("TopLayout").SelectedValue : "normal"; 4439 string liClasses = topLayout != "normal" ? "menu__item--top-level u-hidden-xxs" : "menu--clean"; 4440 string menuLinkClass = topLayout != "normal" ? "menu__link menu__link--icon" : "header-menu__link header-menu__link--icon"; 4441 4442 <li class="menu__item menu__item--horizontal @liClasses menu__item--icon dw-mod"> 4443 <a href="@downloadCartPageLink" class="@menuLinkClass dw-mod"> 4444 <i class="fas fa-cart-arrow-down fa-1_5x"></i> 4445 </a> 4446 </li> 4447 } 4448 @inherits Dynamicweb.Rendering.ViewModelTemplate<Dynamicweb.Frontend.PageViewModel> 4449 4450 @using System 4451 @using System.Web 4452 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks.Extensibility 4453 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks 4454 4455 @functions { 4456 public class SearchConfiguration 4457 { 4458 public string searchFeedId { get; set; } 4459 public string searchSecondFeedId { get; set; } 4460 public int groupsFeedId { get; set; } 4461 public string resultPageLink { get; set; } 4462 public string searchPlaceholder { get; set; } 4463 public string searchType { get; set; } 4464 public string searchTemplate { get; set; } 4465 public string searchContentTemplate { get; set; } 4466 public string searchValue { get; set; } 4467 public bool showGroups { get; set; } 4468 4469 public SearchConfiguration() 4470 { 4471 searchFeedId = ""; 4472 searchSecondFeedId = ""; 4473 searchType = "product-search"; 4474 searchContentTemplate = ""; 4475 showGroups = true; 4476 } 4477 } 4478 } 4479 @{ 4480 Block masterSearchBar = new Block 4481 { 4482 Id = "MasterSearchBar", 4483 SortId = 40, 4484 Template = RenderSearch("bar"), 4485 Design = new Design 4486 { 4487 Size = "auto", 4488 HidePadding = true, 4489 RenderType = RenderType.Column 4490 } 4491 }; 4492 4493 Block masterSearchAction = new Block 4494 { 4495 Id = "MasterDesktopActionsMenuSearch", 4496 SortId = 10, 4497 Template = RenderSearch() 4498 }; 4499 4500 BlocksPage.GetBlockPage("Master").Add("MasterHeader", masterSearchBar); 4501 BlocksPage.GetBlockPage("Master").Add("MasterDesktopActionsMenu", masterSearchAction); 4502 } 4503 4504 @helper RenderSearch(string type = "mini-search") 4505 { 4506 string productsPageId = Converter.ToString(GetPageIdByNavigationTag("ProductsPage")); 4507 string contentSearchPageLink = GetPageIdByNavigationTag("ContentSearchResults") + "&Areaid=" + Model.Area.ID; 4508 string searchType = Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Layout").GetList("TopSearch") != null ? Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Layout").GetList("TopSearch").SelectedValue : "productSearch"; 4509 4510 SearchConfiguration searchConfiguration = null; 4511 4512 switch (searchType) { 4513 case "contentSearch": 4514 searchConfiguration = new SearchConfiguration() { 4515 searchFeedId = GetPageIdByNavigationTag("ContentSearchFeed") + "&Areaid=" + Model.Area.ID + "&pagesOnly=true", 4516 resultPageLink = contentSearchPageLink, 4517 searchPlaceholder = Translate("Search page"), 4518 groupsFeedId = 0, 4519 searchType = "content-search", 4520 searchTemplate = "SearchPagesTemplate", 4521 showGroups = false 4522 }; 4523 break; 4524 case "combinedSearch": 4525 searchConfiguration = new SearchConfiguration() { 4526 searchFeedId = productsPageId + "&feed=true", 4527 searchSecondFeedId = GetPageIdByNavigationTag("ContentSearchFeed") + "&Areaid=" + Model.Area.ID + "&pagesOnly=true", 4528 resultPageLink = Converter.ToString(productsPageId), 4529 searchPlaceholder = Translate("Search products or pages"), 4530 groupsFeedId = GetPageIdByNavigationTag("ProductGroupsFeed"), 4531 searchType = "combined-search", 4532 searchTemplate = "SearchProductsTemplateWrap", 4533 searchContentTemplate = "SearchPagesTemplateWrap", 4534 showGroups = Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Layout").GetBoolean("ShowGroupsSelector") 4535 }; 4536 break; 4537 default: //productSearch 4538 searchConfiguration = new SearchConfiguration() { 4539 resultPageLink = Converter.ToString(productsPageId), 4540 searchFeedId = productsPageId + "&feed=true", 4541 groupsFeedId = GetPageIdByNavigationTag("ProductGroupsFeed"), 4542 searchPlaceholder = Translate("Search products"), 4543 searchTemplate = "SearchProductsTemplate", 4544 searchType = "product-search", 4545 showGroups = Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Layout").GetBoolean("ShowGroupsSelector") 4546 }; 4547 break; 4548 } 4549 searchConfiguration.searchValue = HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString.Get("Search") ?? ""; 4550 4551 if (type == "mini-search") { 4552 @RenderMiniSearch(searchConfiguration) 4553 } else { 4554 @RenderSearchBar(searchConfiguration) 4555 } 4556 } 4557 4558 @helper RenderSearchBar(SearchConfiguration options) 4559 { 4560 <div class="typeahead typeahead--centered u-color-inherit js-typeahead dw-mod" id="ProductSearchBar" 4561 data-page-size="7" 4562 data-search-feed-id="@options.searchFeedId" 4563 data-search-second-feed-id="@options.searchSecondFeedId" 4564 data-result-page-id="@options.resultPageLink" 4565 data-groups-page-id="@options.groupsFeedId" 4566 data-search-type="@options.searchType"> 4567 @if (options.showGroups) 4568 { 4569 <button type="button" class="btn btn--condensed u-color-light-gray--bg typeahead-group-btn dw-mod js-typeahead-groups-btn" data-group-id="all">@Translate("All")</button> 4570 <ul class="dropdown dropdown--absolute-position u-min-w220px js-handlebars-root js-typeahead-groups-content dw-mod" id="ProductSearchBarGroupsContent" data-template="SearchGroupsTemplate" data-json-feed="/Default.aspx?ID=@options.groupsFeedId&feedType=productGroups" data-init-onload="false" data-preloader="minimal"></ul> 4571 } 4572 <div class="typeahead-search-field"> 4573 <input type="text" class="u-no-margin u-full-width u-full-height js-typeahead-search-field" placeholder="@options.searchPlaceholder" value="@options.searchValue"> 4574 @if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(options.searchSecondFeedId)) 4575 { 4576 <ul class="dropdown dropdown--absolute-position u-min-w220px u-full-width js-handlebars-root js-typeahead-search-content dw-mod" id="ProductSearchBarContent" data-template="@options.searchTemplate" data-json-feed="/Default.aspx?ID=@options.searchFeedId&feedType=productsOnly" data-init-onload="false"></ul> 4577 } 4578 else 4579 { 4580 <div class="dropdown dropdown--absolute-position dropdown--combined grid"> 4581 <div class="js-typeahead-search-content grid__col-sm-7 grid__col--bleed-y" id="ProductSearchBarContent" data-template="@options.searchTemplate" data-init-onload="false"></div> 4582 <div class="js-typeahead-additional-search-content grid__col-sm-5 grid__col--bleed-y" id="ContentSearchBarContent" data-template="@options.searchContentTemplate" data-init-onload="false"></div> 4583 </div> 4584 } 4585 </div> 4586 <button type="button" class="btn btn--condensed btn--primary u-no-margin dw-mod js-typeahead-enter-btn"><i class="@Pageview.AreaSettings.GetItem("Layout").GetItem("Icons").GetList("SearchIcon").SelectedValue"></i></button> 4587 </div> 4588 } 4589 4590 @helper RenderMiniSearch(SearchConfiguration options) 4591 { 4592 <li class="menu__item menu__item--horizontal menu__item--top-level menu__item--icon u-hidden-xxs is-dropdown is-dropdown--no-icon dw-mod" onmouseover="document.getElementById('headerSearch').focus()"> 4593 <div class="menu__link menu__link--icon dw-mod"> 4594 <i class="@Pageview.AreaSettings.GetItem("Layout").GetItem("Icons").GetList("SearchIcon").SelectedValue fa-1_5x"></i> 4595 </div> 4596 <div class="menu menu--dropdown menu--dropdown-right u-no-padding u-w380px grid__cell dw-mod"> 4597 <div class="typeahead js-typeahead" id="ProductSearchBar" 4598 data-page-size="7" 4599 data-search-feed-id="@options.searchFeedId" 4600 data-search-second-feed-id="@options.searchSecondFeedId" 4601 data-result-page-id="@options.resultPageLink" 4602 data-search-type="@options.searchType"> 4603 <div class="typeahead-search-field"> 4604 <input type="text" class="u-no-margin u-full-width js-typeahead-search-field" id="headerSearch" placeholder="@options.searchPlaceholder" value="@options.searchValue"> 4605 @if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(options.searchSecondFeedId)) 4606 { 4607 <ul class="dropdown dropdown--absolute-position u-min-w220px u-full-width js-handlebars-root js-typeahead-search-content dw-mod" id="ProductSearchBarContent" data-template="@options.searchTemplate" data-json-feed="/Default.aspx?ID=@options.searchFeedId&feedType=productsOnly" data-init-onload="false"></ul> 4608 } 4609 else 4610 { 4611 <div class="dropdown dropdown--absolute-position dropdown--combined grid dropdown--right-aligned"> 4612 <div class="js-handlebars-root js-typeahead-search-content grid__col-sm-7 grid__col--bleed-y" id="ProductSearchBarContent" data-template="@options.searchTemplate" data-json-feed="/Default.aspx?ID=@options.searchFeedId&feedType=productsOnly" data-init-onload="false"></div> 4613 <div class="js-handlebars-root js-typeahead-additional-search-content grid__col-sm-5 grid__col--bleed-y" id="ContentSearchBarContent" data-template="@options.searchContentTemplate" data-json-feed="/Default.aspx?ID=@options.searchSecondFeedId" data-init-onload="false"></div> 4614 </div> 4615 } 4616 </div> 4617 </div> 4618 </div> 4619 </li> 4620 } 4621 @inherits Dynamicweb.Rendering.ViewModelTemplate<Dynamicweb.Frontend.PageViewModel> 4622 4623 @using System 4624 @using System.Web 4625 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks.Extensibility 4626 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks 4627 4628 @{ 4629 string topLayout = Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Layout").GetItem("Header").GetList("TopLayout") != null ? Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Layout").GetItem("Header").GetList("TopLayout").SelectedValue : "normal"; 4630 bool hideSearch = Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Layout").GetItem("Header").GetBoolean("HideSearch"); 4631 4632 BlocksPage headerConfigurationPage = BlocksPage.GetBlockPage("Master"); 4633 4634 Block configDesktopLogo = headerConfigurationPage.GetBlockById("MasterDesktopLogo"); 4635 headerConfigurationPage.RemoveBlock(configDesktopLogo); 4636 4637 Block configDesktopMenu = headerConfigurationPage.GetBlockById("MasterDesktopMenu"); 4638 headerConfigurationPage.RemoveBlock(configDesktopMenu); 4639 4640 Block configSearchBar = headerConfigurationPage.GetBlockById("MasterSearchBar"); 4641 headerConfigurationPage.RemoveBlock(configSearchBar); 4642 4643 Block configSearchAction = headerConfigurationPage.GetBlockById("MasterDesktopActionsMenuSearch"); 4644 headerConfigurationPage.RemoveBlock(configSearchAction); 4645 4646 Block configDesktopActionsMenu = headerConfigurationPage.GetBlockById("MasterDesktopActionsMenu"); 4647 headerConfigurationPage.RemoveBlock(configDesktopActionsMenu); 4648 4649 Block configDesktopExtra = headerConfigurationPage.GetBlockById("MasterDesktopExtra"); 4650 4651 switch (topLayout) 4652 { 4653 case "condensed": //2 4654 configDesktopLogo.Design.Size = "auto-width"; 4655 headerConfigurationPage.Add("MasterDesktopNavigation", configDesktopLogo); 4656 4657 configDesktopMenu.SortId = 20; 4658 configDesktopMenu.Design.Size = "auto"; 4659 headerConfigurationPage.Add("MasterDesktopNavigation", configDesktopMenu); 4660 4661 configDesktopActionsMenu.SortId = 30; 4662 configDesktopActionsMenu.Design.Size = "auto-width"; 4663 headerConfigurationPage.Add("MasterDesktopNavigation", configDesktopActionsMenu); 4664 4665 if (!hideSearch) 4666 { 4667 configSearchBar.SortId = 40; 4668 configSearchBar.Design.Size = "12"; 4669 configDesktopExtra.SortId = 50; 4670 headerConfigurationPage.Add("MasterDesktopExtra", configSearchBar); 4671 } 4672 break; 4673 case "splitted": //3 4674 configDesktopLogo.Design.Size = "auto"; 4675 headerConfigurationPage.Add("MasterDesktopExtra", configDesktopLogo); 4676 4677 if (!hideSearch) 4678 { 4679 configSearchBar.SortId = 20; 4680 configSearchBar.Design.Size = "auto"; 4681 headerConfigurationPage.Add("MasterDesktopExtra", configSearchBar); 4682 } 4683 4684 headerConfigurationPage.Add("MasterDesktopNavigation", configDesktopMenu); 4685 4686 configDesktopActionsMenu.SortId = 20; 4687 configDesktopActionsMenu.Design.Size = "auto-width"; 4688 headerConfigurationPage.Add("MasterDesktopNavigation", configDesktopActionsMenu); 4689 break; 4690 case "minimal": //4 4691 configDesktopLogo.Design.Size = "auto-width"; 4692 headerConfigurationPage.Add("MasterDesktopNavigation", configDesktopLogo); 4693 4694 configDesktopMenu.Design.Size = "auto"; 4695 headerConfigurationPage.Add("MasterDesktopNavigation", configDesktopMenu); 4696 4697 configDesktopActionsMenu.SortId = 20; 4698 configDesktopActionsMenu.Design.Size = "auto-width"; 4699 headerConfigurationPage.Add("MasterDesktopNavigation", configDesktopActionsMenu); 4700 4701 if (!hideSearch) 4702 { 4703 headerConfigurationPage.Add("MasterDesktopActionsMenu", configSearchAction); 4704 } 4705 break; 4706 case "minimal-right": //5 4707 configDesktopLogo.Design.Size = "auto-width"; 4708 headerConfigurationPage.Add("MasterDesktopNavigation", configDesktopLogo); 4709 4710 configDesktopMenu.Design.Size = "auto"; 4711 headerConfigurationPage.Add("MasterDesktopNavigation", configDesktopMenu); 4712 4713 configDesktopActionsMenu.SortId = 20; 4714 configDesktopActionsMenu.Design.Size = "auto-width"; 4715 headerConfigurationPage.Add("MasterDesktopNavigation", configDesktopActionsMenu); 4716 4717 if (!hideSearch) 4718 { 4719 headerConfigurationPage.Add("MasterDesktopActionsMenu", configSearchAction); 4720 } 4721 break; 4722 case "two-lines": //6 4723 configDesktopLogo.Design.Size = "auto"; 4724 headerConfigurationPage.Add("MasterDesktopExtra", configDesktopLogo); 4725 4726 headerConfigurationPage.Add("MasterDesktopNavigation", configDesktopMenu); 4727 4728 configDesktopActionsMenu.SortId = 20; 4729 configDesktopActionsMenu.Design.Size = "auto-width"; 4730 headerConfigurationPage.Add("MasterDesktopNavigation", configDesktopActionsMenu); 4731 4732 if (!hideSearch) 4733 { 4734 headerConfigurationPage.Add("MasterDesktopActionsMenu", configSearchAction); 4735 } 4736 break; 4737 case "two-lines-centered": //7 4738 configDesktopLogo.Design.Size = "auto"; 4739 headerConfigurationPage.Add("MasterDesktopExtra", configDesktopLogo); 4740 4741 configDesktopMenu.Design.Size = "auto-width"; 4742 headerConfigurationPage.Add("MasterDesktopNavigation", configDesktopMenu); 4743 4744 configDesktopActionsMenu.SortId = 20; 4745 headerConfigurationPage.Add("MasterDesktopNavigation", configDesktopActionsMenu); 4746 4747 if (!hideSearch) 4748 { 4749 headerConfigurationPage.Add("MasterDesktopActionsMenu", configSearchAction); 4750 } 4751 break; 4752 case "normal": //1 4753 default: 4754 headerConfigurationPage.Add("MasterDesktopExtra", configDesktopLogo); 4755 4756 if (!hideSearch) 4757 { 4758 configSearchBar.SortId = 20; 4759 headerConfigurationPage.Add("MasterDesktopExtra", configSearchBar); 4760 } 4761 4762 configDesktopActionsMenu.SortId = 30; 4763 headerConfigurationPage.Add("MasterDesktopExtra", configDesktopActionsMenu); 4764 4765 configDesktopActionsMenu.Design.Size = "auto-width"; 4766 headerConfigurationPage.Add("MasterDesktopNavigation", configDesktopMenu); 4767 break; 4768 } 4769 } 4770 @if (File.Exists(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("/Files/Templates/Designs/Rapido/MasterBlocks/HeaderBlocks/Custom__Blocks.cshtml"))) 4771 { 4772 <text>@inherits Dynamicweb.Rendering.ViewModelTemplate<Dynamicweb.Frontend.PageViewModel> 4773 4774 @using System 4775 @using System.Web 4776 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks.Extensibility 4777 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks 4778 4779 @{ 4780 4781 }</text> 4782 } 4783 4784 4785 @helper RenderDesktopTools() 4786 { 4787 List<Block> subBlocks = headerBlocksPage.GetBlockListById("MasterDesktopTools").OrderBy(item => item.SortId).ToList(); 4788 4789 <div class="tools-navigation dw-mod"> 4790 <div class="center-container grid top-container__center-container dw-mod"> 4791 @RenderBlockList(subBlocks) 4792 </div> 4793 </div> 4794 } 4795 4796 @helper RenderDesktopToolsText() 4797 { 4798 string toolsText = Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Layout").GetItem("Header").GetString("ToolsText"); 4799 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(toolsText)) 4800 { 4801 <div class="u-margin-top u-margin-bottom">@toolsText</div> 4802 } 4803 } 4804 4805 @helper RenderDesktopToolsNavigation() 4806 { 4807 bool renderPagesInToolBar = Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Layout").GetItem("Header").GetBoolean("RenderPagesInToolBar"); 4808 4809 if (renderPagesInToolBar) 4810 { 4811 @RenderNavigation(new 4812 { 4813 id = "topToolsNavigation", 4814 cssclass = "menu menu-tools dw-mod dwnavigation", 4815 template = "TopMenu.xslt" 4816 }) 4817 } 4818 } 4819 4820 @helper RenderDesktopNavigation() 4821 { 4822 List<Block> subBlocks = headerBlocksPage.GetBlockListById("MasterDesktopNavigation").OrderBy(item => item.SortId).ToList(); 4823 string topLayout = Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Layout").GetItem("Header").GetList("TopLayout") != null ? Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Layout").GetItem("Header").GetList("TopLayout").SelectedValue : "normal"; 4824 string alignClass = topLayout == "two-lines-centered" ? "grid--justify-center" : ""; 4825 <nav class="main-navigation dw-mod"> 4826 <div class="center-container top-container__center-container grid @alignClass dw-mod"> 4827 @RenderBlockList(subBlocks) 4828 </div> 4829 </nav> 4830 } 4831 4832 @helper RenderDesktopExtra() 4833 { 4834 List<Block> subBlocks = headerBlocksPage.GetBlockListById("MasterDesktopExtra").OrderBy(item => item.SortId).ToList(); 4835 4836 if (subBlocks.Count > 0) 4837 { 4838 <div class="header header-top dw-mod"> 4839 <div class="center-container top-container__center-container grid--justify-space-between grid grid--align-center dw-mod"> 4840 @RenderBlockList(subBlocks) 4841 </div> 4842 </div> 4843 } 4844 }</text> 4845 } 4846 4847 @inherits Dynamicweb.Rendering.ViewModelTemplate<Dynamicweb.Frontend.PageViewModel> 4848 4849 @using System 4850 @using System.Web 4851 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks.Extensibility 4852 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks 4853 4854 @{ 4855 Block impersonationBar = new Block 4856 { 4857 Id = "ImpersonationBar", 4858 SortId = 50, 4859 Template = RenderImpersonationBar(), 4860 Design = new Design 4861 { 4862 Size = "auto-width", 4863 HidePadding = true, 4864 RenderType = RenderType.Column 4865 } 4866 }; 4867 4868 if (Model.CurrentUser.ID > 0 && Model.SecondaryUsers.Count > 0) 4869 { 4870 BlocksPage.GetBlockPage("Master").Add("MasterHeader", impersonationBar); 4871 } 4872 } 4873 4874 @helper RenderImpersonationBar() 4875 { 4876 int impersonationPageId = GetPageIdByNavigationTag("Impersonation"); 4877 4878 <div class="u-color-warning--bg"> 4879 <div class="center-container top-container__center-container dw-mod"> 4880 @*Impersonation*@ 4881 <div class="grid"> 4882 <div class="grid--align-self-center grid__col-x"> 4883 @if (Model.CurrentSecondaryUser != null && Model.CurrentSecondaryUser.ID > 0) 4884 { 4885 string stopImpersonateTranslation = Translate("Stop impersonation"); 4886 string username = ""; 4887 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Model.CurrentSecondaryUser.FirstName) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Model.CurrentSecondaryUser.LastName)) 4888 { 4889 username = Model.CurrentSecondaryUser.FirstName + " " + Model.CurrentSecondaryUser.LastName; 4890 } 4891 else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Model.CurrentSecondaryUser.Name)) 4892 { 4893 username = Model.CurrentSecondaryUser.Name; 4894 } 4895 else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Model.CurrentSecondaryUser.Email)) 4896 { 4897 username = Model.CurrentSecondaryUser.Email; 4898 } 4899 else 4900 { 4901 username = Model.CurrentSecondaryUser.UserName; 4902 } 4903 <div class="grid-cell"> 4904 <div class="u-pull--left u-bold u-margin-top"> 4905 <i class="fas fa-user-secret"></i> 4906 @Pageview.User.UserName<text>&nbsp;</text>@Translate("is impersonating")<text>&nbsp;</text>@username 4907 </div> 4908 <form method="post" class="u-pull--right u-no-margin"> 4909 <input type="submit" class="btn btn--secondary dw-mod u-no-margin" name="DwExtranetRemoveSecondaryUser" value="@stopImpersonateTranslation"> 4910 </form> 4911 </div> 4912 } 4913 else 4914 { 4915 string viewListTranslation = Translate("View the list of users you can impersonate"); 4916 <div class="grid-cell u-bold"> 4917 <i class="fas fa-user-secret"></i> 4918 <a href="/Default.aspx?ID=@impersonationPageId" title="@viewListTranslation" class="u-color-font-black">@viewListTranslation</a> 4919 </div> 4920 } 4921 </div> 4922 </div> 4923 </div> 4924 </div> 4925 } 4926 @inherits Dynamicweb.Rendering.ViewModelTemplate<Dynamicweb.Frontend.PageViewModel> 4927 4928 @using System 4929 @using System.Web 4930 @using System.Collections.Generic 4931 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks.Extensibility 4932 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks 4933 4934 @{ 4935 BlocksPage miniCartBlocksPage = BlocksPage.GetBlockPage("Master"); 4936 string orderlinesView = Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Ecommerce").GetItem("MiniCart").GetList("OrderlinesView") != null ? Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Ecommerce").GetItem("MiniCart").GetList("OrderlinesView").SelectedValue : "table"; 4937 4938 Block orderLines = new Block 4939 { 4940 Id = "MiniCartOrderLines", 4941 SkipRenderBlocksList = true, 4942 BlocksList = new List<Block> 4943 { 4944 new Block { 4945 Id = "MiniCartOrderLinesList", 4946 SortId = 20, 4947 Template = RenderMiniCartOrderLinesList() 4948 } 4949 } 4950 }; 4951 4952 Block orderlinesScriptTemplates = new Block 4953 { 4954 Id = "OrderlinesScriptTemplates" 4955 }; 4956 4957 if (orderlinesView == "table") 4958 { 4959 orderLines.Template = RenderMiniCartOrderLinesTable(); 4960 orderLines.BlocksList.Add( 4961 new Block { 4962 Id = "MiniCartOrderlinesTableHeader", 4963 SortId = 10, 4964 Template = RenderMiniCartOrderLinesHeader() 4965 } 4966 ); 4967 4968 orderlinesScriptTemplates.Template = RenderMiniCartScriptsTableTemplates(); 4969 } 4970 else 4971 { 4972 orderLines.Template = RenderMiniCartOrderLinesBlocks(); 4973 orderlinesScriptTemplates.Template = RenderMiniCartScriptsListTemplates(); 4974 } 4975 4976 miniCartBlocksPage.Add("MasterBottomSnippets", orderlinesScriptTemplates); 4977 4978 Block miniCartScriptTemplates = new Block() 4979 { 4980 Id = "MasterMiniCartTemplates", 4981 SortId = 1, 4982 Template = RenderMiniCartScriptTemplates(), 4983 SkipRenderBlocksList = true, 4984 BlocksList = new List<Block> 4985 { 4986 orderLines, 4987 new Block { 4988 Id = "MiniCartFooter", 4989 Template = RenderMiniCartFooter(), 4990 SortId = 50, 4991 SkipRenderBlocksList = true, 4992 BlocksList = new List<Block> 4993 { 4994 new Block { 4995 Id = "MiniCartFees", 4996 Template = RenderMiniCartFees(), 4997 SortId = 30 4998 }, 4999 new Block { 5000 Id = "MiniCartPoints", 5001 Template = RenderMiniCartPoints(), 5002 SortId = 40 5003 }, 5004 new Block { 5005 Id = "MiniCartTotal", 5006 Template = RenderMiniCartTotal(), 5007 SortId = 50 5008 }, 5009 new Block { 5010 Id = "MiniCartActions", 5011 Template = RenderMiniCartActions(), 5012 SortId = 60 5013 } 5014 } 5015 } 5016 } 5017 }; 5018 5019 miniCartBlocksPage.Add("MasterBottomSnippets", miniCartScriptTemplates); 5020 } 5021 5022 @helper RenderMiniCartScriptsTableTemplates() 5023 { 5024 <script id="MiniCartOrderline" type="text/x-template"> 5025 {{#unless isEmpty}} 5026 <tr> 5027 <td class="u-w60px"><a href="{{link}}" class="{{hideimage}}"><img class="b-lazy" src="/Files/Images/placeholder.gif" data-src="/Admin/Public/GetImage.ashx?width=50&height=50&crop=5&Compression=75&image={{image}}" alt="{{name}}"></a></td> 5028 <td class="u-va-middle"> 5029 <a href="{{link}}" class="mini-cart-orderline__name" title="{{name}}">{{name}}</a> 5030 {{#if variantname}} 5031 <a href="{{link}}" class="mini-cart-orderline__name mini-cart-orderline__name--sm">{{variantname}}</a> 5032 {{/if}} 5033 {{#if unitname}} 5034 <div class="mini-cart-orderline__name mini-cart-orderline__name--sm">{{unitname}}</div> 5035 {{/if}} 5036 </td> 5037 <td class="u-ta-right u-va-middle">{{quantity}}</td> 5038 <td class="u-ta-right u-va-middle"> 5039 {{#if pointsTotal}} 5040 <span class="u-color--loyalty-points">{{pointsTotal}}</span> @Translate("points") 5041 {{else}} 5042 {{totalprice}} 5043 {{/if}} 5044 </td> 5045 </tr> 5046 {{/unless}} 5047 </script> 5048 5049 <script id="MiniCartOrderlineDiscount" type="text/x-template"> 5050 {{#unless isEmpty}} 5051 <tr class="table__row--no-border"> 5052 <td class="u-w60px">&nbsp;</td> 5053 <td><div class="mini-cart-orderline__name dw-mod">{{name}}</div></td> 5054 <td class="u-ta-right">&nbsp;</td> 5055 <td class="u-ta-right">{{totalprice}}</td> 5056 </tr> 5057 {{/unless}} 5058 </script> 5059 } 5060 5061 @helper RenderMiniCartScriptsListTemplates() 5062 { 5063 int cartOrderlinesFeedPageId = GetPageIdByNavigationTag("CartOrderlinesFeed"); 5064 <script id="MiniCartOrderline" type="text/x-template"> 5065 {{#unless isEmpty}} 5066 <div class="mini-cart-orderline grid dw-mod"> 5067 <div class="grid__col-4"> 5068 <a href="{{link}}" class="{{hideimage}}"> 5069 <img class="b-lazy" src="/Files/Images/placeholder.gif" data-src="/Admin/Public/GetImage.ashx?width=100&height=100&crop=5&Compression=75&image={{image}}" alt="{{name}}" title="{{name}}"> 5070 </a> 5071 </div> 5072 <div class="grid__col-8"> 5073 <a href="{{link}}" class="mini-cart-orderline__name mini-cart-orderline__name--truncate mini-cart-orderline__name--md u-padding-right--lg" title="{{name}}">{{name}}</a> 5074 {{#if variantname}} 5075 <div class="mini-cart-orderline__name mini-cart-orderline__name--sm dw-mod">@Translate("Variant"): {{variantname}}</div> 5076 {{/if}} 5077 {{#if unitname}} 5078 <div class="mini-cart-orderline__name mini-cart-orderline__name--sm dw-mod">@Translate("Unit"): {{unitname}}</div> 5079 {{/if}} 5080 <div class="mini-cart-orderline__name mini-cart-orderline__name--sm dw-mod">@Translate("Qty"): {{quantity}}</div> 5081 5082 <div class="grid__cell-footer"> 5083 <div class="grid__cell"> 5084 <div class="u-pull--left mini-cart-orderline__price dw-mod"> 5085 {{#if pointsTotal}} 5086 <span class="u-color--loyalty-points">{{pointsTotal}}</span> @Translate("points") 5087 {{else}} 5088 {{totalprice}} 5089 {{/if}} 5090 </div> 5091 <button type="button" title="@Translate("Remove orderline")" class="btn btn--clean btn--condensed u-pull--right mini-cart-orderline__remove-btn dw-mod" onclick="{{removeFromCartGoogleImpression}}; Cart.UpdateCart('Cart', '/Default.aspx?ID=@cartOrderlinesFeedPageId', 'CartCmd=DelOrderLine&key={{orderLineId}}', true);">@Translate("Remove")</button> 5092 </div> 5093 </div> 5094 </div> 5095 </div> 5096 {{/unless}} 5097 </script> 5098 5099 <script id="MiniCartOrderlineDiscount" type="text/x-template"> 5100 {{#unless isEmpty}} 5101 <div class="mini-cart-orderline mini-cart-orderline--discount grid dw-mod"> 5102 <div class="grid__col-4"> 5103 <div class="mini-cart-orderline__name mini-cart-orderline__name dw-mod">{{name}}</div> 5104 </div> 5105 <div class="grid__col-8">{{totalprice}}</div> 5106 </div> 5107 {{/unless}} 5108 </script> 5109 } 5110 5111 @helper RenderMiniCartScriptTemplates() 5112 { 5113 List<Block> subBlocks = this.masterPage.GetBlockListById("MasterMiniCartTemplates").OrderBy(item => item.SortId).ToList(); 5114 bool useGoogleTagManager = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Pageview.AreaSettings.GetItem("Settings").GetString("GoogleTagManagerID")); 5115 string cartPageLink = string.Concat("/Default.aspx?ID=", GetPageIdByNavigationTag("CartPage")); 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5201 5202 <div class="mini-cart__footer dw-mod"> 5203 @RenderBlockList(subBlocks) 5204 </div> 5205 } 5206 5207 @helper RenderMiniCartActions() 5208 { 5209 int cartPageId = GetPageIdByNavigationTag("CartPage"); 5210 5211 <button type="button" title="@Translate("Empty cart")" class="btn btn--secondary u-full-width dw-mod u-no-margin u-margin-bottom" onclick="googleEnchantImpressionEmptyCart(); Cart.EmptyCart(event);">@Translate("Empty cart")</button> 5212 <a href="/Default.aspx?ID=@cartPageId" title="@Translate("Proceed to checkout")" class="btn btn--primary u-full-width u-no-margin dw-mod">@Translate("Proceed to checkout")</a> 5213 } 5214 5215 @helper RenderMiniCartPoints() 5216 { 5217 <text> 5218 {{#if earnings}} 5219 <div class="grid grid--external-bleed-bottom"> 5220 <div class="grid__col-6">@Translate("Earnings")</div> 5221 <div class="grid__col-6 grid--align-end"> 5222 <div> 5223 <span class="u-color--loyalty-points">{{earnings}}</span> @Translate("points") 5224 </div> 5225 </div> 5226 </div> 5227 {{/if}} 5228 </text> 5229 } 5230 5231 @helper RenderMiniCartTotal() 5232 { 5233 <div class="mini-cart-totals grid u-margin-bottom dw-mod"> 5234 <div class="grid__col-6">@Translate("Total")</div> 5235 <div class="grid__col-6 grid--align-end">{{totalprice}}</div> 5236 </div> 5237 } 5238 @inherits Dynamicweb.Rendering.ViewModelTemplate<Dynamicweb.Frontend.PageViewModel> 5239 5240 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks.Extensibility 5241 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks 5242 5243 @{ 5244 bool addToCartNotificationOnlyPreview = Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Ecommerce").GetBoolean("OnlyPreviewForAnonymous") && Model.CurrentUser.ID == 0; 5245 string addToCartNotificationType = Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Ecommerce").GetItem("MiniCart").GetList("AddToCartNotificationType") != null ? Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Ecommerce").GetItem("MiniCart").GetList("AddToCartNotificationType").SelectedValue : ""; 5246 5247 if (!addToCartNotificationOnlyPreview && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(addToCartNotificationType)) { 5248 if (addToCartNotificationType == "modal") 5249 { 5250 Block addToCartNotificationModal = new Block 5251 { 5252 Id = "AddToCartNotificationModal", 5253 Template = RenderAddToCartNotificationModal() 5254 }; 5255 5256 Block addToCartNotificationScript = new Block 5257 { 5258 Id = "AddToCartNotificationScript", 5259 Template = RenderAddToCartNotificationModalScript() 5260 }; 5261 BlocksPage.GetBlockPage("Master").Add("MasterTopSnippets", addToCartNotificationModal); 5262 BlocksPage.GetBlockPage("Master").Add("MasterBottomSnippets", addToCartNotificationScript); 5263 } 5264 else if (addToCartNotificationType == "toggle") 5265 { 5266 Block addToCartNotificationScript = new Block 5267 { 5268 Id = "AddToCartNotificationScript", 5269 Template = RenderAddToCartNotificationToggleScript() 5270 }; 5271 BlocksPage.GetBlockPage("Master").Add("MasterBottomSnippets", addToCartNotificationScript); 5272 } 5273 } 5274 } 5275 5276 @helper RenderAddToCartNotificationModal() 5277 { 5278 <div id="LastAddedProductModal" data-template="LastAddedProductTemplate"></div> 5279 } 5280 5281 @helper RenderAddToCartNotificationModalScript() 5282 { 5283 int cartPageId = GetPageIdByNavigationTag("CartPage"); 5284 5285 <script id="LastAddedProductTemplate" type="text/x-template"> 5286 <!-- Trigger for the login modal --> 5287 <input type="checkbox" id="LastAddedProductModalTrigger" class="modal-trigger" /> 5288 5289 <!-- Login modal --> 5290 <div class="modal-container"> 5291 <label for="LastAddedProductModalTrigger" class="modal-overlay"></label> 5292 <div class="modal modal--md"> 5293 <div class="modal__header"> 5294 <h2>@Translate("Product is added to the cart")</h2> 5295 </div> 5296 <div class="modal__body"> 5297 <div class="grid"> 5298 <div class="grid__col-2"> 5299 <a href="{{}}"> 5300 <img src="{{productInfo.image}}" alt="{{}}" class="dw-mod" /> 5301 </a> 5302 </div> 5303 <div class="u-padding grid--align-self-center"> 5304 <span>{{quantity}}</span> x 5305 </div> 5306 <div class="grid__col-auto grid--align-self-center"> 5307 <div>{{}}</div> 5308 {{#if productInfo.variantName}} 5309 <small class="u-margin-bottom-5px">{{productInfo.variantName}}</small> 5310 {{/if}} 5311 {{#if productInfo.unitName}} 5312 <small class="u-margin-bottom-5px">{{productInfo.unitName}}</small> 5313 {{/if}} 5314 </div> 5315 </div> 5316 <div class="modal__footer u-margin-top--lg"> 5317 <label class="btn btn--secondary u-pull--left u-no-margin dw-mod btn--sm" for="LastAddedProductModalTrigger">@Translate("Continue shopping")</label> 5318 <a href="/Default.aspx?ID=@cartPageId" class="btn btn--primary u-pull--right u-no-margin dw-mod btn--sm">@Translate("Proceed to checkout")</a> 5319 </div> 5320 </div> 5321 <label class="modal__close-btn" for="LastAddedProductModalTrigger"></label> 5322 </div> 5323 </div> 5324 </script> 5325 <script> 5326 document.addEventListener('addToCart', function (event) { 5327 Cart.ShowLastAddedProductModal(event.detail); 5328 }); 5329 </script> 5330 } 5331 5332 @helper RenderAddToCartNotificationToggleScript() 5333 { 5334 int miniCartFeedPageId = GetPageIdByNavigationTag("MiniCartFeed"); 5335 5336 <script> 5337 document.addEventListener('addToCart', function () { 5338 Cart.ToggleMiniCart('miniCartTrigger', 'miniCart', 'cartCounter', '@miniCartFeedPageId'); 5339 }); 5340 </script> 5341 } 5342 @inherits Dynamicweb.Rendering.ViewModelTemplate<Dynamicweb.Frontend.PageViewModel> 5343 5344 @using System 5345 @using System.Web 5346 @using System.Collections.Generic 5347 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks.Extensibility 5348 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks 5349 5350 @functions { 5351 BlocksPage footerBlocksPage = BlocksPage.GetBlockPage("Master"); 5352 } 5353 5354 @{ 5355 string footerColumnOneContent = Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Layout").GetItem("FooterColumnOne").GetString("Content"); 5356 string footerColumnTwoContent = Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Layout").GetItem("FooterColumnTwo").GetString("Content"); 5357 string footerColumnThreeContent = Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Layout").GetItem("FooterColumnThree").GetString("Content"); 5358 string footerColumnOneHeader = Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Layout").GetItem("FooterColumnOne").GetString("Header"); 5359 string footerColumnTwoHeader = Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Layout").GetItem("FooterColumnTwo").GetString("Header"); 5360 string footerColumnThreeHeader = Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Layout").GetItem("FooterColumnThree").GetString("Header"); 5361 5362 Block masterFooterContent = new Block() 5363 { 5364 Id = "MasterFooterContent", 5365 SortId = 10, 5366 Template = RenderFooter(), 5367 SkipRenderBlocksList = true 5368 }; 5369 footerBlocksPage.Add(MasterBlockId.MasterFooter, masterFooterContent); 5370 5371 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(footerColumnOneContent) || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(footerColumnOneHeader)) 5372 { 5373 Block masterFooterColumnOne = new Block 5374 { 5375 Id = "MasterFooterColumnOne", 5376 SortId = 10, 5377 Template = RenderFooterColumn(footerColumnOneHeader, footerColumnOneContent), 5378 Design = new Design { 5379 Size = "auto", 5380 RenderType = RenderType.Column 5381 } 5382 }; 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5416 } 5417 5418 if (Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Layout").GetBoolean("FooterNewsletterSignUp")) 5419 { 5420 Block masterFooterNewsletterSignUp = new Block 5421 { 5422 Id = "MasterFooterNewsletterSignUp", 5423 SortId = 40, 5424 Template = RenderFooterNewsletterSignUp(), 5425 Design = new Design 5426 { 5427 Size = "auto", 5428 RenderType = RenderType.Column 5429 } 5430 }; 5431 footerBlocksPage.Add("MasterFooterContent", masterFooterNewsletterSignUp); 5432 } 5433 5434 if (Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Layout").GetItems("FooterSocialLinks") != null && Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Layout").GetItems("FooterSocialLinks").Count > 0) 5435 { 5436 Block masterFooterSocialLinks = new Block 5437 { 5438 Id = "MasterFooterSocialLinks", 5439 SortId = 50, 5440 Template = RenderFooterSocialLinks(), 5441 Design = new Design 5442 { 5443 Size = "auto", 5444 RenderType = RenderType.Column 5445 } 5446 }; 5447 footerBlocksPage.Add("MasterFooterContent", masterFooterSocialLinks); 5448 } 5449 5450 if (Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Layout").GetItems("FooterPayments") != null && Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Layout").GetItems("FooterPayments").Count > 0) 5451 { 5452 Block masterFooterPayments = new Block 5453 { 5454 Id = "MasterFooterPayments", 5455 SortId = 60, 5456 Template = RenderFooterPayments(), 5457 Design = new Design 5458 { 5459 Size = "12", 5460 RenderType = RenderType.Column 5461 } 5462 }; 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5501 5502 <h3 class="footer__heading dw-mod">@Translate("Mailing list")</h3> 5503 <div class="footer__content dw-mod"> 5504 <form class="form dw-mod" name="NewsletterRedirect" action='/Default.aspx' method="get" enctype="multipart/form-data"> 5505 <input name="ID" value="@newsletterSignUpPageId" type="hidden" /> 5506 <label for="NewsletterEmail" class="u-margin-bottom">@Translate("Sign up if you would like to receive occasional treats from us", "Sign up if you would like to receive occasional treats from us")</label> 5507 <div class="form__field-combi"> 5508 <input name="NewsletterEmail" id="NewsletterEmail" type="text" placeholder='@Translate("Your email address", "Your email address")' class="u-full-width use-btn-primary-height" /> 5509 <input class="btn btn--primary btn--condensed dw-mod" type="submit" id="Submitter" value='@Translate("Go", "Go")' /> 5510 </div> 5511 </form> 5512 </div> 5513 } 5514 5515 @helper RenderFooterSocialLinks() { 5516 <h3 class="footer__heading dw-mod">@Translate("Social links")</h3> 5517 <div class="footer__content dw-mod"> 5518 <div class="collection dw-mod"> 5519 @foreach (var socialitem in Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Layout").GetItems("FooterSocialLinks")) 5520 { 5521 var socialIcon = socialitem.GetValue("Icon") as Dynamicweb.Frontend.ListViewModel; 5522 string socialIconClass = socialIcon.SelectedValue; 5523 string socialIconTitle = socialIcon.SelectedName; 5524 string socialLink = socialitem.GetString("Link"); 5525 5526 <a href="@socialLink" target="_blank" title="@socialIconTitle" class="u-margin-bottom-5px" rel="noopener"><i class="@socialIconClass fa-2x"></i></a> 5527 } 5528 </div> 5529 </div> 5530 } 5531 5532 @helper RenderFooterPayments() { 5533 <div class="footer__content dw-mod"> 5534 <div class="collection dw-mod"> 5535 @foreach (var payment in Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Layout").GetItems("FooterPayments")) 5536 { 5537 var paymentItem = payment.GetValue("CardTypeOrVerifiedPayment") as Dynamicweb.Frontend.ListViewModel; 5538 string paymentImage = null; 5539 string paymentTitle = paymentItem.SelectedName; 5540 ListOptionViewModel selected = paymentItem.SelectedOptions.FirstOrDefault(); 5541 if (selected != null) 5542 { 5543 paymentImage = selected.Icon; 5544 } 5545 5546 <div class="footer__card-type"> 5547 <img class="b-lazy" src="/Files/Images/placeholder.gif" data-src="/Admin/Public/GetImage.ashx?width=60&Compression=75&image=@paymentImage" alt="@paymentTitle" title="@paymentTitle" /> 5548 </div> 5549 } 5550 </div> 5551 </div> 5552 } 5553 5554 @helper RenderFooterCopyright() { 5555 <div class="grid__col-12 footer__copyright dw-mod"> 5556 <p>@Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Layout").GetString("FooterCopyrightText")</p> 5557 </div> 5558 } 5559 @inherits Dynamicweb.Rendering.RazorTemplateBase<Dynamicweb.Rendering.RazorTemplateModel<Dynamicweb.Rendering.Template>> 5560 5561 @using System 5562 @using System.Web 5563 @using System.Collections.Generic 5564 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks.Extensibility 5565 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks 5566 @using Dynamicweb.Ecommerce.Common 5567 5568 @{ 5569 BlocksPage referencesBlocksPage = BlocksPage.GetBlockPage("Master"); 5570 5571 Block masterScriptReferences = new Block() 5572 { 5573 Id = "MasterScriptReferences", 5574 SortId = 1, 5575 Template = RenderMasterScriptReferences() 5576 }; 5577 referencesBlocksPage.Add(MasterBlockId.MasterReferences, masterScriptReferences); 5578 } 5579 5580 @helper RenderMasterScriptReferences() { 5581 <script src="/Files/Templates/Designs/Rapido/js/handlebars-v4.0.12.min.js"></script> 5582 <script src="/Files/Templates/Designs/Rapido/js/master.min.js"></script> 5583 5584 if (Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Custom").GetBoolean("UseCustomJavascript")) 5585 { 5586 <script src="/Files/Templates/Designs/Rapido/js/custom.min.js"></script> 5587 PushPromise("/Files/Templates/Designs/Rapido/js/custom.min.js"); 5588 } 5589 5590 PushPromise("/Files/Templates/Designs/Rapido/js/handlebars-v4.0.12.min.js"); 5591 PushPromise("/Files/Templates/Designs/Rapido/js/master.min.js"); 5592 } 5593 @inherits Dynamicweb.Rendering.ViewModelTemplate<Dynamicweb.Frontend.PageViewModel> 5594 5595 @using System 5596 @using System.Web 5597 @using System.Collections.Generic 5598 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks.Extensibility 5599 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks 5600 5601 @{ 5602 BlocksPage searchBlocksPage = BlocksPage.GetBlockPage("Master"); 5603 bool navigationItemsHideSearch = Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Layout").GetItem("Header").GetBoolean("HideSearch"); 5604 5605 if (!navigationItemsHideSearch) 5606 { 5607 Block masterSearchScriptTemplates = new Block() 5608 { 5609 Id = "MasterSearchScriptTemplates", 5610 SortId = 1, 5611 Template = RenderSearchScriptTemplates() 5612 }; 5613 5614 searchBlocksPage.Add(MasterBlockId.MasterBottomSnippets, masterSearchScriptTemplates); 5615 } 5616 } 5617 5618 @helper RenderSearchScriptTemplates() 5619 { 5620 int productsPageId = GetPageIdByNavigationTag("ProductsPage"); 5621 string contentSearchPageLink = GetPageIdByNavigationTag("ContentSearchResults") + "&Areaid=" + Model.Area.ID; 5622 bool useFacebookPixel = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Pageview.AreaSettings.GetItem("Settings").GetString("FacebookPixelID")); 5623 bool onlyPreview = Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Ecommerce").GetBoolean("OnlyPreviewForAnonymous") && Model.CurrentUser.ID == 0; 5624 bool useGoogleTagManager = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Settings").GetString("GoogleTagManagerID")); 5625 bool showPrice = !Pageview.AreaSettings.GetItem("Layout").GetBoolean("HidePriceInSearchResults"); 5626 bool showAddToCartButton = !Pageview.AreaSettings.GetItem("Layout").GetBoolean("HideAddToCartButton"); 5627 bool showViewButton = !Pageview.AreaSettings.GetItem("Layout").GetBoolean("HideViewButton"); 5628 bool showAddToDownloadButton = Pageview.AreaSettings.GetItem("Layout").GetBoolean("ShowAddToDownloadButton"); 5629 bool pointShopOnly = Pageview.AreaSettings.GetItem("Ecommerce").GetBoolean("PointShopOnly"); 5630 bool showVATPrice = Pageview.AreaSettings.GetItem("ProductList").GetBoolean("ShowBothPricesWithWithoutVAT"); 5631 bool isPricesWithVATEnabled = Converter.ToBoolean(Pageview.Area.EcomPricesWithVat); 5632 bool webSeviceConnectionOnline = Pageview.GlobalTags.GetTagByName("WebSeviceConnectionStatus").Value == "true" ? true : false; 5633 5634 <script id="SearchGroupsTemplate" type="text/x-template"> 5635 {{#.}} 5636 <li class="dropdown__item dw-mod" onclick="Search.UpdateGroupSelection(this)" data-group-id="{{id}}">{{name}}</li> 5637 {{/.}} 5638 </script> 5639 5640 <script id="SearchProductsTemplate" type="text/x-template"> 5641 {{#each .}} 5642 {{#Product}} 5643 {{#ifCond template "!==" "SearchMore"}} 5644 <li class="dropdown__item dropdown__item--seperator dw-mod"> 5645 @if (useFacebookPixel) 5646 { 5647 <text>{{{facebookPixelSearch name number priceDouble currency searchParameter}}}</text> 5648 } 5649 @if (useGoogleTagManager) 5650 { 5651 <text>{{{googleEnchantImpression 'Search results' currency googleImpression}}}</text> 5652 } 5653 <div> 5654 <a href="{{link}}" class="js-typeahead-link u-color-inherit u-pull--left" onclick="{{googleImpressionClick}}" title="{{name}}"> 5655 <div class="u-margin-right u-pull--left {{noimage}} u-hidden-xs u-hidden-xxs"><img class="b-lazy" src="/Files/Images/placeholder.gif" data-src="/Admin/Public/GetImage.ashx?width=45&height=36&crop=5&FillCanvas=True&Compression=75&image={{image}}" alt="{{name}}"></div> 5656 <div class="u-pull--left"> 5657 <div class="u-bold u-max-w220px u-truncate-text js-typeahead-name">{{name}}</div> 5658 @if (showPrice && !onlyPreview) 5659 { 5660 if (pointShopOnly) 5661 { 5662 <text> 5663 {{#if havePointPrice}} 5664 <div> 5665 <span class="u-color--loyalty-points">{{points}}</span> @Translate("points") 5666 </div> 5667 {{else}} 5668 <small class="help-text u-no-margin">@Translate("Not available")</small> 5669 {{/if}} 5670 {{#unless canBePurchasedWithPoints}} 5671 {{#if havePointPrice}} 5672 <small class="help-text u-no-margin">@Translate("Not enough points to buy this")</small> 5673 {{/if}} 5674 {{/unless}} 5675 </text> 5676 } 5677 else 5678 { 5679 if (webSeviceConnectionOnline) 5680 { 5681 5682 @*<div class="before-price {{onSale}} dw-mod">{{discount}}</div>*@ 5683 <text> 5684 {{#if showListPrice}} 5685 <div>{{textWithVAT}} {{productListPriceFormatted}}</div> 5686 5687 {{/if}} 5688 </text> 5689 <text> 5690 {{#unless hidePrice}} 5691 <div class=" {{hideSpecificPrice}}">{{textWithoutVAT}} {{specificpriceWithoutVAT}}</div> 5692 {{/unless}} 5693 </text> 5694 } 5695 else 5696 { 5697 <div class="">{{textWithVAT}} {{productListPriceFormatted}}</div> 5698 } 5699 if (showVATPrice) 5700 { 5701 5702 if (isPricesWithVATEnabled) 5703 { 5704 @Translate("excl. VAT") <text>{{priceWithoutVAT }}</text> 5705 } 5706 else 5707 { 5708 @Translate("incl. VAT") <text>{{priceWithVAT}}</text> 5709 } 5710 5711 } 5712 5713 } 5714 } 5715 </div> 5716 </a> 5717 <div class="u-margin-left u-pull--right"> 5718 @if (showAddToCartButton && !onlyPreview) 5719 { 5720 if (pointShopOnly) 5721 { 5722 <button type="button" class="btn btn--primary btn--condensed btn--full u-no-margin dw-mod {{hideBuyOptions}} js-ignore-click-outside {{#unless canBePurchasedWithPoints}}js-stay-disabled{{/unless}}" name="CartCmd" value="addWithPoints" 5723 onclick="Cart.AddToCart(event, { 5724 id: '{{productId}}', 5725 quantity: 1, 5726 buyForPoints: true, 5727 productInfo: {{productInfo}} 5728 }); {{facebookPixelAction}}" {{disabledBuyButton}}> 5729 <i class="@Pageview.AreaSettings.GetItem("Layout").GetItem("Icons").GetList("CartIcon").SelectedValue js-ignore-click-outside"></i> 5730 </button> 5731 } 5732 else 5733 { 5734 <button type="button" class="btn btn--primary btn--condensed btn--full u-no-margin dw-mod {{hideBuyOptions}} js-ignore-click-outside {{disabledBuyButton}}" 5735 onclick="Cart.AddToCart(event, { 5736 id: '{{productId}}', 5737 quantity: 1, 5738 productInfo: {{productInfo}} 5739 }); {{facebookPixelAction}} {{disabledBuyButton}}"> 5740 <i class="@Pageview.AreaSettings.GetItem("Layout").GetItem("Icons").GetList("CartIcon").SelectedValue js-ignore-click-outside"></i> 5741 </button> 5742 } 5743 <a href="{{link}}" onclick="{{googleImpressionClick}}" class="btn btn--secondary btn--condensed btn--full u-no-margin dw-mod {{hideViewMore}} js-ignore-click-outside" title="@Translate("View")">@Translate("View")</a> 5744 } 5745 else if (showViewButton) 5746 { 5747 <a href="{{link}}" onclick="{{googleImpressionClick}}" class="btn btn--secondary btn--condensed btn--full u-no-margin dw-mod js-ignore-click-outside" title="@Translate("View")">@Translate("View")</a> 5748 } 5749 @if (showAddToDownloadButton) 5750 { 5751 <button type="button" class="btn btn--primary u-no-margin btn--condensed dw-mod js-add-to-downloads" title="@Translate("Add")" data-product-id="{{productId}}"> 5752 <i class="fas fa-plus js-button-icon"></i> 5753 </button> 5754 } 5755 </div> 5756 </div> 5757 </li> 5758 {{/ifCond}} 5759 {{#ifCond template "===" "SearchMore"}} 5760 {{>SearchMoreProducts}} 5761 {{/ifCond}} 5762 {{/Product}} 5763 {{else}} 5764 <li class="dropdown__item dropdown__item--seperator dw-mod"> 5765 @Translate("Your search gave 0 results") 5766 </li> 5767 {{/each}} 5768 </script> 5769 5770 <script id="SearchMoreProducts" type="text/x-template"> 5771 <li class="dropdown__item dropdown__item--not-selectable {{stickToBottom}} dw-mod"> 5772 <a href="/Default.aspx?ID=@productsPageId&Search={{searchParameter}}&GroupID={{groupId}}" class="btn btn--primary btn--full u-no-margin dw-mod js-typeahead-link"> 5773 @Translate("View all") 5774 </a> 5775 </li> 5776 </script> 5777 5778 <script id="SearchMorePages" type="text/x-template"> 5779 <li class="dropdown__item dropdown__item--not-selectable {{stickToBottom}} dw-mod"> 5780 <a href="/Default.aspx?ID=@contentSearchPageLink&Search={{searchParameter}}" class="btn btn--primary btn--full u-no-margin dw-mod js-typeahead-link"> 5781 @Translate("View all") 5782 </a> 5783 </li> 5784 </script> 5785 5786 <script id="SearchPagesTemplate" type="text/x-template"> 5787 {{#each .}} 5788 {{#ifCond template "!==" "SearchMore"}} 5789 <li class="dropdown__item dropdown__item--seperator dw-mod"> 5790 <div> 5791 <a href="/Default.aspx?ID={{id}}" class="js-typeahead-link u-pull--left u-color-inherit"> 5792 <div class="u-margin-right u-pull--left"><i class="fa {{icon}} u-w20px u-ta-center"></i></div> 5793 <div class="u-pull--left"> 5794 <div class="u-bold u-truncate-text u-max-w220px js-typeahead-name">{{name}}</div> 5795 </div> 5796 </a> 5797 </div> 5798 </li> 5799 {{/ifCond}} 5800 {{#ifCond template "===" "SearchMore"}} 5801 {{>SearchMorePages}} 5802 {{/ifCond}} 5803 {{else}} 5804 <li class="dropdown__item dropdown__item--seperator dropdown__item--not-selectable dw-mod"> 5805 @Translate("Your search gave 0 results") 5806 </li> 5807 {{/each}} 5808 </script> 5809 5810 <script id="SearchPagesTemplateWrap" type="text/x-template"> 5811 <div class="dropdown__column-header">@Translate("Pages")</div> 5812 <ul class="dropdown__list u-min-w220px u-full-width u-margin-bottom dw-mod"> 5813 {{>SearchPagesTemplate}} 5814 </ul> 5815 </script> 5816 5817 <script id="SearchProductsTemplateWrap" type="text/x-template"> 5818 <div class="dropdown__column-header">@Translate("Products")</div> 5819 <ul class="dropdown__list u-min-w220px u-full-width u-margin-bottom dw-mod"> 5820 {{>SearchProductsTemplate}} 5821 </ul> 5822 </script> 5823 } 5824 5825 5826 @inherits Dynamicweb.Rendering.RazorTemplateBase<Dynamicweb.Rendering.RazorTemplateModel<Dynamicweb.Rendering.Template>> 5827 5828 @using System 5829 @using System.Web 5830 @using System.Collections.Generic 5831 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks.Extensibility 5832 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks 5833 5834 @{ 5835 BlocksPage bottomSnippetsBlocksPage = BlocksPage.GetBlockPage("Master"); 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5880 }); 5881 </script> 5882 } 5883 5884 //if digitalwarehouse 5885 if (Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Layout").GetItem("Header").GetBoolean("ShowDownloadCart")) 5886 { 5887 string cartContextId = Converter.ToString(HttpContext.Current.Application["DownloadCartContext"]); 5888 5889 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cartContextId)) { 5890 var moduleProps = Dynamicweb.Modules.Properties.GetParagraphModuleSettings(GetPageIdByNavigationTag("DownloadCart"), "eCom_CartV2"); 5891 var cartSettings = new Dynamicweb.Ecommerce.Cart.ModuleSettings(moduleProps); 5892 cartContextId = cartSettings.OrderContextID; 5893 HttpContext.Current.Application["DownloadCartContext"] = cartContextId; 5894 } 5895 5896 <script> 5897 let downloadCart = new DownloadCart({ 5898 cartPageId: @GetPageIdByNavigationTag("MiniCartFeed"), 5899 contextId: "@cartContextId", 5900 addButtonText: "@Translate("Add")", 5901 removeButtonText: "@Translate("Remove")" 5902 }); 5903 </script> 5904 } 5905 5906 <!--@Javascripts--> 5907 } 5908 @inherits Dynamicweb.Rendering.RazorTemplateBase<Dynamicweb.Rendering.RazorTemplateModel<Dynamicweb.Rendering.Template>> 5909 5910 @using System 5911 @using System.Web 5912 @using System.Collections.Generic 5913 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks 5914 5915 @{ 5916 BlocksPage masterCustomBlocksPage = BlocksPage.GetBlockPage("Master"); 5917 5918 Block MiniFees = new Block 5919 { 5920 Id = "MiniCartFees", 5921 Template = RenderMiniCartFees1(), 5922 SortId = 30 5923 }; 5924 masterCustomBlocksPage.ReplaceBlock(MiniFees); 5925 5926 Block MiniTotal = new Block 5927 { 5928 Id = "MiniCartTotal", 5929 Template = RenderMiniCartTotal1(), 5930 SortId = 50 5931 }; 5932 masterCustomBlocksPage.ReplaceBlock(MiniTotal); 5933 5934 Block masterDesktopActionsMenuLanguageSelectorCustom = new Block 5935 { 5936 Id = "MasterDesktopActionsMenuLanguageSelector", 5937 SortId = 40, 5938 Template = RenderLanguageSelectorCustom() 5939 }; 5940 5941 masterCustomBlocksPage.ReplaceBlock(masterDesktopActionsMenuLanguageSelectorCustom); 5942 5943 5944 @helper RenderMiniCartFees1() 5945 { 5946 <div class="grid u-border-top grid--external-bleed-bottom"> 5947 <div class="grid__col-6"> 5948 {{paymentmethod}} 5949 </div> 5950 <div class="grid__col-6 grid--align-end">{{paymentfee}}</div> 5951 </div> 5952 <div class="grid grid--external-bleed-bottom"> 5953 <div class="grid__col-6"> 5954 {{shippingmethod}} 5955 </div> 5956 @if (Pageview.User != null) 5957 { 5958 <div class="grid__col-6 grid--align-end">{{shippingfeeWithoutVATFormatted}} {{currencySymbol}}</div> 5959 } 5960 else 5961 { 5962 <div class="grid__col-6 grid--align-end">{{shippingfee}}</div> 5963 } 5964 5965 </div> 5966 <div class="grid grid--external-bleed-bottom"> 5967 <div class="grid__col-6"> 5968 @Translate("VAT") 5969 </div> 5970 <div class="grid__col-6 grid--align-end">{{totalvat}}</div> 5971 5972 </div> 5973 5974 } 5975 @helper RenderMiniCartTotal1() 5976 { 5977 <div class="mini-cart-totals grid u-margin-bottom dw-mod"> 5978 <div class="grid__col-6">@Translate("Total")</div> 5979 @if (Pageview.User != null) 5980 { 5981 <div class="grid__col-6 grid--align-end">{{totalpriceB2B}}</div> 5982 } 5983 else 5984 { 5985 <div class="grid__col-6 grid--align-end">{{totalprice}}</div> 5986 } 5987 5988 </div> 5989 } 5990 5991 } 5992 @inherits Dynamicweb.Rendering.ViewModelTemplate<Dynamicweb.Frontend.PageViewModel> 5993 5994 @using System 5995 @using System.Web 5996 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks.Extensibility 5997 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks 5998 5999 @{ 6000 Block masterDesktopLogoCustom = new Block 6001 { 6002 Id = "MasterDesktopLogo", 6003 SortId = 10, 6004 Template = RenderDesktopLogoCustom(), 6005 Design = new Design 6006 { 6007 Size = "auto-width", 6008 HidePadding = true, 6009 RenderType = RenderType.Column, 6010 CssClass = "custom" 6011 } 6012 }; 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Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Layout").GetFile("LogoImage").PathUrlEncoded : "/Files/Images/logo-dynamicweb.png"; 6023 if (Path.GetExtension(logo).ToLower() != ".svg") 6024 { 6025 int logoHeight = Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Layout").GetInt32("LogoHeight"); 6026 logoHeight = logoHeight > 0 && Pageview.Device.ToString() != "Mobile" ? logoHeight : 40; 6027 logo = "/Admin/Public/GetImage.ashx?height=" + Converter.ToString(logoHeight) + "&amp;crop=5&amp;Compression=75&amp;image=" + logo; 6028 } 6029 else 6030 { 6031 logo = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(logo); 6032 } 6033 6034 <div class="logo @alignClass dw-mod"> 6035 <a href="/Default.aspx?ID=@firstPageId" class="logo__img dw-mod u-block"> 6036 <img class="grid__cell-img logo__img dw-mod" src="@logo" alt="@Translate("Logo")" /> 6037 </a> 6038 </div> 6039 } 6040 @inherits Dynamicweb.Rendering.ViewModelTemplate<Dynamicweb.Frontend.PageViewModel> 6041 6042 @using System 6043 @using System.Web 6044 @using System.Collections.Generic 6045 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks.Extensibility 6046 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks 6047 @using Dynamicweb.Security.UserManagement 6048 6049 @{ 6050 if (Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Layout").GetBoolean("FooterNewsletterSignUp")) 6051 { 6052 Block masterFooterNewsletterSignUpCustom = new Block 6053 { 6054 Id = "MasterFooterNewsletterSignUp", 6055 SortId = 40, 6056 Template = RenderFooterNewsletterSignUpCustom(), 6057 Design = new Design 6058 { 6059 Size = "auto", 6060 RenderType = RenderType.Column 6061 } 6062 }; 6063 masterCustomBlocksPage.ReplaceBlock(masterFooterNewsletterSignUpCustom); 6064 } 6065 6066 } 6067 @helper RenderFooterNewsletterSignUpCustom() 6068 { 6069 string newsletterSignUpPageId = "Default.aspx?ID="+GetPageIdByNavigationTag("NewsletterSignUp").ToString(); 6070 6071 <h3 class="footer__heading dw-mod">@Translate("Mailing list")</h3> 6072 <div class="footer__content dw-mod"> 6073 6074 <label for="NewsletterEmail" class="u-margin-bottom">@Translate("Sign up if you would like to receive occasional treats from us", "Sign up if you would like to receive occasional treats from us")</label> 6075 6076 6077 6078 <a href="@newsletterSignUpPageId" class="btn btn--primary btn--condensed dw-mod">@Translate("Sign up")</a> 6079 </div> 6080 6081 6082 } 6083 @inherits Dynamicweb.Rendering.RazorTemplateBase<Dynamicweb.Rendering.RazorTemplateModel<Dynamicweb.Rendering.Template>> 6084 6085 @using System 6086 @using System.Web 6087 @using System.Collections.Generic 6088 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks.Extensibility 6089 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks 6090 6091 6092 6093 @{ 6094 BlocksPage masterCustomBlocksPageHeader = BlocksPage.GetBlockPage("Master"); 6095 6096 Block mobileHeaderLogoCustom = new Block 6097 { 6098 Id = "MobileHeaderLogo", 6099 SortId = 10, 6100 Template = RenderMobileHeaderLogoCustom() 6101 6102 }; 6103 masterCustomBlocksPageHeader.ReplaceBlock(mobileHeaderLogoCustom); 6104 6105 6106 } 6107 6108 6109 @helper RenderMobileHeaderLogoCustom() 6110 { 6111 List<Block> subBlocks = this.mobileHeaderBlocksPage.GetBlockListById("MobileHeaderLogo").OrderBy(item => item.SortId).ToList(); 6112 6113 var mobileTopLayout = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Layout").GetItem("MobileTop").GetString("Design")) ? Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Layout").GetItem("MobileTop").GetList("Design").SelectedValue : "nav-left"; 6114 string centeredLogo = mobileTopLayout != "nav-right" ? "u-ta-center" : ""; 6115 string firstPageId = Model.Area.FirstActivePage.ID.ToString(); 6116 string businessName = Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Settings").GetString("BusinessName"); 6117 6118 string mobileLogo = "/Files/Images/logo-dynamicweb.png"; 6119 if (Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Layout").GetItem("MobileTop") != null && Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Layout").GetItem("MobileTop").GetFile("Logo") != null) 6120 { 6121 mobileLogo = Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Layout").GetItem("MobileTop").GetFile("Logo").PathUrlEncoded; 6122 } 6123 6124 if (Path.GetExtension(mobileLogo).ToLower() != ".svg") 6125 { 6126 mobileLogo = "/Admin/Public/GetImage.ashx?height=70&amp;crop=5&amp;Compression=99&amp;image=" + mobileLogo; 6127 } 6128 else 6129 { 6130 mobileLogo = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(mobileLogo); 6131 } 6132 6133 <div class="grid__col-auto grid__col--bleed"> 6134 <div class="grid__cell @centeredLogo dfdfdsfdsfdsfsdfds"> 6135 <a href="/Default.aspx?ID=@firstPageId" class="logo logo--mobile u-inline-block dw-mod"> 6136 <img class="grid__cell-img logo__img logo__img--mobile dw-mod" src="@mobileLogo" alt="@businessName" /> 6137 </a> 6138 </div> 6139 6140 @RenderBlockList(subBlocks) 6141 </div> 6142 } 6143 6144 @inherits Dynamicweb.Rendering.RazorTemplateBase<Dynamicweb.Rendering.RazorTemplateModel<Dynamicweb.Rendering.Template>> 6145 6146 @using System 6147 @using System.Web 6148 @using System.Collections.Generic 6149 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks.Extensibility 6150 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks 6151 6152 6153 6154 @{ 6155 BlocksPage masterNavigationBlocksPage = BlocksPage.GetBlockPage("Master"); 6156 6157 Block mobileNavigationCustom = new Block 6158 { 6159 Id = "MobileNavigationMenu", 6160 SortId = 20, 6161 Template = RenderMobileNavigationMenuCustom() 6162 6163 }; 6164 masterNavigationBlocksPage.ReplaceBlock(mobileNavigationCustom); 6165 6166 6167 } 6168 6169 @helper RenderMobileNavigationMenuCustom() 6170 { 6171 bool isSlidesDesign = Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Layout").GetItem("MobileNavigation").GetList("Design").SelectedValue == "Slides"; 6172 string menuTemplate = isSlidesDesign ? "BaseMenuForMobileSlides_Custom.xslt" : "BaseMenuForMobileExpandable.xslt"; 6173 string levels = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Layout").GetItem("MobileNavigation").GetString("Levels")) ? Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Layout").GetItem("MobileNavigation").GetString("Levels") : "3"; 6174 bool renderPagesInToolBar = Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Layout").GetItem("Header").GetBoolean("RenderPagesInToolBar"); 6175 int startLevel = renderPagesInToolBar ? 1 : 0; 6176 6177 6178 @RenderNavigation(new 6179 { 6180 id = "mobilenavigation", 6181 cssclass = "menu menu-mobile dwnavigation", 6182 startLevel = @startLevel, 6183 ecomStartLevel = @startLevel + 1, 6184 endlevel = @levels, 6185 expandmode = "all", 6186 template = @menuTemplate 6187 }) 6188 6189 if (isSlidesDesign) 6190 { 6191 <script> 6192 function goToLevel(level) { 6193 document.getElementById('mobileNavigationWrapper').style.left = -(level * 100) + "%"; 6194 } 6195 6196 document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () { 6197 goToLevel(document.getElementById('mobileNavigationWrapper').querySelectorAll('input[type=radio]:checked').length); 6198 }); 6199 </script> 6200 } 6201 6202 if (renderPagesInToolBar) 6203 { 6204 @RenderNavigation(new 6205 { 6206 id = "topToolsMobileNavigation", 6207 cssclass = "menu menu-mobile dwnavigation", 6208 template = "ToolsMenuForMobile.xslt" 6209 }) 6210 } 6211 } 6212 @inherits Dynamicweb.Rendering.ViewModelTemplate<Dynamicweb.Frontend.PageViewModel> 6213 6214 @using System 6215 @using System.Web 6216 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks.Extensibility 6217 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks 6218 @functions { 6219 BlocksPage headerBlocksPageCustom = BlocksPage.GetBlockPage("Master"); 6220 } 6221 @{ 6222 if (Pageview.Device.ToString() != "Mobile" && Pageview.Device.ToString() != "Tablet") 6223 { 6224 Block masterDesktopETag = new Block() 6225 { 6226 Id = "MasterDesktopETag", 6227 SortId = 10, 6228 Template = RenderDesktopETag(), 6229 Design = new Design 6230 { 6231 CssClass = "e-tag" 6232 } 6233 }; 6234 6235 headerBlocksPageCustom.Add("MasterHeader", masterDesktopETag); 6236 } 6237 else 6238 { 6239 Block masterMobileETag = new Block() 6240 { 6241 Id = "MasterMobileETag", 6242 SortId = 10, 6243 Template = RenderMobileETag(), 6244 Design = new Design 6245 { 6246 CssClass = "e-tag" 6247 } 6248 6249 }; 6250 6251 headerBlocksPageCustom.Add("MasterHeader", masterMobileETag); 6252 } 6253 } 6254 6255 6256 @helper RenderDesktopETag() 6257 { 6258 var customWebsiteSettingsTab = ItemManager.Storage.GetById("CustomSettings", Pageview.Area.Item["Custom"] as string); 6259 if (customWebsiteSettingsTab != null) 6260 { 6261 var customWebsiteSettings = ItemManager.Storage.GetById("CustomWebsiteSettings", customWebsiteSettingsTab["CustomSettings"] as string); 6262 if (customWebsiteSettings != null) 6263 { 6264 var etagImage = customWebsiteSettings["ETag_Image"]; 6265 var etagLink = customWebsiteSettings["ETagLink"]; 6266 var etagText = customWebsiteSettings["ETagText"]; 6267 6268 if (etagImage != null) 6269 { 6270 if (Path.GetExtension(etagImage.ToString()).ToLower() != ".svg") 6271 { 6272 etagImage = "/Admin/Public/GetImage.ashx?height=70&amp;crop=5&amp;Compression=75&amp;image=" + etagImage.ToString(); 6273 } 6274 else 6275 { 6276 etagImage = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(etagImage.ToString()); 6277 } 6278 <div class="tag dw-mod"> 6279 <a href="@etagLink" class="tag__img dw-mod u-block" target="_blank"> 6280 <div class="img-tag"> 6281 <img class="grid__cell-img tag__img dw-mod" src="@etagImage" alt="@Translate("e-market")" /> 6282 </div> 6283 <div class="text-tag"> 6284 6285 @etagText 6286 6287 </div> 6288 </a> 6289 6290 </div> 6291 } 6292 } 6293 } 6294 6295 6296 6297 } 6298 @helper RenderMobileETag() 6299 { 6300 List<Block> subBlocks = this.headerBlocksPageCustom.GetBlockListById("MobileHeaderLogo").OrderBy(item => item.SortId).ToList(); 6301 6302 var customWebsiteSettingsTab = ItemManager.Storage.GetById("CustomSettings", Pageview.Area.Item["Custom"] as string); 6303 if (customWebsiteSettingsTab != null) 6304 { 6305 var customWebsiteSettings = ItemManager.Storage.GetById("CustomWebsiteSettings", customWebsiteSettingsTab["CustomSettings"] as string); 6306 if (customWebsiteSettings != null) 6307 { 6308 var etagImage = customWebsiteSettings["ETag_Image"]; 6309 var etagLink = customWebsiteSettings["ETagLink"]; 6310 var etagText = customWebsiteSettings["ETagText"]; 6311 var styleSvg = ""; 6312 if (etagImage != null) 6313 { 6314 if (Path.GetExtension(etagImage.ToString()).ToLower() != ".svg") 6315 { 6316 etagImage = "/Admin/Public/GetImage.ashx?height=30&amp;crop=5&amp;Compression=99&amp;image=" + etagImage.ToString(); 6317 } 6318 else 6319 { 6320 etagImage = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(etagImage.ToString()); 6321 6322 } 6323 6324 6325 <div class="tag dw-mod"> 6326 <a href="@etagLink" class="tag__img dw-mod u-block" target="_blank"> 6327 <div class="img-tag"> 6328 <img class="grid__cell-img tag__img dw-mod" src="@etagImage" alt="@Translate("e-market")" @styleSvg /> 6329 </div> 6330 <div class="text-tag"> 6331 6332 @etagText 6333 6334 </div> 6335 </a> 6336 </div> 6337 6338 6339 6340 @RenderBlockList(subBlocks) 6341 } 6342 } 6343 } 6344 6345 6346 6347 } 6348 @inherits Dynamicweb.Rendering.ViewModelTemplate<Dynamicweb.Frontend.PageViewModel> 6349 6350 @using System 6351 @using System.Web 6352 @using Dynamicweb.Core; 6353 @using System.Text.RegularExpressions 6354 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks.Extensibility 6355 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks 6356 6357 6358 @helper RenderLanguageSelectorCustom() 6359 { 6360 string topLayout = Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Layout").GetItem("Header").GetList("TopLayout") != null ? Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Layout").GetItem("Header").GetList("TopLayout").SelectedValue : "normal"; 6361 string liClasses = topLayout != "normal" ? "menu__item--top-level u-hidden-xxs" : "menu--clean"; 6362 string menuLinkClass = topLayout != "normal" ? "menu__link menu__link--icon" : "header-menu__link header-menu__link--icon"; 6363 string languageViewType = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Layout").GetItem("Header").GetList("LanguageSelector").SelectedValue) ? Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Layout").GetItem("Header").GetList("LanguageSelector").SelectedValue.ToLower() : ""; 6364 string[] notAllowedLangs = new[] { "Norwegian", "Deutsch", "English", "Swedish", "Danish", "Finnish", "Icelandic" }; 6365 var currentLanguage = Model.Languages?.FirstOrDefault(x => x.IsCurrent == true); 6366 bool isAllowed = Model.Languages.Any(x => (!notAllowedLangs.Contains(x.Name) && x.IsCurrent != true)); 6367 if (isAllowed) 6368 { 6369 if (Model.Languages.Count > 1) 6370 { 6371 <li class="menu__item menu__item--horizontal @liClasses menu__item--icon is-dropdown is-dropdown--no-icon dw-mod"> 6372 <div class="@menuLinkClass dw-mod"> 6373 <i class="@Pageview.AreaSettings.GetItem("Layout").GetItem("Icons").GetList("LanguageIcon").SelectedValue fa-1_5x"></i> 6374 </div> 6375 <div class="menu menu--dropdown menu--dropdown-right languages-dropdown dw-mod grid__cell"> 6376 @foreach (var lang in Model.Languages) 6377 { 6378 string langInfo = "<span class=\"flag-icon flag-icon-" + Dynamicweb.Services.Areas.GetArea(lang.ID).EcomCountryCode.ToLower() + " u-margin-right\"></span>" + lang.Name; 6379 string cultureName = Regex.Replace(Dynamicweb.Services.Areas.GetArea(lang.ID).CultureInfo.NativeName, @" ?\(.*?\)", string.Empty); 6380 cultureName = char.ToUpper(cultureName[0]) + cultureName.Substring(1); 6381 6382 if (languageViewType == "flag-culture") 6383 { 6384 langInfo = "<span class=\"flag-icon flag-icon-" + Dynamicweb.Services.Areas.GetArea(lang.ID).EcomCountryCode.ToLower() + " \"></span> " + cultureName; 6385 } 6386 6387 if (languageViewType == "flag") 6388 { 6389 langInfo = "<span class=\"flag-icon flag-icon-" + Dynamicweb.Services.Areas.GetArea(lang.ID).EcomCountryCode.ToLower() + " \"></span>"; 6390 } 6391 6392 if (languageViewType == "name") 6393 { 6394 langInfo = lang.Name; 6395 } 6396 6397 if (languageViewType == "culture") 6398 { 6399 langInfo = cultureName; 6400 } 6401 6402 <a href="/Default.aspx?AreaID=@Dynamicweb.Services.Pages.GetPage(lang.Page.ID).Area.ID" class="menu-dropdown__item menu-dropdown__item--link dw-mod">@langInfo</a> 6403 } 6404 </div> 6405 </li> 6406 } 6407 } 6408 } 6409 6410 6411 6412 6413 @functions { 6414 public class ManifestIcon 6415 { 6416 public string src { get; set; } 6417 public string type { get; set; } 6418 public string sizes { get; set; } 6419 } 6420 6421 public class Manifest 6422 { 6423 public string name { get; set; } 6424 public string short_name { get; set; } 6425 public string start_url { get; set; } 6426 public string display { get; set; } 6427 public string background_color { get; set; } 6428 public string theme_color { get; set; } 6429 public List<ManifestIcon> icons { get; set; } 6430 } 6431 } 6432 @{ 6433 if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Settings").GetString("AppName")) && Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Settings").GetFile("AppIcon") != null) { 6434 Manifest manifest = new Manifest 6435 { 6436 name = Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Settings").GetString("AppName"), 6437 short_name = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Settings").GetString("AppShortName")) ? Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Settings").GetString("AppShortName") : Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Settings").GetString("AppName"), 6438 start_url = "/", 6439 display = "standalone", 6440 background_color = Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Settings").GetString("AppBackgroundColor"), 6441 theme_color = Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Settings").GetString("AppThemeColor") 6442 }; 6443 6444 manifest.icons = new List<ManifestIcon> { 6445 new ManifestIcon { 6446 src = "/Admin/Public/GetImage.ashx?width=192&height=192&crop=5&image=" + Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Settings").GetFile("AppIcon").PathUrlEncoded, 6447 sizes = "192x192", 6448 type = "image/png" 6449 }, 6450 new ManifestIcon { 6451 src = "/Admin/Public/GetImage.ashx?width=512&height=512&crop=5&image=" + Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Settings").GetFile("AppIcon").PathUrlEncoded, 6452 sizes = "512x512", 6453 type = "image/png" 6454 }, 6455 new ManifestIcon { 6456 src = "/Admin/Public/GetImage.ashx?width=1024&height=1024&crop=5&image=" + Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Settings").GetFile("AppIcon").PathUrlEncoded, 6457 sizes = "1024x1024", 6458 type = "image/png" 6459 } 6460 }; 6461 6462 string manifestFilePath = HttpContext.Current.Request.MapPath("/Files/Templates/Designs/Rapido/manifest.json"); 6463 string manifestJSON = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(manifest); 6464 string currentManifest = File.ReadAllText(manifestFilePath); 6465 6466 if (manifestJSON != currentManifest) 6467 { 6468 File.WriteAllText(manifestFilePath, manifestJSON); 6469 } 6470 } 6471 } 6472 6473 @{ 6474 var swatches = new Dynamicweb.Content.Items.ColorSwatchService(); 6475 var brandColors = swatches.GetColorSwatch(1); 6476 string brandColorOne = brandColors.Palette["BrandColor1"]; 6477 } 6478 6479 <!DOCTYPE html> 6480 6481 <html lang="@Pageview.Area.CultureInfo.TwoLetterISOLanguageName"> 6482 <head> 6483 <!-- Rapido version 3.1 --> 6484 <meta charset="utf-8" /> 6485 <title>@Model.Title</title> 6486 <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> 6487 <meta name="robots" content="index, follow"> 6488 <meta name="theme-color" content="@brandColorOne" /> 6489 6490 @Model.MetaTags 6491 6492 <!-- Favicon --> 6493 <link href="@favicon" rel="icon" type="image/png"> 6494 6495 <!-- Base (Default, wireframe) styles --> 6496 <link rel="stylesheet" href="/Files/Templates/Designs/Rapido/css/base/base.min.css" type="text/css"> 6497 6498 <!-- Rapido Css from Website Settings --> 6499 <link rel="stylesheet" id="rapidoCss" href="@autoCssLink" type="text/css"> 6500 6501 <!-- Ignite Css (Custom site specific styles) --> 6502 <link rel="stylesheet" id="igniteCss" type="text/css" href="/Files/Templates/Designs/Rapido/css/ignite/ignite.min.css"> 6503 6504 <!-- Font awesome --> 6505 <link rel="stylesheet" href="@fontAwesomeCssLink" type="text/css"> 6506 6507 <!-- Flag icon --> 6508 <link rel="stylesheet" href="/Files/Templates/Designs/Rapido/css/fonts/flag-icon.min.css" type="text/css"> 6509 6510 <!-- Google fonts --> 6511 @{ 6512 var family = string.Join("%7C", fonts.Where(x => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(x)).Distinct().Select(x => string.Format("{0}:100,200,300,400,500,600,700,800,900", x))); 6513 } 6514 <link href="" rel="stylesheet"> 6515 @{ 6516 PushPromise(favicon); 6517 PushPromise(fontAwesomeCssLink); 6518 PushPromise("/Files/Templates/Designs/Rapido/css/base/base.min.css"); 6519 PushPromise(autoCssLink); 6520 PushPromise("/Files/Templates/Designs/Rapido/css/ignite/ignite.min.css"); 6521 PushPromise("/Files/Images/placeholder.gif"); 6522 PushPromise("/Files/Templates/Designs/Rapido/css/fonts/flag-icon.min.css"); 6523 } 6524 6525 @if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Settings").GetString("AppName"))) 6526 { 6527 <link rel="manifest" href="/Files/Templates/Designs/Rapido/manifest.json"> 6528 PushPromise("/Files/Templates/Designs/Rapido/manifest.json"); 6529 } 6530 </head> 6531 6532 <body> 6533 6534 @* The @RenderBlockList base helper is included in Components/GridBuilder.cshtml *@ 6535 @RenderBlockList(masterPage.BlocksRoot.BlocksList) 6536 6537 6538 @helper RenderMasterHeader() 6539 { 6540 List<Block> subBlocks = this.masterPage.GetBlockListById("MasterHeader").OrderBy(item => item.SortId).ToList(); 6541 bool isNavigationStickyMenu = Pageview.Device.ToString() != "Mobile" && Pageview.Device.ToString() != "Tablet" && Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Layout").GetItem("Header").GetBoolean("StickyTop"); 6542 string stickyTop = isNavigationStickyMenu ? "top-container--sticky" : ""; 6543 6544 <header class="top-container @stickyTop dw-mod" id="Top"> 6545 @RenderBlockList(subBlocks) 6546 </header> 6547 } 6548 6549 @helper RenderMain() 6550 { 6551 List<Block> subBlocks = this.masterPage.GetBlockListById("MasterMain").OrderBy(item => item.SortId).ToList(); 6552 6553 <main class="site dw-mod"> 6554 @RenderBlockList(subBlocks) 6555 </main> 6556 } 6557 6558 @helper RenderPageContent() 6559 { 6560 bool isNavigationStickyMenu = Pageview.Device.ToString() != "Mobile" && Pageview.Device.ToString() != "Tablet" && Model.Area.Item.GetItem("Layout").GetItem("Header").GetBoolean("StickyTop"); 6561 string pagePos = isNavigationStickyMenu ? "js-page-pos" : ""; 6562 6563 <div id="Page" class="page @pagePos"> 6564 <section class="center-container content-container dw-mod" id="content"> 6565 @inherits Dynamicweb.Rendering.ViewModelTemplate<Dynamicweb.Frontend.PageViewModel> 6566 6567 6568 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks.Components 6569 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks.Components.Articles 6570 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks.Components.General 6571 @using Dynamicweb.Rapido.Blocks 6572 6573 @functions { 6574 BlocksPage articlePage = BlocksPage.GetBlockPage("BlogArticle"); 6575 } 6576 6577 @{ 6578 ArticleHeader topBanner = new ArticleHeader 6579 { 6580 Layout = ArticleHeaderLayout.Banner, 6581 Image = new Image { Path = Model.Item.GetFile("Image").PathUrlEncoded }, 6582 Heading = Model.Item.GetString("Title"), 6583 Subheading = Model.Item.GetString("Summary"), 6584 TextColor = "#fff", 6585 Category = Model.Item.GetString("Author"), 6586 Date = Model.Item.GetString("Date"), 6587 ButtonLayout = ButtonLayout.Primary, 6588 TextLayout = ArticleHeaderTextLayout.Full 6589 }; 6590 6591 Block articleContainer = new Block 6592 { 6593 Id = "ArticleContainer", 6594 SortId = 10, 6595 Design = new Design 6596 { 6597 RenderType = RenderType.Row 6598 }, 6599 BlocksList = new List<Block> { 6600 new Block { 6601 Id = "ArticleHeader", 6602 SortId = 20, 6603 Component = topBanner, 6604 Design = new Design { 6605 RenderType = RenderType.Column, 6606 Size = "12", 6607 HidePadding = true, 6608 CssClass = "article-head" 6609 } 6610 }, 6611 new Block { 6612 Id = "ArticleBody", 6613 SortId = 30, 6614 Design = new Design { 6615 RenderType = RenderType.Column, 6616 Size = "8" 6617 }, 6618 BlocksList = new List<Block> { 6619 new Block { 6620 Id = "ArticleBodyRow", 6621 SortId = 10, 6622 Design = new Design { 6623 RenderType = RenderType.Row 6624 }, 6625 BlocksList = new List<Block> { 6626 new Block { 6627 Id = "ArticleText", 6628 SortId = 10, 6629 Component = new ArticleText { Text = Model.Item.GetString("Text") }, 6630 Design = new Design { 6631 RenderType = RenderType.Column, 6632 Size = "12", 6633 CssClass = "u-padding--lg" 6634 } 6635 }, 6636 new Block { 6637 Id = "ArticleLink", 6638 SortId = 20, 6639 Component = new ArticleLink { Link = Model.Item.GetString("Link"), Title = Model.Item.GetString("LinkText"), ButtonLayout = ButtonLayout.Primary }, 6640 Design = new Design { 6641 RenderType = RenderType.Column, 6642 Size = "12", 6643 CssClass = "u-padding--lg u-ta-right" 6644 } 6645 } 6646 } 6647 } 6648 } 6649 } 6650 } 6651 }; 6652 articlePage.Add(articleContainer); 6653 6654 if (Model.PropertyItem.GetList("ShowBreadcrumb").SelectedValue == "True") 6655 { 6656 Block breadcrumb = new Block 6657 { 6658 Id = "ArticleBreadcrumb", 6659 SortId = 10, 6660 Component = new BreadcrumbNavigation { }, 6661 Design = new Design 6662 { 6663 RenderType = RenderType.Column, 6664 Size = "12" 6665 } 6666 }; 6667 articlePage.Add("ArticleContainer", breadcrumb); 6668 } 6669 } 6670 6671 @* The @RenderBlockList base helper is included in Components/GridBuilder.cshtml *@ 6672 @RenderBlockList(articlePage.BlocksRoot.BlocksList) 6673 6674 </section> 6675 </div> 6676 } 6677 6678 </body> 6679 </html> 6680 6681